725 research outputs found

    On-farm Verification of the Soil Moisture and Yield Response of Tied Ridge on Maize Production in Dry Areas of SNNPR,

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    The use of in-situ moisture conservation techniques helps to reduce the runoff rate, nutrient losses from soil and improve the soil moisture and nutrient availability for plant growth which in turn, boost the productivity of land and plants. This study were focused on verification of  open end tied ridge with furrow planting method as in-situ moisture conservation techniques on soil moisture conservation and grain yield of maize in dry land area of sankura woreda, SNNPR. Two treatments namely tied ridge and traditional practices replicated at four farmers field was compared interms of soil moisture conservation and maize grain yield. The result depicted that tied ridge showed 35.8 %   and 27.8% maize grain yield and biomass production advantages over traditional practice respectively. This was directly correlated with 33.7% soil moisture advantage on tied ridge cultivation over traditional practice. Therefore, tied ridge as in-situ moisture conservation is effective measures in storing additional soil water for the next cropping season as compared to traditional practice. It is recommended that, the practice should be demonstrated and scaled up in the study area and at similar agro-ecology across in the region. Keywords: Soil moisture, Tied ridge, maize yiel

    Determinants of domestic saving in Ethiopia

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate the determinants of domestic saving in Ethiopia using time series annual data form 1969/70-2010/11. In this study, both qualitative explanations and econometric analysis are used. The qualitative (descriptive) part of the analysis shows that average domestic saving in Ethiopia was low and continuously falling. In the econometric analysis, effort has been made to identify the long run and short run determinants of domestic saving in Ethiopia using Johnson Maximum Likelihood co-integration test and Vector error correction mechanism (VECM).Estimated results reveal that growth rate of GDP, government consumption and foreign aid are statistically significant long run determinants of domestic saving in Ethiopia. On the other hand, deposit interest rate, dependency ratio, and financial depth are found to be insignificant determinants. However, in the short run, all the explanatory variables included in this study do not have statistically significant meaning in explaining domestic saving in Ethiopia. The speed of adjustment has value 0.585743 with negative sign, which shows the convergence of saving model towards long run equilibrium. By considering the significant as well as insignificant but very important variables to enhance domestic saving: Sustainable economic growth, increasing private sector participation as well as selective privatization of government owned institutions, expansion of financial intermediaries and creating competitive environment in the financial sector are suggested to improve domestic saving in Ethiopia.Jimma UNiversit

    Spatial Analysis of Climate variability and Change in the Great Ethiopian Rift Valley Basins

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    The generally high temporal and spatial climate variability and change in most parts of Ethiopia, where rainfed farming is the main form of crop production, has been the main cause of food insecurity in significant areas of the country. Spatial variations in selected climate variables were investigated for the great Rift Valley regions of Ethiopia during the baseline (1981-2010) and projected (2021-2100) periods. Baseline climate data from 16 stations that represent different agroecology were obtained from National Meteorology Agency of Ethiopia (NMA) (http://www.ethiomet.gov.et). Corresponding projected data grided over 0.5ᵒ X 0.5ᵒ were retrieved from eight GCM-RCM combinations under two Representative concentration pathways (RCPs) from CORDEX database (http://www.cordex.org).  First order Markov chain model was used for missing rainfall data filling. Coefficient of variation and standardized anomaly index descriptors were used in the analysis of climate data for each station. Spatial maps were then generated from station values using the ordinary kriging method of interpolation. The result indicated that rainfall of the study basins showed both spatial and temporal variabilities. The total annual rainfall showed variation in the year-to-year variability ranging from low in the southern half to high in the northern half of the basins. Seasonal rainfall showed high to very high variability which is challenging to rainfed agriculture. For the projected periods, majority of the climate models projected a decline in annual rainfall and increase in temperature. HadGEM2-ES_RCA4 model simulation suggested precipitation change varying from +4.2 to -16% and +3.8 to -18% for near period under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emission scenarios, respectively. Mean temperature is projected to rise from +0.7 to +1.25 ºC under RCP4.5 to +0.9 to +1.6 ºC under RCP8.5 across the GRVB in the near future and further warming was projected in the mid and end centuries. Rainfed crop production in the region, which is already impacted by the current climate variability, is likely to be further challenged with future climate change. As a consequence, specific impact -based adaptation strategies are essential to reduce the vulnerability of rainfed crop production in the area. Keywords: Climate models, growing season, Rift Valley, seasonal water deficit, dry spell DOI: 10.7176/JEES/11-16-01 Publication date:June 30th 202

    On-farm Verification of the Soil Moisture and Yield Response of Tied Ridge on Maize Production in Dry Areas of Silte Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia

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    The use of in-situ moisture conservation techniques helps to reduce the runoff rate, nutrient losses from soil and improve the soil moisture and nutrient availability for plant growth which in turn, boost the productivity of land and plants. This study were focused on verification of  open end tied ridge with furrow planting method as in-situ moisture conservation techniques on soil moisture conservation and grain yield of maize in dry land area of sankura woreda, SNNPR. Two treatments namely tied ridge and traditional practices replicated at four farmers field was compared interms of soil moisture conservation and maize grain yield. The result depicted that tied ridge showed 35.8 %   and 27.8% maize grain yield and biomass production advantages over traditional practice respectively. This was directly correlated with 33.7% soil moisture advantage on tied ridge cultivation over traditional practice. Therefore, tied ridge as in-situ moisture conservation is effective measures in storing additional soil water for the next cropping season as compared to traditional practice. It is recommended that, the practice should be demonstrated and scaled up in the study area and at similar agro-ecology across in the region. Keywords: Soil moisture, Tied ridge, maize yiel

    Do Remittances Promote Household Savings? Evidence from Ethiopia

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    In many circumstances there are inadequate empirical analysis on the use and potential impact of international remittances in Ethiopia, particularly on household savings. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of international remittances on the level of household savings relying on a micro-level household survey data coming from the second phase of Future of African Remittances: Ethiopian National Survey 2010. A total of 410 regular international remittances-recipient households are incorporated in the analysis. Both OLS and Tobit regression techniques are adopted for the empirical inquiry. The estimated result reveals that households with higher international remittances save more. However, rich households save a lesser portion of remittances they receive from their fellow migrants. The result also shows that international remittances are not only denote a significant share of households’ consumption expenditure, but also are sources of funds needed to boost investment spending through enhancing the level of household savings in Ethiopia. This paper therefore recommends that more has to be done in providing investment opportunities including financial products for remittances-recipient households to direct the money they receive in to productive investment. Keywords: Migration, International Remittances, Household Savings, Ethiopia JEL Classification: D14, F22, F24, H3

    Determinants of Tax Compliance Behavior in Ethiopia: Evidence from South Gondar Zone

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    This study is conducted with the main objective of analyzing the empirical relationship between tax compliance behaviour and its determinants in South Gonder Zone of the Amhara region. The study is conducted by using primary data collected from category “A” and “B” tax payers. The primary data is collected using structured questionnaire from 11 districts in the zone. The response obtained from 295 respondents (87.3% response rate) is used for the analysis. Both descriptive and econometrics approach is applied to analyze the data. In order to determine the empirical relationship between tax compliance behavior and its determinant, binary logit model is estimated. The study found that audit rate, attitude of tax payers, perception on equity of the tax system and benefit from the government as well as education are found to have statistically significant positive impact on the tax compliance behavior of category” A” and “B” tax payers in South Goder Zone. On the contrary, tax rate, audit probability, social norm, compliance cost and sex are identified as statistically significant negative determinants of tax compliance behavior in the study area. But, Penalty rate, Perception of government Spending, training to enhance tax knowledge and age of the respondent are found to have statistically insignificant effects on compliance behavior of category “A” and “B” tax payers in South Gondar zone. Finally, the study has forwarded suggestions to further strengthen audit rates, tax equity, tax education, and build the capacity of tax auditors. Moreover, the tax authority should work hard to reduce compliance costs and improve the attitudes of tax payers. Keywords: Determinant, Logit model, Tax Compliance DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-5-03 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Enabling Instruments, Encouraging Results, and Unmet Challenges: Females’ Higher Education Access in Ethiopia

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    This study examined the policy environment available to enhance females’ access to higher education in Ethiopia and the success stories as a result. Moreover, it explored challenges that defy international, regional and national instruments and efforts. A qualitative descriptive method was used and semi-structured key informant interviews, focus group discussion, and document review were employed to collect relevant data. Primary data were obtained from a State Minister, a Directorate Director and three experts (within the same directorate) of the Ethiopian Ministry of Education. Secondary data were secured by reviewing many documents, including the Ethiopian Constitution and the Education and Training Policy. The findings reveal that there is a favourable policy environment or there are many instruments that are aimed at addressing the issue of females’ access to higher education. As a result, there are overall improvements in females’ university enrolments but still there is a long way to go to declare victory. Deeprooted problems remained deep. The issue of females’ access to higher education is being side-lined even before satisfactory results are achieved. It is suggested that the issue should remain among the country’s priorities since the problem can be solved, but only slowly.Key Words: higher education, access, females, policies, Africa, Ethiopi

    Ethiopia’s Export Performance with Major Trade Partners: A Gravity Model Approach

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    A gravity model is very important in the analysis of bilateral trade flows, and has proven to be a useful tool in determining export potential of a country. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to analyze factors that determine export flows between Ethiopia and its trading partners using a gravity model approach. The research had used secondary data collected from different sources and covers periods from 1995-2010 for 14 importing countries, which implies that the data were panel. There was consideration of the importing capacity of the countries and successiveness of their importing condition for considering the countries as a sample. Different tests were applied in order to select the appropriate model to regress the gravity model. As of those tests, the research had adopted the random effects gravity model. The model result showed that six of the total variables (nine) are significant at different level of significance. Coefficients of per capita GDPs of importer and exporter countries, population size of trading partners, and the distance between nations are significant and as to the expected sign. However, the coefficients of population sizes of Ethiopia and bilateral exchange rate between nations are significant and against the hypotheses. Based on the result, successive enlargement of the foreign per capita GDP directly result into increment in the export revenue of Ethiopia. In addition, the more populous the trading partners of Ethiopia, the higher its export volumes as they imports much to satisfy large domestic demands. Moreover, distance between two countries, which is a proxy for transport costs, affects Ethiopian exports negatively. Keywords: Export, Gravity model, random effects, Panel data, Demand and Supply side factor
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