115 research outputs found

    Inequalities \`a la Fr\"olicher and cohomological decompositions

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    We study Bott-Chern and Aeppli cohomologies of a vector space endowed with two anti-commuting endomorphisms whose square is zero. In particular, we prove an inequality \`a la Fr\"olicher relating the dimensions of the Bott-Chern and Aeppli cohomologies to the dimensions of the Dolbeault cohomologies. We prove that the equality in such an inequality \`a la Fr\"olicher characterizes the validity of the so-called cohomological property of satisfying the \partial\overline{\partial}-Lemma. As an application, we study cohomological properties of compact either complex, or symplectic, or, more in general, generalized-complex manifolds.Comment: to appear in J. Noncommut. Geo

    Contact Calabi-Yau manifolds and Special Legendrian submanifolds

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    We consider a generalization of Calabi-Yau structures in the context of α\alpha-Sasakian manifolds. We study deformations of a special class of Legendrian submanifolds and classify invariant contact Calabi-Yau structures on 5-dimensional nilmanifolds. Finally we generalize to codimension rr.Comment: 16 pages, no figures. Final version to appear in "Osaka J. Math.

    On the cohomology of almost complex and symplectic manifolds and proper surjective maps

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    Let (X,J)(X,J) be an almost-complex manifold. In \cite{li-zhang} Li and Zhang introduce H^{(p,q),(q,p)}_J(X)_{\rr} as the cohomology subgroups of the (p+q)(p+q)-th de Rham cohomology group formed by classes represented by real pure-type forms. Given a proper, surjective, pseudo-holomorphic map between two almost-complex manifolds we study the relationship among such cohomology groups. Similar results are proven in the symplectic setting for the cohomology groups introduced in \cite{tsengyauI} by Tseng and Yau and a new characterization of the Hard Lefschetz condition in dimension 44 is provided

    Complex symplectic structures and the ˉ\partial \bar{\partial}-lemma

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    In this paper we study complex symplectic manifolds, i.e., compact complex manifolds XX which admit a holomorphic (2,0)(2, 0)-form σ\sigma which is dd-closed and non-degenerate, and in particular the Beauville-Bogomolov-Fujiki quadric QσQ_\sigma associated to them. We will show that if X satisfies the ˉ\partial \bar{\partial}-lemma, then QσQ_\sigma is smooth if and only if h2,0(X)=1h^{2,0}(X) = 1 and is irreducible if and only if h1,1(X)>0h^{1,1}(X) > 0.Comment: 12 page

    Moduli space of CR-projective complex foliated tori

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    We study the moduli space of CR-projective complex foliated tori. We describe it in terms of isotropic subspaces of Grassmannian and we show that it is a normal complex analytic space

    Bott-Chern Harmonic Forms on Stein Manifolds

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    Let MM be an nn-dimensional dd-bounded Stein manifold MM, i.e., a complex nn-dimensional manifold MM admitting a smooth strictly plurisubharmonic exhaustion ρ\rho and endowed with the K\"ahler metric whose fundamental form is ω=iρ\omega=i\partial\overline{\partial}\rho, such that iρi\overline{\partial}\rho has bounded LL^\infty norm. We prove a vanishing result for W1,2W^{1,2} harmonic forms with respect to the Bott-Chern Laplacian on MM.Comment: 11 page

    Generalized G_2-manifolds and SU(3)-structures

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    We construct a compact example of 7- dimensional manifold endowed with a weakly integrable generalized G_2-structure with respect to a closed and non trivial 3-form. Moreover, we investigate which type of SU(3)-structures on a 6-dimensional manifold N give rise to a strongly integrable generalized G_2-structure with respect to a non trivial 3-form on the product N×S1N \times S^1.Comment: Removed a section and added another one. Final version will appear in Internat. J. Mat