44 research outputs found

    Natural and Vaccine-Mediated Immunity to Salmonella Typhimurium is Impaired by the Helminth Nippostrongylus brasiliensis

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    The impact of exposure to multiple pathogens concurrently or consecutively on immune function is unclear. Here, immune responses induced by combinations of the bacterium Salmonella Typhimurium (STm) and the helminth Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (Nb), which causes a murine hookworm infection and an experimental porin protein vaccine against STm, were examined. Mice infected with both STm and Nb induced similar numbers of Th1 and Th2 lymphocytes compared with singly infected mice, as determined by flow cytometry, although lower levels of secreted Th2, but not Th1 cytokines were detected by ELISA after re-stimulation of splenocytes. Furthermore, the density of FoxP3+ T cells in the T zone of co-infected mice was lower compared to mice that only received Nb, but was greater than those that received STm. This reflected the intermediate levels of IL-10 detected from splenocytes. Co-infection compromised clearance of both pathogens, with worms still detectable in mice weeks after they were cleared in the control group. Despite altered control of bacterial and helminth colonization in co-infected mice, robust extrafollicular Th1 and Th2-reflecting immunoglobulin-switching profiles were detected, with IgG2a, IgG1 and IgE plasma cells all detected in parallel. Whilst extrafollicular antibody responses were maintained in the first weeks after co-infection, the GC response was less than that in mice infected with Nb only. Nb infection resulted in some abrogation of the longer-term development of anti-STm IgG responses. This suggested that prior Nb infection may modulate the induction of protective antibody responses to vaccination. To assess this we immunized mice with porins, which confer protection in an antibody-dependent manner, before challenging with STm. Mice that had resolved a Nb infection prior to immunization induced less anti-porin IgG and had compromised protection against infection. These findings demonstrate that co-infection can radically alter the development of protective immunity during natural infection and in response to immunization

    IgG1 Is Required for Optimal Protection after Immunization with the Purified Porin OmpD from Salmonella Typhimurium

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    In mice, the IgG subclass induced after Ag encounter can reflect the nature of the Ag. Th2 Ags such as alum-precipitated proteins and helminths induce IgG1, whereas Th1 Ags, such as Salmonella Typhimurium, predominantly induce IgG2a. The contribution of different IgG isotypes to protection against bacteria such as S. Typhimurium is unclear, although as IgG2a is induced by natural infection, it is assumed this isotype is important. Previously, we have shown that purified S. Typhimurium porins including outer membrane protein OmpD, which induce both IgG1 and IgG2a in mice, provide protection to S. Typhimurium infection via Ab. In this study we report the unexpected finding that mice lacking IgG1, but not IgG2a, are substantially less protected after porin immunization than wild-type controls. IgG1-deficient mice produce more porin-specific IgG2a, resulting in total IgG levels that are similar to wild-type mice. The decreased protection in IgG1-deficient mice correlates with less efficient bacterial opsonization and uptake by macrophages, and this reflects the low binding of outer membrane protein OmpD-specific IgG2a to the bacterial surface. Thus, the Th2-associated isotype IgG1 can play a role in protection against Th1-associated organisms such as S. Typhimurium. Therefore, individual IgG subclasses to a single Ag can provide different levels of protection and the IgG isotype induced may need to be a consideration when designing vaccines and immunization strategies

    IgG1 is required for optimal protection after immunization with the purified porin OmpD from Salmonella typhimurium.

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    In mice, the IgG subclass induced after Ag encounter can reflect the nature of the Ag. Th2 Ags such as alum-precipitated proteins and helminths induce IgG1, whereas Th1 Ags, such as Salmonella Typhimurium, predominantly induce IgG2a. The contribution of different IgG isotypes to protection against bacteria such as S. Typhimurium is unclear, although as IgG2a is induced by natural infection, it is assumed this isotype is important. Previously, we have shown that purified S. Typhimurium porins including outer membrane protein OmpD, which induce both IgG1 and IgG2a in mice, provide protection to S. Typhimurium infection via Ab. In this study we report the unexpected finding that mice lacking IgG1, but not IgG2a, are substantially less protected after porin immunization than wild-type controls. IgG1-deficient mice produce more porin-specific IgG2a, resulting in total IgG levels that are similar to wild-type mice. The decreased protection in IgG1-deficient mice correlates with less efficient bacterial opsonization and uptake by macrophages, and this reflects the low binding of outer membrane protein OmpD-specific IgG2a to the bacterial surface. Thus, the Th2-associated isotype IgG1 can play a role in protection against Th1-associated organisms such as S. Typhimurium. Therefore, individual IgG subclasses to a single Ag can provide different levels of protection and the IgG isotype induced may need to be a consideration when designing vaccines and immunization strategies

    IgG1 is required for optimal protection after immunization with the purified porin OmpD from Salmonella typhimurium.

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    In mice, the IgG subclass induced after Ag encounter can reflect the nature of the Ag. Th2 Ags such as alum-precipitated proteins and helminths induce IgG1, whereas Th1 Ags, such as Salmonella Typhimurium, predominantly induce IgG2a. The contribution of different IgG isotypes to protection against bacteria such as S. Typhimurium is unclear, although as IgG2a is induced by natural infection, it is assumed this isotype is important. Previously, we have shown that purified S. Typhimurium porins including outer membrane protein OmpD, which induce both IgG1 and IgG2a in mice, provide protection to S. Typhimurium infection via Ab. In this study we report the unexpected finding that mice lacking IgG1, but not IgG2a, are substantially less protected after porin immunization than wild-type controls. IgG1-deficient mice produce more porin-specific IgG2a, resulting in total IgG levels that are similar to wild-type mice. The decreased protection in IgG1-deficient mice correlates with less efficient bacterial opsonization and uptake by macrophages, and this reflects the low binding of outer membrane protein OmpD-specific IgG2a to the bacterial surface. Thus, the Th2-associated isotype IgG1 can play a role in protection against Th1-associated organisms such as S. Typhimurium. Therefore, individual IgG subclasses to a single Ag can provide different levels of protection and the IgG isotype induced may need to be a consideration when designing vaccines and immunization strategies

    IgG responses to porins and lipopolysaccharide within an outer membrane-based vaccine against nontyphoidal salmonella develop at discordant rates

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    Antibodies acquired after vaccination or natural infection with Gram-negative bacteria, such as invasive Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, can protect against disease. Immunization with naturally shed outer membrane vesicles from Gram-negative bacteria is being studied for its potential to protect against many infections, since antigens within vesicles maintain their natural conformation and orientation. Shedding can be enhanced through genetic modification, and the resulting particles, generalized modules for membrane antigens (GMMA), not only offer potential as vaccines but also can facilitate the study of B-cell responses to bacterial antigens. Here we show that the response to immunization with GMMA from S Typhimurium (STmGMMA) provides B-cell-dependent protection and induces antibodies to two immunodominant antigens, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and porins. Antibodies to LPS O antigen (O-Ag) markedly enhance protection in the spleen, but this effect is less marked in the liver. Strikingly, IgG responses to LPS and porins develop with distinct kinetics. In the first week after immunization, there is a dramatic T-cell-independent B1b-cell-associated induction of all IgG isotypes, except IgG1, to porins but not to LPS. In contrast, production of IgG1 to either antigen was delayed and T cell dependent. Nevertheless, after 1 month, cells in the bone marrow secreting IgG against porins or LPS were present at a similar frequency. Unexpectedly, immunization with O-Ag-deficient STmGMMA did not substantially enhance the anti-porin response. Therefore, IgG switching to all antigens does not develop synchronously within the same complex and so the rate of IgG switching to a single component does not necessarily reflect its frequency within the antigenic complex.IMPORTANCE Vaccines save millions of lives, yet for some infections there are none. This includes some types of Salmonella infections, killing hundreds of thousands of people annually. We show how a new type of vaccine, called GMMA, that is made from blebs shed from the Salmonella cell wall, works to protect against infection in mice by inducing host proteins (antibodies) specifically recognizing bacterial components (antigens). The rate of development of IgG antibody to antigens within GMMA occurred with different kinetics. However, the antibody response to GMMA persists and is likely to provide prolonged protection for those who need it. These results help show how antibody responses to bacterial antigens develop and how vaccines like GMMA can work and help prevent infection

    Outer membrane protein size and LPS O-antigen define protective antibody targeting to the Salmonella surface

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    Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen (O-Ag) is known to limit antibody binding to surface antigens, although the relationship between antibody, O-Ag and other outer-membrane antigens is poorly understood. Here we report, immunization with the trimeric porin OmpD from Salmonella Typhimurium (STmOmpD) protects against infection. Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations indicate this is because OmpD trimers generate footprints within the O-Ag layer sufficiently sized for a single IgG Fab to access. While STmOmpD differs from its orthologue in S. Enteritidis (SEn) by a single amino-acid residue, immunization with STmOmpD confers minimal protection to SEn. This is due to the OmpD-O-Ag interplay restricting IgG binding, with the pairing of OmpD with its native O-Ag being essential for optimal protection after immunization. Thus, both the chemical and physical structure of O-Ag are key for the presentation of specific epitopes within proteinaceous surface-antigens. This enhances combinatorial antigenic diversity in Gram-negative bacteria, while reducing associated fitness costs

    Hybrid sol–gel coatings for corrosion protection of galvanized steel in simulated concrete pore solution

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    The aim of this experimental research was to study the electrochemical behavior of organic– inorganic hybrid (OIH) coatings for corrosion protection of hot-dip galvanized steel (HDGS) in the first instants of immersion in simulated concrete pore solution (SCPS) (pH > 12.5). The electrochemical performance of the OIH coatings was assessed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, potentiodynamic polarization curves, macrocell current density, and polarization resistance. The OIH coatings were prepared via the sol–gel method and were deposited on HDGS surfaces by dip-coating using one or three dip steps. The electrochemical results obtained for HDGS samples coated with OIH matrices in SCPS showed higher corrosion resistance than bare HDGS; as the molecular weight (MW) of Jeffamine increased the barrier protection of the coating decreased. The lowest protection efficiency was found for HDGS samples synthesized with oligopolymers with an MW of 2000. Coatings produced with an oligopolymer of 230 MW conferred the highest protection. The surface morphology of the OIH coatings deposited on HDGS surfaces was studied by atomic force microscopy. The results show that the roughness of the OIH films depends on the MW of Jeffamine and on the number of dip-coating steps used. Thermogravimetry results show that the Jeffamine MW affected the thermal properties of the prepared OIH samples. The prepared OIH materials are thermally stable within the range of 20–80 C.The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) for the PhD grant SFRH/BD/62601/2009 and EU COST action MP1202: HINT-"Rational design of hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces: the next step towards functional materials.''info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio