20 research outputs found

    De-centralized Job Scheduling on Computational Grids Using Distributed Backfilling

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    The Impact of More Accurate Requested Runtimes on Production Job Scheduling Performance

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    Abstract. The question of whether more accurate requested runtimes can significantly improve production parallel system performance has previously been studied for the FCFS-backfill scheduler, using a limited set of system performance measures. This paper examines the question for higher performance backfill policies, heavier system loads as are observed in current leading edge production systems such as the large Origin 2000 system at NCSA, and a broader range of system performance measures. The new results show that more accurate requested runtimes can improve system performance much more significantly than suggested in previous results. For example, average slowdown decreases by a factor of two to six, depending on system load and the fraction of jobs that have the more accurate requests. The new results also show that (a) nearly all of the performance improvement is realized even if the more accurate runtime requests are a factor of two higher than the actual runtimes, (b) most of the performance improvement is achieved when test runs are used to obtain more accurate runtime requests, and (c) in systems where only a fraction (e.g., 60%) of the jobs provide approximately accurate runtime requests, the users that provide the approximately accurate requests achieve even greater improvements in performance, such as an order of magnitude improvement in average slowdown for jobs that have runtime up to fifty hours.

    Moldable Job Scheduling for HPC as a Service

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    A Self-Tuning Job Scheduler Family with Dynamic Policy Switching

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    The performance of job scheduling policies strongly depends on the properties of the incoming jobs. If the job characteristics often change, the scheduling policy should follow these changes. For this purpose the dynP job scheduler family has been developed

    Advanced Reservation-based Scheduling of Task Graphs on Clusters

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    Abstract. A Task Graph (TG) is a model of a parallel program that consists of many subtasks that can be executed simultaneously on different processing elements. Subtasks exchange data via an interconnection network. The dependencies between subtasks are described by means of a Directed Acyclic Graph. Unfortunately, due to their characteristics, scheduling a TG requires dedicated or uninterruptible resources. Moreover, scheduling a TG by itself results in a low resource utilization because of the dependencies among the subtasks. Therefore, in order to solve the above problems, we propose a scheduling approach for TGs by using advance reservation in a cluster environment. In addition, to improve resource utilization, we also propose a scheduling solution by interweaving one or more TGs within the same reservation block and/or backfilling with independent jobs.

    Scaling of workload traces

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    Abstract — The design and evaluation of job scheduling strategies often require simulations with workload data or models. Usually workload traces are the most realistic data source as they include all explicit and implicit job patterns which are not always considered in a model. In this paper, a method is presented to enlarge and/or duplicate jobs in a given workload. This allows the scaling of workloads for later use on parallel machine configurations with a different number of processors. As quality criteria the scheduling results by common algorithms have been examined. The results show high sensitivity of schedule attributes to modifications of the workload. To this end, different strategies of scaling number of job copies and/or job size have been examined. The best results had been achieved by adjusting the scaling factors to be higher than the precise relation between the new scaled machine size and the original source configuration. I