9 research outputs found

    Direct detection of spin Nernst effect in platinum

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    Generation of spin current lies at the heart of spintronic research. The spin Hall effect and the spin Seebeck effect have drawn considerable attention in the last few years to create pure spin current by heavy metals and ferromagnets, respectively. In this work, we show the direct evidence of heat current to spin current conversion in non-magnetic Platinum by the spin Nernst effect (SNE) at room temperature. This is the thermal analogue of the spin Hall effect in non-magnets. We have shown that the 8K/mu m thermal gradient in Pt can lead to the generation of pure spin current density of the order of 10(8) A/m(2) by virtue of SNE. This opens up an additional possibility to couple the relativistic spin-orbit interaction with the thermal gradient for spintronic applications. Published by AIP Publishing

    Angle tunable trapped mode in a THz metamaterial

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    We report trapped mode in Fano-like resonance in a terahertz (THz) metameterial (MM) consisting of a concentric circular and elliptical gold rings on semi-insulating GaAs substrate. We present the finite element method (FEM) based design, electron beam lithography based fabrication and 0.2-2 THz window spectroscopic results. The trapped mode of the MM can be tuned by the angle between the major axis of the ellipse and the polarization of incident THz electric field (maximum amplitude similar to 100V/m)

    Sensing at terahertz frequency domain using a sapphire whispering gallery mode resonator

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    In this Letter, we experimentally demonstrate a terahertz (THz) whispering gallery mode (WGM) sensor based on a sapphire WGM resonator. The fundamental mode at 129.49 GHz with a Q-factor of 4.63 x 10(3) is used to study its sensitivity to adsorbed molecules. The efficiency of our sensor to detect rhodamine 6G dye molecules in a polyvinyl alcohol matrix at room temperature has been manifested, and a detection sensitivity of 25 parts per million has been achieved. Also, we report an analytical approach based on coupled-mode theory between the waveguide mode and the spherical resonator mode to evaluate the absorption coefficient of the adsorbed molecule on the resonator. The model is modified to evaluate optical constants of materials. The results obtained have been verified by continuous-wave THz transmission results. The results are of importance in sensing, metrology, and material characterization. (C) 2018 Optical Society of Americ

    Pattern and Peel method for fabricating mechanically tunable terahertz metasurface on an elastomeric substrate

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    In this article, we explore a mechanically tunable metasurface on an elastic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membrane operating at Terahertz (THz) frequencies synthesized using a "pattern and peel fabrication" technique. The tunability of the metasurface is based on the change of physical dimensions of the individual micro-structures due to the strain caused by mechanical stretching. The novelty of this technique is the ability to use high resolution e-beam patterning in contrast to established screen-printing techniques reported in the literature. The metasurface studied in this article is a periodic lattice of split-ring structures resonant at THz frequencies. The effect of mechanical stretching on the response of the metasurface is investigated thoroughly through experiments and numerical simulations. The response of the metamaterial to stretching manifests as a shift in the higher order mode by similar to 12% for an applied strain of similar to 25%. This tunability of the spectral response with macroscopic strain is not only substantial for the given structure, but also follows a linear behavior. This device can have potential applications in communications technology, remote strain sensing, chemical and biological sensing. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreemen

    Computational fluid dynamics modeling of the paddle dissolution apparatus: Agitation rate, mixing patterns, and fluid velocities

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    The purpose of this research was to further investigate the hydrodynamics of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) paddle dissolution apparatus using a previously generated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. The influence of paddle rotational speed on the hydrodynamics in the dissolution vessel was simulated. The maximum velocity magnitude for axial and tangential velocities at different locations in the vessel was found to increase linearly with the paddle rotational speed. Path-lines of fluid mixing, which were examined from a central region at the base of the vessel, did not reveal a region of poor mixing between the upper cylin-drical and lower hemispherical volumes, as previously speculated. Considerable differences in the resulting flow patterns were observed for paddle rotational speeds between 25 and 150 rpm. The approximate time required to achieve complete mixing varied between 2 to 5 seconds at 150 rpm and 40 to 60 seconds at 25 rpm, although complete mixing was achievable for each speed examined. An analysis of CFD-generated velocities above the top surface of a cylindrical compact positioned at the base of the vessel, below the center of the rotating paddle, revealed that the fluid in this region was undergoing solid body rotation. An examination of the velocity boundary layers adjacent to the curved surface of the compact revealed large peaks in the shear rates for a region within∼3 mm from the base of the compact, consistent with a ‘grooving’ effect, which had been previously seen on the surface of compacts following dissolution, associated with a higher dissolution rate in this region