33 research outputs found

    Implementasi Pelaksanaan Program Perlindungan Anak Di Kota Semarang

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    Protection afforded to a child in an emergency situation. Sexual harassment can is defined as the act of sexual without agreement, motivation sexual behavior those involving children. Based on the discussion in the background problems basic want to proposed to be discussed in this research is: how do the implementation of the implementation of the program child protection in the city Semarang ( study on a body of women empowerment, child protection and family planning ( bp3akb ) through Bapermas PER and family planning the city of Semarang. ?All efforts made in the implementation of the implementation of the program child protection in the city Semarang ( study on a body of women empowerment, child protection and family planning ( bp3akb ) through bapermas per and family planning the city of Semarang.?Types of data on in this research there are two kinds of, namely types of data on primary and types of data on secondary. The study is done within the city of Semarang as for agencies which to base referral researchers are the empowerment of women, child protection and family planning BP3AKB. This research toward an object with research in violence children in the city of Semarang with reference in a body of women empowerment, child protection and family planning BP3AKB.through Bapermas per and family planning the city of SemarangImplementation of the child protection Program in the city of Semarang have not run optimally because the fulfillment of children's rights as mandated in Perda No. 5 2016 has not run optimally. Some of the rights of the child are still not being met as a right of identity, the right to basic needs, rights education and parenting rights. Child coaching programs which have been implemented already should be evaluated so that nothing can be known, the goal target, excess or shortcomings so that it can be used in the establishment of the next planning

    Kinerja Bupati Batang Tahun 2012

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    In 2011, Yoyok Riyo Sudibyo was being elected as Batang‘s Regent. He tagged ―Clean Bureaucracy and Growing Economy‖ vision in running his government for 5 years ahead. He started the 2012 by focusin on enhancing the quality of public service, infrastructure and the government accountability.Contrary, we find out there is lack of good governance in Batang‘s Regency during 2012. Some reasons are residents are being not pleased with the Government plan in developing the regency; also the government never reaches an agreement with the legislative for its own budget and masterplan. Vividly, those complicated events are becoming an obstacle for the government. Moreover the legitimation of the regent is also being questioned by his lack of ability in maintaining its own government.The purpose of the research is to understand the performance of Batang‘s Regent while running its Government during 2012.The performance evaluation indicators are taken from the Dwiyanto‘s theorem, those are: productivity, accountability, transparancy, reponsivity, and responsibility. The research is conducting by using the descriptive basis while the supporting data are analyzed qualitatively. The object‘s of the research is the Batang‘s Regent performance for the year 2012.The research concludes that the Regent‘s performance during a year is qualitatively reasonable for being marked as good. The purpose is, the optimum effort that already being given by the regent to reach its own goal—the government‘s vision. Some government supporting departments also reach a significant performance improvement during his leadership. However, we still find some governance failure during a period

    Peran Pemerintah Dalam Penyelesaian Konflik Penambangan Bahan Galian C Melalui Proses Mediasi ( Kasus Konflik Penambangan Antara PT BRD Banjarnegara Dengan LSM GMTB Di Sungai Gung Desa Kajen Kecamatan Lebaksiu Kabupaten Tegal )

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    This study was conducted to clarify the government's role in resolvingconflicts in the mining village of Galian C Kajen through the mediation process inthe case of conflict between PT BRD Banjarnegara with GMTB NGOs . It can beseen through how the cause and the beginning of the conflict, the beginning of themediation process does and the steps taken by the government in carrying out itsrole through the mediation process , as well as the end result of a process ofmediation .This study used qualitative research methods , in which the researcherscollected data written and spoken words of the research subjects and informants .Field data obtained by conducting in-depth interviews and the literature.These results indicate that the role of government through the mediationprocess is quite helpful in conflict resolution . After the mediation process is done, the conflict is reduced . Although it is said in the mediation process does notsucceed in the absence of the parties signed a document that outlines severaldispute resolution requirements . Yet when the Governor of Central Java BibitWaluyo allow mining by PT BRD , also requested that the district governmentand parliament make arrangements so that the miners do not harm theenvironment . Subsequent to the mediation , the case has not been completed todate . Of the GMTB NGOs not accept alternative provided by the mediator finallyreported the matter to the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono .The most dominant factor being the cause of the conflict is limited resources ,jurisdictional ambiguity , communication is not good and needs

    Evaluasi Pengelolaan Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa Di Bakalan Krapyak Kabupaten Kudus Abstrak

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    Population growth each year has increased while the very limited availability of land is even less to make the price of land to be very expensive , so it is not affordable to the people's purchasing power , especially among the middle class . Land can not be separated from human life , the function of soil is essential for humans , especially for land for housing . People really expect to buy land that will be built a house on the land . The price of land which annually increases make the land can not be bought by people, particularly the underprivileged ( poor ) . Seeing such conditions Kudus Regency Government makes program development modest apartment rental.The purpose of this study is to determine and describe the government's policy in relocating the community to the development of simple Flats Rent ( Rusunawa ) in the village of Bakalan Krapyak , Kaliwungu Kudus and to know The problems that arise in the relocation of the community and how the solution . This research is descriptive analytic research using qualitative approach . Data collection techniques by means of interviews with informants , the researchers also conducted direct observation penelkitian object and document the location of the relevant research is conducted with the actual situation.The results showed that in fact the flats built by the Holy District Government less demand by the public , especially people who occupy around the riverbanks Gelis . Found several weaknesses in relocating public policy program , which has not fulfilled rusunawa adequate facilities and the lack of public awareness about the environment . Construction of rental flats Bakalan Krapyak a logical consequence in the district of Kudus considering many slums and the limited ability of the local economy are low in building a house , then through the construction of towers is expected to overcome the problems hunia wild that the eviction of residents who inhabit the land unlicensed inevitable.Recommendations are given that in the implementation of the relocation program then should the parties involved to be responsive to the problems faced by the people being relocated, the entire process of the implementation of the relocation should be the aspirations of the displaced , and involving the community of preparation through the mechanism of a residential dwelling that is new , the realization of repair or Extra facilities Bakalan Rusunawa Krapyak that it is less, to be more comfortable for the occupants rusunawa and Kudus regency government must be firm in enforcing existing regulations , not to place among the violations of regulations proficiency level . Therefore there must be communication and coordination between levels of government involved in the enforcement of existing regulation

    Peran Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Meningkatkan Umk Buruh Rokok Pr. Nojorono Di Kabupaten Kudus

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    The purpose of this research is to 1 ) to examine the role of the local government of kabupaten Kudus in order to increase labor umk in cigarette Kudus; and 2 ) to examine obstacles that experienced by the local government to efforts to improve labor umk in cigarette kabupaten Kudus .This research incline to qualitative descriptive with the subject of this study is 1 ) the head of remuneration board kabupaten Kudus; 2 ) regional secretary kabupaten Kudus; 3 ) the head of government of the district government Kudus; and 4 ) one of the entrepreneurs cigarette factory in kabupaten KudusThe results of the study shows that the involvement of the local government of kabupaten Kudus in order to increase ukm factory workers cigarette is nothing to creating balance industrial relations in the regions .In the industrial relations , i.e. the system relationships formed between actors in production process goods and / or services that consists of elements entrepreneurs , workers and the government based on values pancasila and the constitution of the republic of Indonesia 1945 .In setting minimum wage was supposed to the interests of both employers and employees / laborers equally shelter fair .For workers / laborers really need wages appropriate in order to satisfy their daily needs so that can be achieved well-being , but for the company also need to get insurance when it has raise the minimum wage not being disturb the development and productivity company especially for medium-sized companies and smallThe result of the observation on the process discussion minimum wage in wage council the provincial level shows is that all the process that runs apparently place in a democratic and in accordance with governance work wage council .Every element of the joined in wage council have equal opportunities in express their opinions .Aspirations cigarette workers in kabupaten holy previously was stated by the local government of kabupaten holy , potentially have problem when they came in talks discussion at the wage council province , so that the role of the local government of kabupaten holy be termarjinalisasiTransparency entrepreneurs about the ability his company indispensable .If workers know the companies condition , so demands increase of wage adapted to the state of company .In addition , the workers have to can provide an incentive that is favorable to company , for example through increased productivity .Increase of wage who was not in balance to increased productivity actually make competitiveness to grow weak and injurious laborers because will give chances reductions in force .That awareness must be built by both parties in order to have synergistic relations between businessmen and worker

    Implementasi Kebijakan Dalam Penyediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Publik Melalui Peraturan Daerah Nomor 7 Tahun 2010 Tentang Penataan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Di Kota Semarang

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    Green areas in Semarang city have been change into housing and building. This problem happened because increasingly the growth of infrastructure. Many buildings around of centre of Semarang city cause decreasing of green areas. Based on that case, the local goverment formed regulation number 7th in 2010 about management of green areas in Semarang city.This research aimed to find out implementation of that regulation in Semarang and how people can be involved in this policy. Research method using qualitative with descriptive data.Theory of Edward III explained that four variables to observe the implementation of policy : communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucracy structure. In communication through socialization of some green activities conducted by local departement of planning development (Bappeda) with green communities, developer, and people. Resource variables divided into two aspects; human and financial resource. Human resources include department of planning development, department of city and housing estate, institute of environmental, and department of garden and sanitation. Meanwhile, financial resource comes from the budget. Disposition variable has been implemented well. Some services and training has been held by department of planning development to developer and green communities. They also provide meeting to increase the responsibility for the policy. In bureaucracy structure, goverment expand the link with some companies to increase green areas. Unfortunately, there are no many companies which involved in this activity yet. Goverment should give more concern about that.2The implementation of regulation also persuade people to actively support green areas in Semarang. Developer, green comunities, and people supposed to be responsible and participate in this policy well. This regulation has been implemented well enough by all of people. It also one of some efforts to solve decrease problem of green areas in Semarang. It will be supposed to give positive value to other people

    Strategi Pemenangan Pasangan Idza Priyanti - Narjo (Ijo) Dalam Pemilukada Kabupaten Brebes 2012

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    Brebes is one of the regency in Central Java that have conducted elections in 2012. The winner is the couple Idza Priyannti - Narjo. Victory of this couple is interesting to observe. First, look at the background of candidates who in fact had no political background to face with incumbent candidate Agung Widyantoro. Second, look at to the abung party support that he get by many of party coalition and the large parties in Brebes Regency, to face with Idza Priyanti who had supported by only some party. By the two reason above, interesting to know about political strategy to used by Idza Priyanti Narjo, so they can be the winner of election in Brebes Regency.The purpose of this study was to determine the strategies used by couples Idza Priyanti - Narjo so can obtain a majority vote in the Brebes General Election 2012. This study uses a qualitative analysis in descriptive analytical. The main data sources obtained from indepth interviews with several informants, Idza Priyanti and Narjo as the main actor, the bearer party PDIP and PKS and successful team, and literature of documents that relevant to this study.Based on the research, the strategy used by Idza Priyanti - Narjo, can be classified in two ways. First, the strategy that ijo used including job program, fight to people prosperous and 6 main pillar program and had the independent tim from this couple. Second, the strategy that propose party used including the solid party support and the strategy by succesful team, political marketing strategy and the effective campaign

    Implementasi Strategi Nasional Partai NasDem di Jawa Tengah dalam Pemilu 2014

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    Democratic party this time the main attraction for the emergence of new political parties. The most phenomenal party NasDem. Given, this party is the only party that pass the verification as a new participant in the 2014 election as a new political presence NasDem certainly reasonable if it raises a lot of questions and doubts about efforts to win legislative elections 2014. It\u27s still not strong mass base owned by NasDem . Therefore NasDem struggled to garner support to parts of the country, including in Central Java. Central Java Central Java NasDem as a new political party will offer what? whether it offers it is something new, or something old that ever offered by other parties. Not to mention, on one hand, given the central Java was PDI-P base which also has the same ideology with NasDem, whether a barrier or facilitate NasDem Java in garnering support.KeywordsPolitical Strategy, Victory Party, NasDem, Central Java NasDem :

    Partisipasi Pedagang dalam Revitalisasi Pasar Tradisional Studi Kasus: Pasar Karangayu Kota Semarang

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    AbstrackOne of the government's efforts in maintaining the existence of traditional markets is the establishment of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 20 of 2012 on Management and Empowerment of Traditional Markets. This research will reveal the participation of traders in the process of revitalizing traditional markets conducted by the government as a form of implementation of efforts to preserve traditional markets.This study aims to analyze the extent to which the participation of traders in planning and implementation of market revitalization Karangayu conducted by the Market Office of Semarang City. In this study researchers used qualitative research methods descriptive approach, namely research that describes a symptom that has occurred and analyze these symptoms through qualitative research procedures.The results of this study indicate that every process of participation provided by communities and traders is important because participation influences the success or failure of traditional market revitalization programs. The form and pattern of cooperation realized between the Market Office, Market Managers and Traders implemented is evidence that the traditional market revitalization process has not been going well enough without the definite support of the community even though the traders are very active in participating. Government must always involve community participation in every stage of revitalization of traditional market in Semarang City not only at certain stage only because people who better understand what they want related to policy implemented.