11 research outputs found

    Ovarian Fluid Mediates the Temporal Decline in Sperm Viability in a Fish with Sperm Storage

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    A loss of sperm viability and functionality during sperm transfer and storage within the female reproductive tract can have important fitness implications by disrupting fertilization and impairing offspring development and survival. Consequently, mechanisms that mitigate the temporal decline in sperm function are likely to be important targets of selection. In many species, ovarian fluid is known to regulate and maintain sperm quality. In this paper, we use the guppy Poecilia reticulata, a highly polyandrous freshwater fish exhibiting internal fertilization and sperm storage, to determine whether ovarian fluid (OF) influences the decline in sperm viability (the proportion of live sperm in the ejaculate) over time and whether any observed effects depend on male sexual ornamentation. To address these questions we used a paired experimental design in which ejaculates from individual males were tested in vitro both in presence and absence of OF. Our results revealed that the temporal decline in sperm viability was significantly reduced in the presence of OF compared to a saline control. This finding raises the intriguing possibility that OF may play a role in mediating the decline in sperm quality due to the deleterious effects of sperm ageing, although other possible explanations for this observation are discussed. Interestingly, we also show that the age-related decline in sperm viability was contingent on male sexual ornamentation; males with relatively high levels of iridescence (indicating higher sexual attractiveness) exhibited a more pronounced decline in sperm viability over time than their less ornamented counterparts. This latter finding offers possible insights into the functional basis for the previously observed trade-off between these key components of pre- and postcopulatory sexual selection

    Intra-specific morphological variation of the spermatheca in the simultaneously hermaphroditic land snail Helix aperta

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    In the majority of internally fertilizing animals, females are equipped with sperm storage organs where they store the sperm received during copulation. In many simultaneously hermaphroditic pulmonates, these organs consist of complex spermathecae that show inter- and intra-specific variation in their structure. This variability is theoretically predicted by postcopulatory sexual selection in the context of sperm competition and cryptic female choice. In this study, the variation in the structure of the spermatheca was investigated in the land snail Helix aperta from four natural populations near Bejaia in northern Algeria. The populations were different in local snail density, probably also reflecting the intensity of sperm competition. We tested whether the spermatheca showed differences that are predicted by sperm competition theory. In addition, we tested whether the spermathecal structure depends on the shell size and/or is correlated with other reproductive organs that are thought to be affected by sexual selection. We found that the fertilization pouch of H. aperta consists of a simple fertilization chamber and 3–9 spermathecal tubules. The four populations did not differ significantly in the mean number of these tubules. However, significant differences were found in the length of the main tubule, the length of the fertilization chamber, and the average length of lateral tubules. In addition, strong associations were detected between the lengths of these structures and the local snail density, while no effect of shell size or reproductive organs was found. Our results indicate that the intensity of sperm competition may not affect the total number of spermathecal tubules, but may increase their lengths. This increase in spermathecal length may reflect an improved sperm storage capacity that is probably beneficial in situations of high sperm competitions intensity