11 research outputs found

    Involvement of microRNA Lethal-7a in the Regulation of Embryo Implantation in Mice

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    MicroRNAs interact with multiple mRNAs resulting in their degradation and/or translational repression. This report used the delayed implantation model to determine the role of miRNAs in blastocysts. Dormant blastocysts in delayed implanting mice were activated by estradiol. Differential expression of 45 out of 238 miRNAs examined was found between the dormant and the activated blastocysts. Five of the nine members of the microRNA lethal-7 (let-7) family were down-regulated after activation. Human blastocysts also had a low expression of let-7 family. Forced-expression of a family member, let-7a in mouse blastocysts decreased the number of implantation sites (let-7a: 1.1±0.4; control: 3.8±0.4) in vivo, and reduced the percentages of blastocyst that attached (let-7a: 42.0±8.3%; control: 79.0±5.1%) and spreaded (let-7a: 33.5±2.9%; control: 67.3±3.8%) on fibronectin in vitro. Integrin-β3, a known implantation-related molecule, was demonstrated to be a target of let-7a by 3′-untranslated region reporter assay in cervical cancer cells HeLa, and Western blotting in mouse blastocysts. The inhibitory effect of forced-expression of let-7a on blastocyst attachment and outgrowth was partially nullified in vitro and in vivo by forced-expression of integrin-β3. This study provides the first direct evidence that let-7a is involved in regulating the implantation process partly via modulation of the expression of integrin-β3. (200 words)

    Reduction of pluripotent gene expression in murine embryonic stem cells exposed to mechanical loading or Cyclo RGD peptide

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    Abstract Background Self-renewal and differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) is directed by biological and/or physical cues that regulate multiple signaling cascades. We have previously shown that mESCs seeded in a type I collagen matrix demonstrate a loss of pluripotent marker expression and differentiate towards an osteogenic lineage. In this study, we examined if this effect was mediated in part through Arginylglycylaspartic acid (RGD) dependent integrin activity and/or mechano-transduction. Results The results from this study suggest that mESC interaction with the local microenvironment through RGD dependent integrins play a role in the regulation of mESC core transcription factors (TF), Oct-4, Sox 2 and Nanog. Disruption of this interaction with a cyclic RGD peptide (cRGDfC) was sufficient to mimic the effect of a mechanical stimulus in terms of pluripotent gene expression, specifically, we observed that supplementation with cRGDfC, or mechanical stimulus, significantly influenced mESC pluripotency by down-regulating core transcription factors. Moreover, our results indicated that the presence of the cRGDfC peptide inhibited integrin expression and up-regulated early lineage markers (mesoderm and ectoderm) in a Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) dependent manner. When cRGDfC treated mESCs were injected in Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice, no tissue growth and/or teratoma formation was observed, suggesting that the process of mESC tumor formation in vivo is potentially dependent on integrin interaction. Conclusions Overall, the disruption of cell-integrin interaction via cRGDfC peptide can mimic the effect of mechanical stimulation on mESC pluripotency gene expression and also inhibit the tumorigenic potential of mESCs in vivo

    Safety and efficacy of subcutaneous iscalimab (CFZ533) in two distinct populations of patients with Sj\uf6gren\u27s disease (TWINSS): week 24 results of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2b dose-ranging study

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    \ua9 2024 Elsevier LtdBackground: Sj\uf6gren\u27s disease is a chronic autoimmune disease with an unmet need for targeted therapies. The aim of the TWINSS study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of iscalimab, a monoclonal antibody against CD40, in patients with active Sj\uf6gren\u27s disease. Methods: This randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2b study, conducted at 71 sites in 23 countries, enrolled patients aged 18 years or older fulfilling the American College of Rheumatology/European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) 2016 criteria. In the dose-ranging cohort 1, patients with a EULAR Sj\uf6gren\u27s Syndrome Disease Activity Index (ESSDAI) score of 5 or higher and a EULAR Sj\uf6gren\u27s Syndrome Patient Reported Index (ESSPRI) score of 5 or higher were randomly assigned (1:1:1:1) to subcutaneous iscalimab 150 mg, 300 mg, 600 mg, or placebo. In the proof-of-concept cohort 2, patients with an ESSDAI score of less than 5, ESSPRI (dryness or fatigue) score of 5 or higher, and Impact of Dry Eye on Everyday Life score of 30 or higher were randomly assigned (1:1) to iscalimab 600 mg or placebo. The sponsor, investigator, site personnel, and patients were masked to the treatment assignment. The primary objectives were to demonstrate a dose–response relationship of iscalimab based on the change in ESSDAI from baseline to week 24 in cohort 1 by Multiple Comparison Procedure—Modelling (MCP-Mod), and to assess the effect of iscalimab 600 mg on ESSPRI at week 24 in cohort 2. All the efficacy analyses included all patients who were randomly assigned, and safety analysis included all patients who received at least one dose of study drug. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT03905525), and is complete. Findings: Between Oct 1, 2019, and Feb 28, 2022, 460 patients were screened; 173 patients were assigned to cohort 1 (44 to iscalimab 150 mg, 43 to 300 mg, 43 to 600 mg, and 43 to placebo) and 100 to cohort 2 (50 to each group). In cohort 1, the MCP step showed a significant dose–response relationship for placebo-adjusted ESSDAI change from baseline in one of four models (Linlog model, one-sided p=0\ub70041). ESSDAI decreased from baseline to week 24 with all three doses of iscalimab; 150 mg and 600 mg doses showed statistically significant improvement (placebo-adjusted least squares [LS] mean difference –3\ub70 [95% CI –4\ub79 to –1\ub71]; p=0\ub70025 for 150 mg and –2\ub79 [–4\ub79 to –1\ub70]; p=0\ub70037 for 600 mg). In cohort 2, ESSPRI showed a trend towards improvement with iscalimab 600 mg (placebo-adjusted LS mean change from baseline –0\ub757 points [95% CI –1\ub730 to 0\ub715]; p=0\ub712). Serious adverse events were reported in nine patients in cohort 1 (one [2%] of 43 in the placebo group, one [2%] of 44 in the iscalimab 150 mg group, three [7%] of 42 in the 300 mg group, four [9%] of 44 in the 600 mg group) and four patients in cohort 2 (two [4%] of 50 in each group). No deaths occurred over the 24-week period. Interpretation: The study met the primary objective of demonstrating a significant dose–response relationship with iscalimab in terms of disease activity at week 24. Iscalimab was well tolerated and showed initial clinical benefit over placebo in two distinct populations of patients with Sj\uf6gren\u27s disease, to be confirmed in larger trials. Funding: Novartis Pharma

    InBase 2.0: Tietokanta ja tutkimustyökalu automaattisesti isäntäproteiinista irti silmukoituville proteiineille

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    Inteins are autocatalyzing self-splicing proteins that are excised from a host protein giving a free intein and an active protein. Other protein groups related to inteins by their ability to self-splice are also found and their function are at some level studied. These proteins share a domain named as HINT (Hedgehog/Intein). At the moment these groups are named as inteins, bacterial intein-like proteins A, B and C, hedgehog proteins and Vints. The purpose of this work was to build a platform, named as InBase 2.0, where the functions and properties of these self-splicing elements could be studied efficiently. The database that gathers protein sequences having these common properties lies at the basis of InBase 2.0. The database is a relational database linking other important information to the actual sequential data of the proteins. Such information is for example publications, classification of proteins, measured self-splicing activities etc. A set of tools was added to the InBase 2.0 in order to perform sequential analysis and comparison between the sequences. The set of tools performing sequential analysis includes BLAST, InterProScan 5, ClustalW and WebLogo. Several known inteins contain homing endonuclease domain. This domain can copy the intein coding sequence to another location in a genome. However, the copy site needs to have a specific recognition site, which is again specific to the intein. The capability of the tools were studied by constructing a workflow capable to predict such recognition sites. Some recognition sites are known and the constructed workflow utilizing the tools of InBase 2.0 was capable to find these recognition sites with a small deficiency, not been able to predict the length of the site. Classification of the protein sequences containing the HINT domain is not very clear. InBase 2.0 main purpose for now on is to help to provide more specific definitions to the subgroups of the HINT domain containing proteins.Inteinit ovat proteiineja, jotka silmukoituvat automaattisesti irti isäntäproteiinista ilman entsyymejä tai muita katalyyttejä. Silmukoitumisesta seuraa toimiva isäntäproteiini ja vapaa inteini. Tämä automaattinen leikkauttuminen on inteini -proteiinien perusominaisuus ja myös muita samankaltaisilla ominaisuuksilla varustettuja proteiiniryhmiä on löydetty. Kaikissa näissä ryhmissä - inteinit mukaanluettuna - on proteiini -alue (engl. domain) nimeltä HINT, joka vastaa leikkautumisesta. Tällä hetkellä ryhmät ovat inteinit, bakteeriperäiset inteinien kaltaiset proteiinit A, B ja C, sekä Hedgehog ja Vint -ryhmät. Monet näiden ryhmien proteiineista ovat huonosti tutkittuja. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on rakentaa verkkopohjainen työkalu - nimeltään InBase 2.0 - näiden ryhmien ominaisuuksien tutkimiseen sekä tietokanta proteiinisekvenssien tallennukseen. InBase 2.0:n tietokanta on relaatiotietokanta, jossa proteiinisekvensseihin voidaan linkittää niihin liittyvää tietoa. Tallaista tietoa on esimerkiksi sekvenssiin liittyvät julkaisut, sekvenssien luokitukset ja leikkautumisaktiivisuus. InBase 2.0:n työkalupaketti sisältää sekvenssianalyysissä yleisesti käytettyjä ohjelmistoja. Työkalut ovat BLAST, InterProScan 5, ClustalW ja WebLogo. Useat inteinit sisältävät myös proteiini -domainin nimeltä hakeutuva endonukleaasi. Tämä domaini voi kopioida inteiniä koodavan DNA -sekvenssin toisaalle organismin genomissa. Uusi sijainti tulee kuitenkin sisältää lyhyen ko. inteinille spesifisen DNA -sekvenssin, ns. tunnistusalue. Osalta inteineistä tämä tunnistusalue on tunnettu. Tätä tietoa käytettiin hyväksi, kun InBase 2.0:n työkaluista rakennettiin yhteiskäyttökokonaisuus, jolla näitä tunnistusalueita pyritään ennustamaan. Kokonaisuus toimii kyeten selvittämään tunnetut tunnistusalueet, mutta ei sitä kuinka pitkä tämä alue on. Toinen päätehtävä InBase 2.0:lla on se että HINT domainin sisältävien proteiinien luokittelu on hankalaa ja epämääräistä. Tähän ongelmaan pyritään saada selkeämpi määrittely käyttäen hyväksi InBase 2.0 työkaluja