22 research outputs found

    International financial reporting standards and financial reporting quality in Nigeria

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    The study examines the impact of the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards  (IFRS) on the quality of financial reporting in Nigeria. The study utilises a period based approach to analyse changes in the degree of financial reporting quality (FRQ) that hinges on three proxies: Value Relevance, Earnings Quality and Earnings Management. Three models were developed to capture each proxy, and the models were analysed using regression analysis to evaluate the R2 statistics; which captured the direction of change in the reporting quality. The results showed that financial reporting quality increased after the adoption of the IFRS for all the relevant proxies. The study concludes that the adoption of IFRS to enhance financial reporting quality while reducing the probability of earnings management practices could be beneficial in the long run to the Nigerian financial landscape.Keywords: Reporting Standards, Value, Relevance, Earnings, Management

    Determinants of Corporate Profitability in Developing Economies

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    The study investigates the determinants of corporate profitability in developing economies, with main emphasis on the Nigerian context. The study analyzes the relationship between capital structure, firm size, cash liquidity, financial leverage and corporate profitability. A panel data consisting of forty (40) randomly selected companies, spanning a period of five (5) years was utilized for the study. The ordinary least square regression was used to analyze the existence of relationships among the dependent and independent variables. A positive relationship was found to exist between firm size and corporate profitability, and financial leverage and corporate profitability. Capital structure and cash liquidity exhibited negative relationships with corporate profitability. The study recommended the use of different indices of profitability; as differing results are possible. The study further proposed the inclusion of additional variables in order to improve the stability and explanatory power of the overall model. Keywords: Corporate Profitability, Capital Structure, Firm Size, Cash Liquidity, Financial Leverage

    Determinants of Audit Quality in the Nigerian Business Environment

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the determinants of audit quality in the Nigerian business environment. The research empirically examined the relationship between audit quality, engagement and firm related characteristics such as audit tenure, audit firm size, board independence and ownership structure. A regression model was used to analyze the existence of significant relationships between audit quality and the firm/audit related characteristics. Audit firm size, board independence and ownership structure were found to be positively related to audit quality; however, only board independence exhibited a significant relationship with audit quality. Audit tenure exhibited a negative relationship with audit quality which was also not significant. The study recommends the sustenance and possible improvements on the non-executive board composition of organizations. Keywords: Audit Quality, Audit Tenure, Audit Firm Size, Board Independence, Ownership Structure

    Microwave detection of buried mines using non-contact, synthetic near-field focusing

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    Existing ground penetrating radars (GPR) are limited in their 3-D resolution. For the detection of buried land-mines, their performance is also seriously restricted by `clutter'. Previous work by the authors has concentrated on removing these limitations by employing multi-static synthetic focusing from a 2-D real aperture. This contribution presents this novel concept, describes the proposed implementation, examines the influence of clutter and of various ground features on the system's performance, and discusses such practicalities as digitisation and time-sharing of a single transmitter and receiver. Experimental results from a variety of scenarios are presented

    bHROS high spectral resolution observations of PN forbidden and recombination line profiles

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    We have acquired high spectral resolution observations (R=150,000) of the planetary nebulae NGC 7009 and NGC 6153, using bHROS on Gemini South. Observations of this type may provide a key to understanding why optical recombination lines (ORLs) yield systematically higher heavy element abundances for photoionized nebulae than do the classical forbidden collisionally excited lines (CELs) emitted by the same ions; NGC 7009 and NGC 6153 have notably high ORL/CEL abundance discrepancy factors (ADFs) of 5 and 10, respectively. Due to the opposite temperature dependences of ORLs and CELs, ORLs should be preferentially emitted by colder plasma. Our bHROS observations of NGC 7009 reveal that the [O III] 4363A CEL has a FWHM linewidth that is 1.5 times larger than that shown by O II ORLs in the same spectrum, despite the fact that all of these lines are emitted by the O2+ ion. The bHROS spectra of NGC 6153 also show that its O II ORLs have significantly narrower linewidths than do the [O III] 4363A and 5007A lines but, in addition, the [O III] 4363A and 5007A lines show very different velocity profiles, implying the presence of large temperature variations in the nebula.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, for Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 234, `Planetary Nebulae in our Galaxy and Beyond

    Climate change

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    What space can teach us about planet Earth ?Lecture on climate change, pollutio