84 research outputs found

    Sviluppo di nanocarriers per il “drug release” controllato di biomolecole nella terapia antitumorale

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    Una nuova generazione di nanogels (NGs) in poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) è stata ottenuta mediante beta–irraggiamento (e-beam) ad alta energia mediante elettroni accelerati, che permette in tempi brevi la reticolazione di polimeri in soluzione acquosa, utilizzando acceleratori di particelle lineari. Oltre al controllo dimensionale, l’aspetto innovativo di tale tecnica è la possibilità di ottenere nanogels sterili, la cui funzionalizzazione di superficie avviene in un unico step. Inizialmente, è stata provata la loro biocompatibilità e non genotossicità in sistemi biologici, caratteristiche fondamentali per la loro applicazione in campo biomedico. Inoltre, sono stati messi a punto dei protocolli per la bioconiugazione delle nanoparticelle con diverse molecole, grazie alla presenza dei gruppi amminici e carbossilici reattivi presenti sulla loro superficie. Dopo aver coniugato i nanogels con delle sonde fluorescenti (isotiocianato di fluoresceina e ammino-fluoresceina), è stata valutata l’affinità dei nanogels per i sistemi biologici in vitro, verificando la loro capacità di oltrepassare le membrane biologiche. La famiglia di nanogels funzionalizzati con gruppi amminici è stata bioconiugata con un anticorpo monoclonale fluorescente, in grado di riconoscere e legare la glicoproteina di membrana CD44. Per riuscire ad avere un’attività di “addressing” sito-specifico, tali nanoparticelle sono state coniugate con l’anticorpo monoclonale fluorescente anti-beta3, che riconosce l’integrina alpha v-beta3. Tramite wound-healing assay su cellule endoteliali ECV304 è stato dimostrato il targeting attivo mediato da tali nanoparticelle. Inoltre, è stato dimostrato che il meccanismo di internalizzazione dei nanogels preferenziale sfrutta la macropinocitosi. Per quanto riguarda la famiglia di nanogels funzionalizzati con gruppi carbossilici, questi sono stati ingegnerizzati per il rilascio controllato di un farmaco chemioterapico, ossia la Doxorubicina. Il meccanismo d’azione pensato, sfrutta l’aumento dei livelli di glutatione presente nel citoplasma delle cellule tumorali, che risulta essere superiore rispetto a quello presente nelle cellule normali. L’efficenza del sistema proposto è stata studiata su cellule MC3T3-E1 non tumorali e su cellule Hela tumorali. Infine, sono stati fatti esperimenti preliminari di coniugazione dei nanogels con acidi nucleici, seguiti da studi di riconoscimento enzimatico, per un futura applicazione dei nanogels in terapie basate sul silenziamento genico

    Neurohypophyseal hormones and skeletal muscle: a tale of two faces

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    The neurohypophyseal hormones vasopressin and oxytocin were invested, in recent years, with novel functions upon striated muscle, regulating its differentiation, trophism, and homeostasis. Recent studies highlight that these hormones not only target skeletal muscle but represent novel myokines. We discuss the possibility of exploiting the muscle hypertrophying activity of oxytocin to revert muscle atrophy, including cancer cachexia muscle wasting. Furthermore, the role of oxytocin in cardiac homeostasis and the possible role of cardiac atrophy as a concause of death in cachectic patients is discussed

    Glutathione-sensitive nanogels for drug release

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    Nanogels (NGs) synthesized by pulsed electron-beam irradiation of semi-dilute poly (N-vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) aqueous solutions, at relatively low energy per pulse and doses within the sterilization dose range, represent a very interesting family of polymeric nanocarriers. Ionizing irradiation-induced crosslinking of PVP allows to control particle size, and surface chemistry of the polymer nanoparticles without making use of catalysts, organic solvents or surfactants, and with beneficial effects onto the purity and hence biocompatibility of the final products obtained. Furthermore, the availability of reactive functional groups, either generated by the radiation or purposely grafted via copolymerisation with suitable functional monomers enables the conjugation of therapeutics drug, that make them suitable nanocarriers for biomedical applications. In particular, we have developed a carboxyl-functionalized nanogel variant for glutathione-mediated delivery of a chemotherapeutic agent, Doxorubicin. The drug is linked to the nanoparticles through a linker containing a cleavable disulphide bridge, aminoethyldithiopropionic acid (AEDP). In vitro drug release experiments have shown that glutathione can induce the release of Doxorubicin, through the reduction of the disulfide bridge. These results suggest that such redox-responsive nanoparticles can deliver doxorubicin into the nuclei of tumor cells, thus inducing inhibition of cell proliferation, and provide a favourable platform to construct nanoscalar drug delivery systems for cancer therapy

    Water-borne Polymeric Nanoparticles for Glutathione-Mediated Intracellular Delivery of Anticancer Drugs.

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    A new family of water-borne, biocompatible and carboxyl- functionalized nanogels was developed for glutathione- mediated delivery of anticancer drugs. Poly(N-vinyl- pyrrolidone)-co-acrylic acid nanogels were generated by e- beam irradiation of aqueous solutions of a crosslinkable polymer, using industrial-type linear accelerators and set- ups. Nanogels physico-chemical properties and colloidal stability, in a wide pH range, were investigated. In vitro cell studies proved that the nanogels are fully biocompatible and able to quantitatively bypass cellular membrane. An anticancer drug, doxorubicin (DOX), was linked to the carboxyl groups of NGs through a spacer containing a disulphide cleavable linkage. In vitro release studies showed that glutathione is able to trigger the release of DOX through the reduction of the S-S linkage at a concentration comparable to its levels in the cytosol

    The nucleic acid-binding protein PcCNBP is transcriptionally regulated during the immune response in red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii

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    Gene family encoding cellular nucleic acid binding proteins (CNBP) is well conserved among vertebrates; however, there is limited knowledge in lower organisms. In this study, a CNBP homolog from the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii was characterised. The full-length cDNA of PcCNBP was of 1257 bp with a 5′-untranslated region (UTR) of 63 bp and a 3′-UTR of 331 bp with a poly (A) tail, and an open-reading frame (ORF) of 864 bp encoding a polypeptide of 287 amino acids with the predicted molecular weight of about 33 kDa. The predicted protein possesses 7 tandem repeats of 14 amino acids containing the CCHC zinc finger consensus sequence, two RGG-rich single-stranded RNA-binding domain and a nuclear localization signal, strongly suggesting that PcCNBP was a homolog of vertebrate CNBP. The PcCNBP transcript was constitutively expressed in all tested tissues of unchallenged crayfish, including hepatopancreas, gill, eyestalk, haemocytes, intestine, stomach and cuticle with highest expression in haemocytes, intestine, gills and hepatopancreas. The mRNA expression of PcCNBP in haemocytes was modulated at transcriptional level by different immune challenges, suggesting its involvement in the immune response of P. clarkii during both bacteria and viruses infection

    Haploinsufficiency as a Foreground Pathomechanism of Poirer-Bienvenu Syndrome and Novel Insights Underlying the Phenotypic Continuum of CSNK2B-Associated Disorders

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    CSNK2B encodes for the regulatory subunit of the casein kinase II, a serine/threonine kinase that is highly expressed in the brain and implicated in development, neuritogenesis, synaptic transmission and plasticity. De novo variants in this gene have been identified as the cause of the Poirier-Bienvenu Neurodevelopmental Syndrome (POBINDS) characterized by seizures and variably impaired intellectual development. More than sixty mutations have been described so far. However, data clarifying their functional impact and the possible pathomechanism are still scarce. Recently, a subset of CSNK2B missense variants affecting the Asp32 in the KEN box-like domain were proposed as the cause of a new intellectual disability-craniodigital syndrome (IDCS). In this study, we combined predictive functional and structural analysis and in vitro experiments to investigate the effect of two CSNK2B mutations, p.Leu39Arg and p.Met132LeufsTer110, identified by WES in two children with POBINDS. Our data prove that loss of the CK2beta protein, due to the instability of mutant CSNK2B mRNA and protein, resulting in a reduced amount of CK2 complex and affecting its kinase activity, may underlie the POBINDS phenotype. In addition, the deep reverse phenotyping of the patient carrying p.Leu39Arg, with an analysis of the available literature for individuals with either POBINDS or IDCS and a mutation in the KEN box-like motif, might suggest the existence of a continuous spectrum of CSNK2B-associated phenotypes rather than a sharp distinction between them

    Things come in threes: A new complex allele and a novel deletion within the CFTR gene complicate an accurate diagnosis of cystic fibrosis

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    Background: Despite consolidated guidelines, the clinical diagnosis and prognosis of cystic fibrosis (CF) is still challenging mainly because of the extensive phenotypic heterogeneity and the high number of CFTR variants, including their combinations as complex alleles. Results: We report a family with a complicated syndromic phenotype, which led to the suspicion not only of CF, but of a dominantly inherited skeletal dysplasia (SD). Whereas the molecular basis of the SD was not clarified, segregation analysis was central to make a correct molecular diagnosis of CF, as it allowed to identify three CFTR variants encompassing two known maternal mutations and a novel paternal microdeletion. Conclusion: This case well illustrates possible pitfalls in the clinical and molecular diagnosis of CF; presence of complex phenotypes deflecting clinicians from appropriate CF recognition, and/or identification of two mutations assumed to be in trans but with an unconfirmed status, which underline the importance of an in-depth molecular CFTR analysis

    A novel enzyme blend for efficient tissue dissociation and primary cells isolation

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    Tissue dissociation/primary cell isolation and cell harvesting are principal appli- cations for enzymes in tissue culture research and cell biology studies. The goal of a cell isolation procedure is to maximize the yield of functionally viable dissoci- ated cells. Among the parameters which affect the outcome of any particular dissociating procedure there are enzyme(s) used and related impurities presents in crude enzyme preparation. ABIEL srl recently produced the recombinant collagenase class I (Col G) and II (Col H) from Clostridium histolyticum (PCT WO 2011/073925 A9). The enzymes were produced in Escherichia coli and purified by affinity chromatography. The method of production adopted allows absolute control of the final composition of these enzymes, as well as their stability, purity, activity, absence of toxicity and higher reproducibility of batches. The two collagenases produced separately have been used in conjunction according to precise proportions to dissociate calvaria, liver, pancreas, retina of the BALB/c mouse; and bovine hoof. The analyses carried out on all isolated cell populations suggest that the cells maintain the structural and functional integrity of specific tissues/organs originating. Recombinant Col G and Col H enzymes produced by ABIEL are promising in the context of the tissue/cells dissociation, with the aim to make innovation in the fields of tissue engineering and transplantation medicine

    Impact of the flame retardant 2,2’4,4’-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (PBDE-47) in THP-1 macrophage-like cell function via small extracellular vesicles

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    2,2’4,4’-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (PBDE-47) is one of the most widespread environmental brominated flame-retardant congeners which has also been detected in animal and human tissues. Several studies have reported the effects of PBDEs on different health issues, including neurobehavioral and developmental disorders, reproductive health, and alterations of thyroid function. Much less is known about its immunotoxicity. The aim of our study was to investigate the effects that treatment of THP-1 macrophage-like cells with PBDE-47 could have on the content of small extracellular vesicles’ (sEVs) microRNA (miRNA) cargo and their downstream effects on bystander macrophages. To achieve this, we purified sEVs from PBDE-47 treated M(LPS) THP-1 macrophage-like cells (sEVsPBDE+LPS) by means of ultra-centrifugation and characterized their miRNA cargo by microarray analysis detecting the modulation of 18 miRNAs. Furthermore, resting THP-1 derived M(0) macrophage-like cells were cultured with sEVsPBDE+LPS, showing that the treatment reshaped the miRNA profiles of 12 intracellular miRNAs. This dataset was studied in silico, identifying the biological pathways affected by these target genes. This analysis identified 12 pathways all involved in the maturation and polarization of macrophages. Therefore, to evaluate whether sEVsPBDE+LPS can have some immunomodulatory activity, naïve M(0) THP-1 macrophage-like cells cultured with purified sEVsPBDE+LPS were studied for IL-6, TNF-α and TGF-β mRNAs expression and immune stained with the HLA-DR, CD80, CCR7, CD38 and CD209 antigens and analyzed by flow cytometry. This analysis showed that the PBDE-47 treatment does not induce the expression of specific M1 and M2 cytokine markers of differentiation and may have impaired the ability to make immunological synapses and present antigens, down-regulating the expression of HLA-DR and CD209 antigens. Overall, our study supports the model that perturbation of miRNA cargo by PBDE-47 treatment contributes to the rewiring of cellular regulatory pathways capable of inducing perturbation of differentiation markers on naïve resting M(0) THP-1 macrophage-like cells
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