25 research outputs found

    Phosphatase PTP4A3 Promotes Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Growth and Predicts Poor Patient Survival

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    Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) has the worst prognosis of all breast cancers, and women diagnosed with TNBC currently lack targeted treatment options. To identify novel targets for TNBC, we evaluated phosphatase expression in breast tumors and characterized their contributions to in vitro and in vivo growth of TNBC. Using Affymetrix microarray analysis of 102 breast cancers, we identified 146 phosphatases that were significantly differentially expressed in TNBC compared to estrogen receptor (ER)-positive tumors. Of these, 19 phosphatases were upregulated (0.66-fold; FDR=0.05) in TNBC compared to ER-positive breast cancers. We knocked down 17 overexpressed phosphatases in four triple-negative and four ER-positive breast cancer lines using specific small interfering RNAs and found that depletion of six of these phosphatases significantly reduced growth and anchorage-independent growth of TNBC cells to a greater extent than ER-positive cell lines. Further analysis of the phosphatase PTP4A3 (also known as PRL-3) demonstrated its requirement for G1/S cell cycle progression in all breast cancer cells, but PTP4A3 regulated apoptosis selectively in TNBC cells. In addition, PTP4A3 inhibition reduced the growth of TNBC tumors in vivo. Moreover, in silico analysis revealed the PTP4A3 gene to be amplified in 29% of basal-like breast cancers, and high expression of PTP4A3 could serve as an independent prognostic indicator for worse overall survival. Collectively, these studies define the importance of phosphatase overexpression in TNBC, and lay the foundation for the development of new targeted therapies directed against phosphatases or their respective signaling pathways for TNBC patients

    A Public Choice Analysis of Endangered Species Listings

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    Sizable economic consequences may resultfrom listing under the Endangered SpeciesAct (ESA). Potentially adversely affectedparties will attempt to use the politicalprocess to protect their interests. Thequestion is, “are listing determinationssubject to political manipulation?” Inthis paper, we explore empirically thepossibility that implementation of the ESAis determined, in part, by politicalconsiderations. Specifically, weinvestigate whether states with strongcongressional representation are able touse their political muscle to reduce thenumber of listings in their states, ascompared to states with weak congressionalrepresentation. Controlling for otherfactors, we find that states with greaterrepresentation on the U.S. Fish andWildlife Service’s budgetary oversightsubcommittee in the U.S. House ofRepresentatives have significantly fewerESA listings than states with weakerrepresentation on that subcommittee. Copyright Kluwer Academic Publishers 2004