20 research outputs found

    Abnormalities of sodium handling and of cardiovascular adaptations during high salt diet in patients with mild heart failure.

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    BACKGROUND: Sodium retention and hormonal activation are fundamental hallmarks in congestive heart failure. The present study was designed to assess the ability of patients with asymptomatic to mildly symptomatic heart failure and no signs or symptoms of congestion to excrete ingested sodium and to identify possible early abnormalities of hormonal and hemodynamic mechanisms related to sodium handling. METHODS AND RESULTS: The effects of a high salt diet (250 mEq/day for 6 days) on hemodynamics, salt-regulating hormones, and renal excretory response were investigated in a balanced study in 12 untreated patients with idiopathic or ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy and mild heart failure (NYHA class I-II, ejection fraction < 50%) (HF) and in 12 normal subjects, who had been previously maintained a 100 mEq/day NaCl diet. In normal subjects, high salt diet was associated with significant increases of echocardiographically measured left ventricular end-diastolic volume, ejection fraction, and stroke volume (all P < .001) and with a reduction of total peripheral resistance (P < .001). In addition, plasma atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) levels increased (P < .05), and plasma renin activity and aldosterone concentrations fell (both P < .001) in normals in response to salt excess. In HF patients, both left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes increased in response to high salt diet, whereas ejection fraction and stroke volume failed to increase, and total peripheral resistance did not change during high salt diet. In addition, plasma ANF levels did not rise in HF in response to salt loading, whereas plasma renin activity and aldosterone concentrations were as much suppressed as in normals. Although urinary sodium excretions were not significantly different in the two groups, there was a small but systematic reduction of daily sodium excretion in HF, which resulted in a significantly higher cumulative sodium balance in HF than in normals during the high salt diet period (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: These results show a reduced ability to excrete a sodium load and early abnormalities of cardiac and hemodynamic adaptations to salt excess in patients with mild heart failure and no signs or symptoms of congestion

    A systematic review of economic analyses of telehealth services using real time video communication

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    Background: Telehealth is the delivery of health care at a distance, using information and communication technology. The major rationales for its introduction have been to decrease costs, improve efficiency and increase access in health care delivery. This systematic review assesses the economic value of one type of telehealth delivery - synchronous or real time video communication - rather than examining a heterogeneous range of delivery modes as has been the case with previous reviews in this area. Methods A systematic search was undertaken for economic analyses of the clinical use of telehealth, ending in June 2009. Studies with patient outcome data and a non-telehealth comparator were included. Cost analyses, non-comparative studies and those where patient satisfaction was the only health outcome were excluded. Results 36 articles met the inclusion criteria. 22(61%) of the studies found telehealth to be less costly than the non-telehealth alternative, 11(31%) found greater costs and 3 (9%) gave the same or mixed results. 23 of the studies took the perspective of the health services, 12 were societal, and one was from the patient perspective. In three studies of telehealth to rural areas, the health services paid more for telehealth, but due to savings in patient travel, the societal perspective demonstrated cost savings. In regard to health outcomes, 12 (33%) of studies found improved health outcomes, 21 (58%) found outcomes were not significantly different, 2(6%) found that telehealth was less effective, and 1 (3%) found outcomes differed according to patient group. The organisational model of care was more important in determining the value of the service than the clinical discipline, the type of technology, or the date of the study. Conclusion Delivery of health services by real time video communication was cost-effective for home care and access to on-call hospital specialists, showed mixed results for rural service delivery, and was not cost-effective for local delivery of services between hospitals and primary care

    Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition restores cardiac and hormonal responses to volume overload in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and mild heart failure.

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    BACKGROUND: Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition exerts a favorable effect on the response to exercise in heart failure. This study was planned to define the influence of ACE inhibition on the adaptation to volume overload. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied the hemodynamic, hormonal, and renal responses to acute volume expansion (sodium chloride, 0.9%, 0.25 ml.kg-1.min-1 for 2 hours) in patients with idiopathic or ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy and mild heart failure (New York Heart Association class I or II, ejection fraction < or = 50%). The patients were studied without any pretreatment (n = 14) or after 1 week of treatment with the oral ACE inhibitor quinapril at a dosage of 10 mg/day (n = 11). Seven patients were studied during constant intravenous infusion with nitroglycerin (0.1 micrograms.kg-1.min-1). The study groups had similar hemodynamic and clinical characteristics and hormonal profile at baseline evaluation. In the untreated patients, volume expansion did not increase left ventricular end-diastolic volume measured by echocardiography and was associated with a reduction in ejection fraction (p < 0.05) and with a paradoxical increase in forearm vascular resistance (p < 0.05) estimated by plethysmography. In addition, plasma atrial natriuretic factor did not change, and plasma norepinephrine was increased by saline loading. In contrast, in the patients treated with quinapril, volume expansion induced an increase of both left ventricular volumes (p < 0.001) without changing ejection fraction and reduced forearm vascular resistance (p < 0.05). In addition, in this group, plasma atrial natriuretic factor levels increased (p < 0.05) and plasma norepinephrine did not change during volume overload. During nitroglycerin infusion, volume expansion was associated with peripheral vasodilatation, increases of left ventricular volumes, and no change in ejection fraction. In this group, however, plasma atrial natriuretic factor levels did not change in response to volume overload. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that pretreatment with the ACE inhibitor quinapril significantly improves compromised responses to acute isotonic volume overload in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and mild heart failure. The favorable influence of ACE inhibition on cardiovascular and hormonal responses to volume expansion seems to be related to the cardiac unloading produced by this treatmen