29 research outputs found

    Reperti di Ankothrips mavromoustakisi Priesner in Sud Italia continentale (Thysanoptera Aeolothripidae)

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    REPORTS OF Ankothrips mavromoustakisi PRIESNER FROM CONTINENTAL SOUTHERN ITALY Seasonal occurrence of Ankothrips mavromoustakisi adults and neanids (= larvae) was evaluated in a farm of Apulia region. In this farm, outbreak of neanids does occur on the rows of Cupressus sempervirens L. from the end of January up to the end of March, as long as cypress discharges its pollen. Adults were collected on the cypress canopy from the end of October to the end of February; they showed their higher occurrence at the end of December, when up to 500 adults were obtained sampling 30 branches at random from different rows of C. sempervirens. The remarkable specificity of this thrips for C. sempervirens was evaluated comparing samples from adjacent rows of C. sempervirens and Cupressus arizonica Green. The latter were populated by few adults only and were found unable to sustain the development of neanids. Furthermore, no adult of A. mavromoustakisi was found on flowering plants other than cypress in the same farm throughout the year. Results confirm the life cycle of A. mavromoustakisi to be comprehensive of a long starvation period (from March to November) in the soil, where full-grown neanids hide and built their own cell. Males seem to be absent in the examined population. Key words: Thysanoptera, cypress, seasonal occurrence, host plant, starvation.Osservazioni di campo e di laboratorio hanno riguardato un tripide di recente segnalazione per l’Italia, Ankothrips mavromoustakisi Priesner; esse sono state condotte su materiale raccolto presso un’azienda agricola in Puglia e attestano o suggeriscono quanto segue: (a) Cupressus sempervirens è la pianta-ospite preferita dagli adulti in fase trofica; (b) la medesima specie botanica è sede di ovideposizione e proliferazione delle neanidi; (c) gli adulti sono presenti sulle chiome dei cipressi da fine-ottobre a fine-febbraio, con un picco di densità intorno alla fine di dicembre; (d) le neanidi proliferano sulle branche di C. sempervirens per tutta la fase di emissione del polline; (e) C. arizonica non è utilizzato per la proliferazione; (f) il tripide è assente dalla parte aerea delle piante di qualsivoglia specie da fine-marzo a fine-ottobre; (g) in tutto questo periodo la specie è insediata al suolo. Parole-chiave: Thysanoptera, cipresso, presenza stagionale, pianta-ospite, quiescenza.

    La Processionaria del Pino, Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. et Schiff.) (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae), e i suoi nemici naturali in Puglia

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    THE PINE PROCESSIONARY CATERPILLAR 'THAUMETOPOEA PITYOCAMPA (DEN. ET SCHIFF.) (LEPIDOPTERA: THAUMETOPOEIDAE) AND ITS NATURAL ENEMIES ON APULIA REGION (SOUTHERN-lTALY) Observations carried out during 1990-92 on Apulia Region (Southern-Italy) using "trap-tests" baited with the sex pheromone of Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. et Schiff.) made possible to assure differences in the flight period of males in pine woods at different altitudes. Moreover, it does not seem to exist a relationship between captured males and patterns of the infestations while there is a connection between the number of overwintering larvae and pine-trees defoliations more than between the number of winter nests and defoliations; in fact the average number of larvae within the winter nests was more than 100 in the pine woods heavy infested by T. pityocampa and about 46 larvae where the pine-trees were light infested even if the winter nests were numerous. During the period of the researches the following natura! enemies complex was found: - from the eggs: Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Merc.) (Encyrtidae), Eutetrastichus servadeii (Dom.) (Eulophidae), Anastatus bifasciatus B. de Fonsc. (Eupelmidae), Eupelmus urozonus Dalm. (Eupelmidae), and Macroneura (=Eupelmella Masi) sp. (Eupelmidae), Trichogramma embryophagum (Htg.) (Trichogrammatidae); - from the larvae: Phryxe caudata Rondani (Diptera: Tachinidae); - from the eopupae: Hexamermis sp. (Nematoda: Mennithidae), which was for the first time found in pine processionary; - from the pupae: Coelichneumon rudis B. de Fonsc. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), Conomorium pityocampae Graham (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), P. caudata, and Villa sp. (Diptera: Bombyliidae). Larvae and pupae were also parasitized by Beauveria bassiana (Vuill.) Balsam. and Paecilomycesfarinosus (Dicks.) (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes). While the parasitoids of larvae and pupae had low importance, the incidence of egg-parasitoids were high; in particular O. pityocampae and E. servadeii were the most active. Interesting was the action of the magpies (Piea piea L.) where pieces of T. pityocampa adults and eggs were found in their stomachs.Durante il triennio 1990-1992 sono state condotte in Puglia osservazioni sull'andamento dei voli dei maschi e sugli antagonisti dei vari stadi di sviluppo della Processionaria del Pino, Tbaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. et Schiff.). Il rilevamento dei voli dei maschi, effettuato tramite "trap-test" innescate con il feromone sessuale, ha accertato uno sfasamento del periodo e della durata dei voli in pinete situate a diversa altitudine. Si è rilevato che, mentre non sembra esserci una relazione tra il numero di catture e andamento delle infestazioni, esiste invece una relazione tra il numero di larve svernanti e danni più che tra numero di nidi invernali e defogliazioni. Nelle pinete molto infestate il numero medio di larve per nido è stato superiore alle 100 unità mentre nelle pinete con bassi livelli d'infestazione, anche se il numero dei nidi era elevato, sono state contate in media non più di 46 larve per nido. Dall'esame dei vari stadi di sviluppo sono stati riscontrati i seguenti antagonisti: - microimenotteri Calcidoidei oofagi, Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Merc.) (Encyrtidae), Eutetrastichus servadeii (Dom.) (Eulophidae), Anastatus bifasciatus B. de Fonsc. (Eupelmidae), Eupelmus urozonus Dalm. (Eupelmidae), Macroneura (=Eupelmella Masi) sp. (Eupelmidae), Trichogramma embryophagum (Htg.) (Trichogrammatidae); - parassitoidi delle larve, Phryxe caudata Rondani (Diptera: Tachinidae); - parassita delle eopupe, Hexamermis sp. (Nematoda: Mermithidae), rinvenuto per la prima volta associato alla Processionaria; - parassitoidi delle crisalidi, Coelichneumon rudis B. de Fonsc. (Hymenoptera: Jchneumonidae), Conomorium pityocampae Graham (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), P. caudata e Villa sp. (Diptera: Bombyliidae). Le larve e le crisalidi sono state anche parassitizzate dai funghi patogeni: Beauveria bassiana (Vuill.) Balsam. e Paecilomyces farinosus (Dicks.) (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes). Mentre l'azione degli antagonisti sulle larve e sulle crisalidi è risultata modesta, significativa è stata quella esercitata dai microimenotteri oofagi principalmente da O. pityocampae e da E. servadeii. Interessante è stato il comportamento delle Gazze (Piea piea L.) nel cui stomaco sono stati rinvenuti frammenti degli adulti e uova della T pityocampa.

    new species and new records of ant eating spiders from mediterranean europe araneae zodariidae

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    The following new Zodarion species are described from Italy: Zodarion pantaleonii Bosmans & Pantini spec. nov. and Z. pseudonigriceps Bosmans & Pantini spec. nov., both from Sardinia, Z. montesacrense Bosmans spec. nov. and Z. valentii Bosmans, Loverre & Addante spec. nov., both from Puglia, Z. valentii also occurs in Sicily. Zodarion sp., described from Greece in 2009, is the unknown female of Zodarion zorbaBosmans, 2009. Zodarion gracilitibiale Denis, 1934 is new for Italy. New records for 43 other European Zodarion species are presented

    Host plants preferred by tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) larvae for pupation

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    Tuta absoluta also known as the leafminer of tomatoes is an invasive pest able to destroy an entire field or greenhouse with tomato plants in a few days. With this study we intend to prove the preference of larvae for pupation. For the study we have used leaves from five plant species: tomato, eggplant, pepper, fig, and Solanum nigrum. Three randomly chosen types of leaves were placed in Petri dish. The most prevalent preference of larvae was for the tomato leaves, followed by Solanum nigrum while the eggplant showed little attraction for the larvae and pepper leaves were untouched. From this study we can conclude that tomato leaves were the most preferred by T. absoluta larvae for their pupation

    Postharvest Diseases of Pomegranate: Alternative Control Means and a Spiderweb Effect

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    The pomegranate is a fruit known since ancient times for its beneficial properties. It has recently aroused great interest in the industry and among consumers, leading to a significant increase in demand. Consequently, its cultivation has been boosted all over the world. The pomegranate crop suffers considerable yield losses, especially at the postharvest stage, because it is a “minor crop” with few permitted control means. To control latent (Alternaria spp., Botrytis spp., Coniella spp., Colletotrichum spp., and Cytospora spp.) and wound (Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp., and Talaromyces spp.) fungal pathogens, different alternative compounds, previously evaluated in vitro, were tested in the field on pomegranate cv. Wonderful. A chitosan solution, a plant protein hydrolysate, and a red seaweed extract were compared with a chemical control treatment, all as preharvest (field application) and postharvest treatments and their combinations. At the end of the storage period, the incidence of stamen infections and external and internal rots, and the severity of internal decay were evaluated. Obtained data revealed that pre- and postharvest application of all substances reduced the epiphytic population on stamens. Preharvest applications of seaweed extract and plant hydrolysate were the most effective treatments to reduce the severity of internal pomegranate decays. Furthermore, the influence of spider (Cheiracanthium mildei) cocoons on the fruit calyx as a possible barrier against postharvest fungal pathogens was assessed in a ‘Mollar de Elche’ pomegranate organic orchard. Compared to no-cocoon fruit (control), the incidence of infected stamens and internal molds in those with spiderwebs was reduced by about 30%, and the mean severity of internal rots was halved. Spiderwebs analyzed via Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) disclosed a layered, unordered structure that did not allow for the passage of fungal spores due to its mean mesh size (1 to 20 µm ca). The aims of this research were (I) to evaluate alternative compounds useful to control postharvest pomegranate decays and (II) to evaluate the effectiveness of spiders in reducing postharvest fungal infections by analyzing related mechanisms of action. Alternative control means proposed in the present work and calyx spider colonization may be helpful to reduce postharvest pomegranate diseases, yield losses, and waste production in an integrated control strategy, satisfying organic agriculture and the planned goals of Zero Hunger Challenge launched by the United Nations