6 research outputs found

    Composite bioscaffolds incorporating decellularized ECM as a cell-instructive component within hydrogels as in vitro models and cell delivery systems

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    © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017. Decellularized tissues represent promising biomaterials, which harness the innate capacity of the tissue-specific extracellular matrix (ECM) to direct cell functions including stem cell proliferation and lineage-specific differentiation. However, bioscaffolds derived exclusively from decellularized ECM offer limited versatility in terms of tuning biomechanical properties, as well as cell–cell and cell–ECM interactions that are important mediators of the cellular response. As an alternative approach, in the current chapter we describe methods for incorporating cryo-milled decellularized tissues as a cell-instructive component within a hydrogel carrier designed to crosslink under mild conditions. This composite strategy can enable in situ cell encapsulation with high cell viability, allowing efficient seeding with a homogeneous distribution of cells and ECM. Detailed protocols are provided for the effective decellularization of human adipose tissue and porcine auricular cartilage, as well as the cryo-milling process used to generate the ECM particles. Further, we describe methods for synthesizing methacrylated chondroitin sulphate (MCS) and for performing UV-initiated and thermally induced crosslinking to form hydrogel carriers for adipose and cartilage regeneration. The hydrogel composites offer great flexibility, and the hydrogel phase, ECM source, particle size, cell type(s) and seeding density can be tuned to promote the desired cellular response. Overall, these systems represent promising platforms for the development of tissue-specific 3-D in vitro cell culture models and in vivo cell delivery systems

    A Case Study on Changing Livelihood Strategies of the Community of Ban Non Sao-e Village, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand

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    In an attempt to better understand household response to natural and socio-economical conditions in a rural community, this paper examines the livelihood strategies developed by members of the village of Ban Non Sao-e. Using data compiled from 44 household surveys, I investigate how the village community adapted to these new livelihood strategies, in which landownership and farming become gradually less important. I examine the income-generating capacity of each occupation, as well as the average income of households. Results indicate that those who own land have a higher average income than those who do not. The respondents stressed that agricultural production was not a viable income-generating strategy for most households in the study area. Landownership, access to water resources and institutional financial sources all have a significant effect on average income. The case study suggests that a purely economic or natural approach is not sufficient to explain livelihood strategy changes, especially in rural communities.Dans le but de mieux comprendre la réponse des ménages aux évolutions des conditions naturelles et socio-économiques dans une communauté rurale, cet article examine les stratégies de subsistance des membres du village de Ban Non Sao-e. En utilisant les données de 44 enquêtes auprès de ménages, je cherche à voir comment la communauté villageoise s’adapte aux nouvelles stratégies de subsistance, dans lesquelles la propriété foncière et l’exploitation agricole prennent de moins en moins de place. J’examine la capacité à générer des revenus de chaque type d’activité, ainsi que le revenu moyen des ménages. Les résultats indiquent que les propriétaires fonciers ont des revenus moyens supérieurs à ceux qui ne sont pas propriétaires. Les enquêtés soulignent que la production agricole ne correspond pas à une stratégie fiable pour générer des revenus en ce qui concerne la plupart des ménages dans la zone de l’étude. La propriété de la terre, l’accès à l’eau et les sources de financement institutionnelles ont un effet significatif sur le revenu moyen. L’étude de cas suggère qu’une approche purement économique ou naturelle n’est pas suffisante pour expliquer les changements dans les stratégies de subsistance, tout particulièrement dans les zones rurales.European Journal of Development Research (2009) 21, 250–263. doi:10.1057/ejdr.2008.21

    Prenatal Depression and Adverse Birth Outcomes: An Updated Systematic Review

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    Complications related to preterm birth (PTB) and low birth weight (LBW) are leading causes of infant morbidity and mortality. Prenatal depression is a hypothesized psychosocial risk factor for both birth outcomes. The purpose of this systematic review was to examine evidence published between 1977 and 2013 on prenatal depression and risks of these primary adverse birth outcomes. A systematic search of the PUBMED and PsycINFO databases was conducted to identify studies testing the associations between prenatal depressive symptoms, or diagnoses of depression, and risk of PTB or LBW. We systematically selected 50 published reports on PTB and length of gestation, and 33 reports on LBW and BW. Results were reviewed by two independent reviewers and we evaluated the quality of the evidence with an established systematic review method, the Newcastle Ottawa Scale. We then undertook a narrative synthesis of the results following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Less than a quarter of 50 published reports found that prenatal depression was significantly associated with PTB or gestational age. In contrast, slightly more than half of the 33 reports found that prenatal depression was associated with LBW or BW. When weighing methodological features, we determined that the effects of prenatal depression on LBW are more consistent than effects on length of gestation or PTB. Although the evidence may not be strong enough to support routine depression screening for risk of adverse outcomes, screening to enable detection and timely treatment to reduce risk of postpartum depression is warranted. Further rigorous research on prenatal depression and adverse birth outcomes is needed