9 research outputs found

    Phylogeny and Taxonomy of the Round-Eared Sengis or Elephant-Shrews, Genus Macroscelides (Mammalia, Afrotheria, Macroscelidea)

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    The round-eared sengis or elephant-shrews (genus Macroscelides) exhibit striking pelage variation throughout their ranges. Over ten taxonomic names have been proposed to describe this variation, but currently only two taxa are recognized (M. proboscideus proboscideus and M. p. flavicaudatus). Here, we review the taxonomic history of Macroscelides, and we use data on the geographic distribution, morphology, and mitochondrial DNA sequence to evaluate the current taxonomy. Our data support only two taxa that correspond to the currently recognized subspecies M. p. proboscideus and M. p. flavicaudatus. Mitochondrial haplotypes of these two taxa are reciprocally monophyletic with over 13% uncorrected sequence divergence between them. PCA analysis of 14 morphological characters (mostly cranial) grouped the two taxa into non-overlapping clusters, and body mass alone is a relatively reliable distinguishing character throughout much of Macroscelides range. Although fieldworkers were unable to find sympatric populations, the two taxa were found within 50 km of each other, and genetic analysis showed no evidence of gene flow. Based upon corroborating genetic data, morphological data, near sympatry with no evidence of gene flow, and differences in habitat use, we elevate these two forms to full species

    Structural characterization of electron-induced proton transfer in the formic acid dimer anion, (HCOOH) <inf>2</inf><sup>-</sup>, with vibrational and photoelectron spectroscopies

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    The (HCOOH) 2 anion, formed by electron attachment to the formic acid dimer (FA 2), is an archetypal system for exploring the mechanics of the electron-induced proton transfer motif that is purported to occur when neutral nucleic acid base-pairs accommodate an excess electron K. Aflatooni, G. A. Gallup, and P. D. Burrow, J. Phys. Chem. A 102, 6205 (1998)10.1021/jp980865n; J. H. Hendricks, S. A. Lyapustina, H. L. de Clercq, J. T. Snodgrass, and K. H. Bowen, J. Chem Phys. 104, 7788 (1996)10.1063/1.471484; C. Desfrancois, H. Abdoul-Carime, and J. P. Schermann, J. Chem Phys. 104, 7792 (1996). The FA 2 anion and several of its HD isotopologues were isolated in the gas phase and characterized using Ar-tagged vibrational predissociation and electron autodetachment spectroscopies. The photoelectron spectrum of the FA 2 anion was also recorded using velocity-map imaging. The resulting spectroscopic information verifies the equilibrium FA 2- geometry predicted by theory which features a symmetrical, double H-bonded bridge effectively linking together constituents that most closely resemble the formate ion and a dihydroxymethyl radical. The spectroscopic signatures of this ion were analyzed with the aid of calculated anharmonic vibrational band patterns. © 2012 American Institute of Physics

    Bottom-up view of water network-mediated CO <inf>2</inf> reduction using cryogenic cluster ion spectroscopy and direct dynamics simulations

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    The transition states of a chemical reaction in solution are generally accessed through exchange of thermal energy between the solvent and the reactants. As such, an ensemble of reacting systems approaches the transition state configuration of reactant and surrounding solvent in an incoherent manner that does not lend itself to direct experimental observation. Here we describe how gas-phase cluster chemistry can provide a detailed picture of the microscopic mechanics at play when a network of six water molecules mediates the trapping of a highly reactive "hydrated electron" onto a neutral CO 2 molecule to form a radical anion. The exothermic reaction is triggered from a metastable intermediate by selective excitation of either the reactant CO 2 or the water network, which is evidenced by the evaporative decomposition of the product cluster. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of energized CO 2•(H 2O) 6- clusters are used to elucidate the nature of the network deformations that mediate intracluster electron capture, thus revealing the detailed solvent fluctuations implicit in the Marcus theory for electron-transfer kinetics in solution. © 2011 American Chemical Society