6 research outputs found

    Tennis-specific extension of the International Olympic Committee consensus statement: methods for recording and reporting of epidemiological data on injury and illness in sport 2020

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    The IOC has proposed standard methods for recording and reporting of data for injury and illness in sport. The IOC consensus statement authors anticipated that sport-specific statements would provide further recommendations. This statement is the tennis-specific extension of the partner IOC statement. The International Tennis Federation Sport Science and Medicine Committee, in collaboration with selected external experts, met in June 2019 to consider athlete health monitoring issues specific to tennis. Once the IOC consensus statement was finalised, the tennis-specific consensus was drafted and agreed on by the members over three iterations. Compared with the IOC consensus statement, the tennis consensus contains tennis-specific information on injury mechanism, mode of onset, injury classification, injury duration, capturing and reporting exposure, reporting risk and study population. Our recommendations apply to able-bodied as well as wheelchair tennis players. Where applicable, specific recommendations are made for wheelchair tennis

    Efeitos da fadiga muscular induzida por exercícios no tempo de reação muscular dos fibulares em indivíduos sadios Efectos de la fatiga muscular inducida por ejercicios sobre el tiempo de reacción muscular peronea en individuos sanos Effects of the exercise-induced muscular fatigue on the time of muscular reaction of the fibularis in healthy individuals

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    A fadiga muscular (FM) é um fenômeno comum nas atividades esportivas e diárias, resultando numa piora da performance motora. Ela é considerada um dos fatores causadores de lesões músculo-esqueléticas. A entorse de tornozelo é um exemplo: a FM afetaria tanto o sistema aferente quanto o eferente. Vários estudos têm analisado a influência da FM no controle neuromuscular (CNM); entretanto, existe pouca pesquisa sobre essa influência na velocidade de reação dos músculos. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos da FM no tempo de reação muscular (TRM) dos músculos fibulares, que são os primeiros a responder a um estresse em inversão do tornozelo. Foram estudados 14 indivíduos saudáveis masculinos (idade: 20-35 anos), que tiveram seus TRM avaliados por meio de eletromiografia (EMG) de superfície. O início da atividade muscular foi definido como a média de repouso + 3x o desvio-padrão (DP). O TRM dos fibulares foi mensurado após uma inversão súbita de 20º realizada numa plataforma. A inversão súbita foi realizada antes e depois da fadiga muscular, que foi induzida por exercícios localizados dos fibulares até a exaustão. Os resultados mostraram que houve um aumento significativo do tempo de reação muscular após a fadiga (p < 0,01). Durante atividades esportivas prolongadas e durante o processo de reabilitação, deve-se ter cautela na realização de tarefas que requeiram respostas musculares extremamente rápidas sob condições de fadiga muscular.<br>La fatiga muscular (FM) es un fenómeno común en las actividades diarias, produciendo un empeoramiento de la actuación. Se la considera una de las causas de factores lesionantes musculares de esqueleto. El esguince del tobillo es un ejemplo: La FM afectaría tanto el sistema aferente cuanto el eferente. Varios estudios han estado analizando la influencia de FM en el comando neuromuscular (CNM), sin embargo, la existen pocas investigaciones sobre la influencia en la velocidad de reacción de los músculos. El objetivo de ese estudio era verificar los efectos de FM en el tiempo de reacción muscular (TRM) de los músculos peroneos, que son los primeros en responder a una tensión en la inversión del tobillo. Se estudiaron 14 individuos saludables masculinos (con edad: entre 20-35 años), que tenían su TRM estimado a través de la eletromiografia (EMG) de superficie. El principio de la actividad muscular se definió como el promedio del resto + 3x la desviación normal (DP). TRM de músculos peroneos estava moderado después de una inversión súbita de 20º cumplida en una plataforma. La inversión súbita se realizaba antes y después de la fatiga muscular, que era inducido por los ejercicios localizados en los músculos peróneos hasta agotamiento. Los resultados mostraron que había un aumento significante del tiempo de reacción muscular después de la fatiga (p < 0.01). Durante las actividades deportivas y durante el proceso de la rehabilitación, debe tenerse cautela en la realización de las tareas que se solicitan como respuestas musculares sumamente rápidas bajo las condiciones de fatiga muscular.<br>The muscular fatigue (MF) is a common phenomenon in the daily sports activities that results in a worsening of the motor performance. It is considered one of the major factors for muscle-skeletal damages, such as the ankle sprain, when the MF would affect both the afferent and the efferent systems. Several studies have been analyzing the influence of the MF on the neuromuscular control (NMC). Nevertheless, there are few researches comprising that influence on the velocity of the muscular reaction. The purpose of this study was to check the effects of the MF on the time of the muscular reaction (TMR) in the fibularis muscles, which are the first to respond to an inversion stress of the ankle. Fourteen healthy male individuals (age: 20-35 years) were studied, who had their TMR assessed by means of the surface electromyography (EMG). The beginning of the muscular activity was defined as the mean resting value +3x the standard deviation (SD). The TMR of the fibularis was measured after a sudden 20º inversion performed on a platform. The sudden inversion was performed before and after the muscular fatigue, which was induced through localized exercises of the fibularis up to the exhaustion. The results have shown a significant increase in the time of the muscular reaction after the fatigue (p < 0.01). While performing prolonged sportive activities and during the rehabilitation process, there must be caution to perform tasks that require extremely fast muscular responses

    Unleashing the untold and misunderstood observations on vitamin E

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    Paradoxically, meta-analysis of human randomized controlled trials revealed that natural but not synthetic α-tocopherol supplementation significantly increases all-cause mortality at 95% confidence interval. The root cause was that natural α-tocopherol supplementation significantly depressed bioavailability of other forms of vitamin E that have better chemo-prevention capability. Meta-analysis outcome demonstrated flaws in the understanding of vitamin E. Reinterpretation of reported data provides plausible explanations to several important observations. While α-tocopherol is almost exclusively secreted in chylomicrons, enterocytes secrete tocotrienols in both chylomicrons and small high-density lipoproteins. Vitamin E secreted in chylomicrons is discriminately repacked by α-tocopherol transfer protein into nascent very low-density lipoproteins in the liver. Circulating very low-density lipoproteins undergo delipidation to form intermediate-density lipoproteins and low-density lipoproteins. Uptake of vitamin E in intermediate-density lipoproteins and low-density lipoproteins takes place at various tissues via low-density lipoproteins receptor–mediated endocytosis. Small high-density lipoproteins can deliver tocotrienols upon maturation to peripheral tissues independent of α-tocopherol transfer protein action, and uptake of vitamin E takes place at selective tissues by scavenger receptor–mediated direct vitamin E uptake. Dual absorption pathways for tocotrienols are consistent with human and animal studies. α-Tocopherol depresses the bioavailability of α-tocotrienol and has antagonistic effect on tocotrienols in chemo-prevention against degenerative diseases. Therefore, it is an undesirable component for chemo-prevention. Future research directions should be focused on tocotrienols, preferably free from α-tocopherol, for optimum chemo-prevention and benefits to mankind