26 research outputs found

    The Development of an Embedded Figures Test for the Detection of Feigned Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adulthood

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    OBJECTIVES: It has been shown that an increasing number of adults deliberately feign attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which demonstrates the need for new tests designed to detect feigned ADHD. METHODS: An Embedded Figures Test (EFT) was developed for the detection of feigned ADHD in adulthood. EFT performance of 51 adults with ADHD was compared to the performance of 52 matched healthy individuals, as well as to 268 undergraduate students who were randomly allocated in a simulation design to one of four experimental conditions, i.e. a control group, a naïve simulation group, a symptom-coached simulation group or a test-coached simulation group. Furthermore, an independent sample of 11 adults with ADHD as well as a sample of 17 clinicians experienced in the work with adults with ADHD were assessed for further validation of the EFT. RESULTS: The EFT was relatively easy to perform for both patients with ADHD and healthy comparisons as shown by low error rates and non-significant group differences. However, simulation groups differed from patients with ADHD by significant and large effects. An EFT index for the prediction of feigned ADHD was derived based on logistic regression coefficients. Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) demonstrated good classification accuracy of feigned ADHD relative to ADHD (AUC = 94.8%), i.e. high sensitivity (88%) and specificity (90%). CONCLUSIONS: This study supports the utility of the EFT for the detection of feigned adult ADHD

    Het nemen van beslissingen door volwassenen met ADHD:Een systematisch literatuuronderzoek

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    Personen met aandachtstekortstoornis met hyperactiviteit (ADHD) hebben een grotere kans om minder goede (levens)beslissingen te nemen en om risicovolle activiteiten te ondernemen dan personen zonder ADHD. Mogelijk komt dit doordat de kenmerken van ADHD van invloed zijn op het besluitvormingsproces. Hoewel beslissingsproblematiek reeds uitgebreid is onderzocht bij kinderen en adolescenten met ADHD, is er nog relatief weinig bekend over de besluitvorming van volwassenen met ADHD. Om die reden was het doel van dit literatuuronderzoek de aard en omvang van eventuele tekorten in het besluitvormingsproces van volwassenen met ADHD vast te stellen. Hiertoe is de bestaande literatuur, waarin de prestatie van volwassenen met ADHD op beslissingstaken werd vergeleken met de prestatie van een gezonde controlegroep, systematisch doorzocht, waartoe de databases PsycINFO, MEDLINE en PubMed zijn geraadpleegd. In totaal werden er 31 studies geïncludeerd. In de meerderheid van de studies (i.e. 55 %) weken de prestaties van volwassenen met ADHD af op een of meer van de gebruikte beslissingstaken in vergelijking met de controlegroep(en). Dit literatuuronderzoek levert daarmee voorzichtig bewijs voor het bestaan van verschillen in het besluitvormingsproces tussen gezonde individuen en volwassenen met ADHD. De grote inconsistentie in de bevindingen wordt deels verklaard door de verscheidenheid aan domeinen van besluitvorming die werden onderzocht, de comorbide stoornissen van de participanten en het medicatiegebruik in de ADHD-groepen. Het literatuuronderzoek besluit met een bespreking van de implicaties die de bevindingen hebben voor theorieën over de onderliggende mechanismen van ADHD

    Good Vibrations – Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Attention in Healthy Individuals and Individuals with ADHD

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    Objectives: Most of the current treatment strategies of ADHD are associated with a number of disadvantages which strengthen the need for alternative or additional approaches for the reatment of ADHD. In this respect, Whole Body Vibration (WBV) might be interesting as it was found to have beneficial effects on a variety of physiological measures. The present study explored the effects of WBV on attention of healthy individuals and adults diagnosed with ADHD. Methods: Eighty-three healthy individuals and seventeen adults diagnosed with ADHD participated in the study. WBV treatment was applied passively, while participants were sitting on a chair which was mounted on a vibrating platform. A repeated measure design was employed in order to explore potential effects of WBV treatment on attention within subjects. Attention (i.e. inhibitory control) was measured with a color-word interference paradigm. Results: A period of two minutes of WBV treatment had significant beneficial effects of small to medium size on attention of both healthy individuals and adults with ADHD. The effect of WBV treatment on attention did not differ significantly between groups. Conclusions: WBV was demonstrated to improve cognitive performance of healthy individuals as well as of individuals with ADHD. WBV treatment is relatively inexpensive and easy to apply and might therefore be of potential relevance for clinical use. The application of WBV treatment as a cognitive enhancement strategy and as a potential treatment of cognitive impairments is discussed

    Source Discrimination in Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    <p>Objectives: The context of memory experiences is referred to as source memory and can be distinguished from the content of episodic item memory. Source memory represents a crucial part of biographic events and elaborate memory experiences. Whereas individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were shown to have inefficient item memory, little is known about the context of memory experiences.</p><p>Methods: The present study compared 37 adult patients with a diagnosed ADHD with 40 matched healthy participants on a word list paradigm. Memory functions of encoding, retention and source discrimination were assessed. Furthermore, standardized measures of memory and executive control were applied in order to explore a qualitative differentiation of memory components.</p><p>Results: Adult patients with ADHD showed impaired performance in encoding of new information whereas the retention of encoded items was found to be preserved. The most pronounced impairment of patients with ADHD was observed in source discrimination. Regression models of cognitive functions on memory components supported some qualitative differentiation.</p><p>Conclusions: Data analysis suggests a differential pattern of memory impairment in adults suffering from ADHD with a particular deficit in source discrimination. Inefficient source discrimination in adults with ADHD can affect daily functioning by limiting biographic awareness and disturbing general cognitive processes.</p>