1 research outputs found

    Annisa Nurrachmawati, Nur Rohmah, Lies Permana, Rina Tri Agustini, Khumairotul Zahroh AA

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    Abstrak: Pernikahan dini menimbulkan berbagai risiko dan permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan kesehatan. Salah satu strategi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah kejadian pernikahan dini yaitu melalui pendidikan kesehatan bagi usia remaja. Program ini bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, dan efikasi diri remaja usia SMP yang ada di lingkungan masyarakat di Pulau Maratua tentang pendewasaan usia pernikahan melalui aplikasi metode experiential learning pada promosi kesehatan. Sasaran program ini 54 siswa SMP. Program berupa edukasi dan pelatihan bagi remaja SMP berbasis EXL dengan menggunakan media edukasi kesehatan berupa papan permainan ular tangga dan booklet. Paska edukasi 90.6 siswa setuju menikah dini akan menghambat pencapaian cita-cita. Sebesar 63% siswa menyatakan berani menolak untuk menikah muda. Peserta juga menyatakan bahwa mereka merasakan manfaat yang besar dari prosesexperiential learning ini (88.68%), dari keseluruhan proses experiential learning yang paling diminati peserta yaitu saat bermain ular tangga (66.67%). Edukasi menggunakan experiential learning bejasil membentuk sikap positif dan efikasi diri siswa mengenai pendewasaan usia perkawinan.Abstract: Early marriage raises various problems related to economic, social and health aspects. One strategy that could be used to prevent the incidence of early marriage is through health education for adolescents. This program aims to increase knowledge, attitudes and self-efficacy of junior high school age adolescent on Maratua Island regarding prevention of early marriage through the Experiential Learning (EXL) method in health promotion The target of this program is 54 junior high school students. Activities begin with building partnerships with local schools and health centers. The next stage is providing education and training for junior high school adolescent based on EXL and using health education media in the form of snakes and ladders game boards and booklets. After education, 90.6 students agreed that early marriage would hinder the achievement of their dreams. As many as 63% of students said they dared to refuse early marriage. Participants also stated that they felt great benefits from this experiential learning process (88.68%), of the entire experiential learning process the participants were most interested in playing snakes and ladders (66.67%). Education using experiential learning could form positive attitudes and student self-efficacy regarding prevention of early marriage