6 research outputs found

    Proximate Composition And Medicinal Uses Of Sphenocentrum jollyanum (Pierre)

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    The Proximate composition and medicinal uses of Sphenozentrum jollyanum(Pierre) were determined. The fresh fruits had higher mineral content than the dried seeds- Na2+ (12.95%, 10.95%), K+ (5.83%, 1.91%), P (2.18%, 1.52%). S. jollyanum(Pierre) had a moisture content of 25.39%, a moderately high protein content (10.29%) and a Seed ash content of 5.7% comparable to other trees seeds which range from 0.8-22.5%. The Gross Energy (GE) of 1.3 Kcal/g is low in both tested fresh fruits and the seeds whencompared with other seeds of forest tree species with 6-57 Kcal/g. The medicinal importance of the species ranged from the cure of cough to constipation, malaria, stomach ache, loss of appetite, healing of wounds. It can also serve as an aphrodisiac. The importance of the specie are many and varied from its relatively high mineral and protein content to its ability to cure diverse ailments and diseases. This specie need to be sustainably exploited and conserved because of its pharmaceutical importance and health care delivery to the indigenous populatio

    Antimicrobial Activity and Phytochemical Screening of Ficus Exasperata Root Bark

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    This study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of water and methanolic extracts from root bark of Ficus exasperata. The crude extracts were screened against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Samonella typhimurium Shigella spp, Candida valida, Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger and Fusarium flocciferum at 125μg/ml, 250μg/ml and 500μg/ml concentrations using agar well diffusion. The methanolic extracts had more inhibitory effect on test organisms than water extracts. Antimicrobial activity observed with water extract ranged between (10±0.24 - 25±0.20mm) with no detectable activity at 125μg/ml on Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Similarly, no detectable activity was observed with Candida valida, Candida albicans and Fusaruium flocciferum at all concentrations with water extract. Better antimicrobial activity was observed with the methanolic crude extracts at all concentrations with all test organisms. The activity ranged between (25±0.19 - 35±0.82 mm). Prelimlinary phytochemical screening of Ficus exasperata root bark showed that it contains saponin, alkaloids, cardiac glycoside and reducing sugar with no traces of tannin and anthraquinone. The results of the study provide scientific basis for developing a novel broad spectrum antimicrobial herbal formulation in future.Keywords: Ficus exasperata, antimicrobial activity and phytochemical analysi

    Natural Regeneration Potentials Of Some Indigenous Timber Species In An Exploited Plantation Site At Sapoba, Benin City, Nigeria

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    Seedlings and saplings of economic timber species encounted within an area of 4,000m2 at Sapoba, Edo State (which was previously a plantation site for Entandrophragma cylindricum, Khaya ivorensis and Lovoa trichilodes, established between 1930 and 1932, but were completely exploited between 1990 and 1992) were assessed in order to find out the economic timber species that had regenerated naturally within that land space. The results showed that only 18 choice timber species were encounted within the land area. Gossweilerodendran balsamifera, wassignificantly (p ≤ 0.05) the most abundant species (42.0%), while the Meliaceae and the Leguminaseae were significantly the most abundant families (p ≤ 0.05)encounted. These were Meliaceae: Entandrophragmaangolense(16.5%), Lovoa trichiliodes(8.3%), khaya ivorensis (5.2%) , Entandrophragma cylindricum(3.4%), Guarea cedrata(2.0%), and G. thompsonii(1.0%) and Leguminosae. Albizia ferruginea (3.0%), A. lebbeck (0.6%), Berlinia grandiflora (1.0%), Daniela ogea (0.9%). Piptadeniastrum africana (4.2%) and G. balsamiferam (42.0%). Other species in other families encounterted were Antiaris africana (3.2%), Celtis zenkeri (0.8%), Diospyros mespiliformis (1.00%), Lophira alata (3.2%), Pycannthus angolensis (3.5%) and Terminalia ivorensis (0.5%). Collar diameter correlated significantly and positively with height (r =0.77), showing that generally, the taller the individual stem the larger the collar diameter. The significance of these findings in relation to conservation and management of the choice indigenous timber species to restore them to their pride of place both in Nigeria and abroad