31 research outputs found

    Диагностические и прогностические возможности электрохимических измерений редокс потенциала плазмы крови

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    Aims: Determination of operating characteristics of the test based on blood plasma redox potential monitoring in patients with different pathological conditions associated with impaired oxygen metabolism during treatment in postoperative period and expanding the range of parameters of the developed method of investigation of blood plasma redox potential.Methods: It were examined healthy volunteers group as following group (n =63), groups of patients with transplanted liver (n =64), kidney (n =59), and lungs (n =7). Redox potential measurements were done by platinum electrode, reference electrode was silver-chlorine one. Potentiostate IPC-ProL was used to registrate and record a dependence redox potential via time. Time of measurement was 15 min.Results: statistically significant differencees of redox potentials ranges was found in healthy volunteers and patients with transplanted kidney and liver. Ratio of measured redox potentials coincident with the values within the confidence interval in healthy volunteers was 12% in patients with transplanted kidney and 10% in patients with transplanted liver. We observed significant differences in the nature of changes of blood plasma's redox potential values in course of monitoring of subgroups of patients with and without complications after liver transplantation. It was found that sensitivity of electrochemical method was 85%, selectivity — 69,8%, precision — 85,2%.Conclusion: we discovered value ranges of blood plasma redox potential typical for different pathological states; we detected an interaction between the effect of treatment and quantitative changes in the values of the blood plasma redox potentials; criterion for early predicition of complications in patients with transplanted liver was proposed basing on redox potential monitoring during postoperative period.Цель исследования: определение операционных характеристик теста на основе мониторинга величин редокс-потенциала плазмы крови пациентов с различными патологическими состояниями, сопровождающимися нарушениями кислородного обмена в процессе лечения; расширение спектра параметров разработанного нами метода исследования редокс-потенциала плазмы крови.Методы: обследованы группы практически здоровых добровольцев (n =63) и пациентов со следующими патологиями: с трансплантацией почки (n =59), печени (n =64) и легкого (n =7). Измерения редокс-потенциала проводили на платиновом микроэлектроде относительно насыщенного хлорсеребряного электрода сравнения. Потенциостат IPC-Pro L (НПФ «Вольта») был использован для записи зависимостей потенциала от времени. Время регистрации составляло 15 мин.Результаты: обнаружены статистически достоверные различия в диапазонах величин редокс-потенциала для практически здоровых людей и пациентов с трансплантированными почкой и печенью. Доля измеренных величин редокс-потенциалов, совпадающих с величинами, находящимися в пределах доверительного интервала редокс-потенциалов практически здоровых людей, составила 12% для пациентов с трансплантированной почкой и 10% для пациентов с трансплантированной печенью. Обнаружено существенное различие в характере изменений величин редокс-потенциала плазмы крови при мониторинге подгрупп пациентов с наличием и отсутствием осложнений после трансплантации печени. Найдено, что чувствительность электрохимического метода определения величин редокс-потенциала плазмы крови составила 85,7%, специфичность — 69,8%, точность — 85,2%.Заключение: обнаружены диапазоны величин редокс-потенциала плазмы крови, характерные для различных патологических состояний; установлена связь эффекта проводимого лечения с количественными изменениями величин редокс-потенциала плазмы крови пациента; предложен критерий для раннего прогнозирования осложнений у пациентов с трансплантированной печенью на основе мониторинга редокс-потенциала в послеоперационном периоде.

    The Composition Operator on Mixed-Norm Lebesgue Spaces

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    It is known that the boundedness of the composition operator on Lebesgue spaces is equivalent to the integrability of the volume derivative of the measurable mapping inducing the given operator. In the present paper, we prove a similar result for mixed-norm Lebesgue spaces in the class of mappings preserving the priority of the variables. © 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Prognostic role of epidermal growth factor receptors’ expression in patients with i-ii stage of non-small cell lung cancer

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    Introduction: According to the National Cancer Registry data, referring to the revised data in Ukraine, 17422 new cases of lung cancer and 13498 deaths from this malignant tumor were registered in Ukraine within 2010 [1]. Therefore, high level of incidence and low effectiveness of treatment require improvement of current diagnostic and treatment methods of lung cancer. Surgery is the main treatment method of lung cancer, which gives a chance to recover. However, even after surgical treatment disease progression develops in some patients, that denotes the biological diversity of patients with early stages of NSCLC. Molecular markers’ use for prognostic groups’ selection is one of the ways to solve the problem of individualized treatment. The most significant among great number of prognostic markers is the group of growth factor receptors [11]. In studied literature we found conflicting data on the prognostic role of epidermal growth factor receptors in patients with early-stage lung cancer. Objective: The aim of our work was to determine the connection of clinical and morphological patients’ characteristics with the expression of epidermal growth factor receptors of 1 and 2 types (EGFR, HER-2-neu) and also to analyze the influence of these factors on patients survival with early stages (I-II) of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Materials and methods: 100 patients with early stages of NSCLC, who received treatment in Zaporozhye regional clinical oncological dispensary from June 2008 till June 2011, were recruited in this study. Among them there were 84 men (84%) and 16 women (16%). Mean age was 60,5 years (95% CI, 58,9-62,1). All patients received surgical treatment with subsequent microscopic examination of tumor tissue. Immunohistochemistry of the removed tumor was performed in all the patients to determine the expression of HER-2-neu, EGFR. Results: Lack of expression of HER-2-neu was observed in 114 patients (64,4%). Expression (+) was detected in 30 patients, (+ +) and (+ + +) in 18 and 8 patients, respectively. HER2/Neu expression wasn’t detected in 7 patients. The absence of EGFR expression was observed in 13 patients. EGFR expression in 6-10% of cells (+) was observed in 15 patients, 10-50% (+ +) - in 31 patient, more than 50% (+ + +) - in 85 patients. In 33 patients the definition of EGFR expression was not carried out. There was no correlation between age, sex, tumor localization, histological type, tumor differentiation, pT and pN criteria with the level of HER-2-neu expression. Also, there was no correlation between age, sex, tumor localization, histological type, tumor differentiation, pT and pN criteria with the level of EGFR expression. One of the main criteria for prognostic value of the marker is its connection with survival. There was shown no difference between patients with lack or presence of HER-2-neu expression during connection analysis of cell staining intensity and survival in patients with І-ІІ stages of NSCLC and EGFR expression (log-rank = 0,18). However, there is a tendency toward an improvement in patients’ survival with a lack of Her-2-neu expression. Multivariate regression analysis was performed to evaluate prognostic value of different clinical and morphological criteria. Independent prognostic factors are histological tumor type (HR=-2,44, p=0,01) and the size of primary tumor (HR=2,97, p=0,003). Prognostic value of other factors, including the expression of growth factors receptors, is not clinically significant, although the borderline predictive value of EGFR expression is noted. Conclusions: Therefore, considering the results of studies carried out in our clinic and the literature data, insufficient knowledge of epidermal growth factor receptors expression in patients with lung cancer is obvious. We have found no connection between clinical and morphological factors and overexpression of EGFR and HER-2-neu in patients with I-II stage of NSCLC

    Factors of sustainable development of agriculture on peat soils of Pripyat Poleshie

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    The cultivation of cereal grasses on anthropogenically transformed peat soils by agricultural enterprises of the Pripyat Polissya contributes to their economic sustainable development. The implementation of the country’s food security program assumes an increase in the area under crops of cereals and cereals and legumes in the structure of fodder lands.Выpaщивaниe злaкoвыx тpaв нa aнтpoпoгeннo–пpeoбpaзoвaнныx тopфяныx пoчвax ceльcкoxoзяйcтвeнными пpeдпpиятиями Пpипятcкoгo Пoлecья cпocoбcтвуeт иx экoнoмичecкoму уcтoйчивoму paзвитию. Peaлизaция пpoгpaммы пpoдoвoльcтвeннoй бeзoпacнocти cтpaны пpeдпoлaгaeт увeличeниe плoщaдeй пoceвoв злaкoвыx и злaкoвo–бoбoвыx тpaв в cтpуктуpe кopмoвыx угодий. Пpи этoм oптимизaция пpимeнeния дoз внocимыx aзoтныx, кaлийныx и фocфopныx удoбpeний oбecпeчивaeт pocт уpoжaйнocти злaкoвыx культуp, пoвышaeт иx зooтexничecкoe кaчecтвo, чтo, в cвoю oчepeдь, пoзвoляeт вoздeлывaть тpaвы нa кopм пpи peнтaбeльнocти 10–20 %. Heмaлoвaжным являeтcя и тoт фaкт, чтo пoceв и выpaщивaниe злaкoвыx, бoбoвo–злaкoвыx тpaвocтoeв нa aнтpoпoгeннo–пpeoбpaзoвaнныx почвax Пpипятcкoгo Пoлecья cпocoбcтвуeт иx вoccтaнoвлeнию и экoлoгичecкoму oздopoвлeнию

    Influence of nitrogen and potash fertilizers on the accumulation of 137Cs by perennial legume-cereal and cereal grasses on peat soils

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    It has been established that on peat shallow soil, the use of P60K240 (K180 for the first grass cutting and K60 for the second grass cutting) under perennial legume-cereal grasses reduces the 137Cs content in hay by 2.2–3.0 times. The use of nitrogen fertilizers in total rates from 30 to 90 kg/ha against the background of P90K180 reduces the concentration of 137Cs in the hay of the first cut by an average of 1.7–2.0 times, in the hay of the second cut by 1.5–1.9 times. On peaty-gley soil, phosphorus and potash fertilizers in rates of P90K90 reduce the transfer of 137Cs into perennial grasses of the first cut by 27–28 %. When K120is introduced for the first cut, a decrease in 137Cs input from the soil into plants is observed. Top dressing of grasses of the second cut with potassium at a dose of 30 kg/ha against the background of P90K90 provides a 50 % decrease in the coefficient of radionuclide conversion into hay. The introduction of cereal grasses N60 and N80 for the first cut does not significantly increase the 137Cs intake into plants. The second nitrogen fertilization of grasses leads to a slight increase in the accumulation of 137Cs in the hay of the grasses of the second cut. The intake of 137Cs in hay at increased doses of nitrogen fertilizers (N120‒140) decreases against a high background of potassium use.Установлено, что на торфяной маломощной почве применение под многолетние бобово-злаковые травы Р60К240 (К180 под первый укос и К60 под второй укос) снижает содержание 137Cs в сене в 2,2–3,0 раза. Внесение азотных удобрений в общих дозах от 30 до 90 кг/га на фоне Р90К180 уменьшает концентрацию 137Cs в сене первого укоса в среднем в 1,7–2,0 раза, в сене второго укоса в 1,5–1,9 раза. На торфянисто-глеевой почве фосфорные и калийные удобрения в дозах Р90К90 снижают переход 137Cs в многолетние злаковые травы первого укоса на 27–28 %. При внесении под первый укос К120 также наблюдается снижение поступления 137Cs из почвы в растения. Подкормка трав второго укоса калием в дозе 30 кг/га на фоне P90K90 обеспечивает уменьшение коэффициента перехода радионуклида в сено на 50 %. Внесение под первый укос злаковых трав N60 и N80 несущественно увеличивает поступление 137Cs в растения. Вторая азотная подкормка трав приводит к некоторому увеличению накопления 137Cs в сене трав второго укоса. Поступление 137Cs в сено при повышенных дозах азотных удобрений (N120–140) снижается на высоком фоне применения калия

    Influence of levels of potassium nutrition on 137Cs accumulation with perennial cereal grasses on anthropogenic-transformed peat soil

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    The results of a study of the effect of potassium fertilizer rates on 137Cs accumulation by perennial grasses on anthropogenic- transformed peat soil are presented. It was found that when the content of P2O5 in the plow layer of 737 mg/kg and K2O is 598 mg/kg, the application of P90K90 in the spring regrowth reduces the 137Cs content in the hay of the first cut by 1.3-1.4 times. The second potassium top dressing with a rate of K30 provides a reduction of 137Cs in the hay of the second cut on an average of 45%. When applying K60 under the second slope, there is no further significant reduction in radionuclide intake in plants.Представлены результаты изучения влияния доз калийных удобрений на аккумуляцию 137Cs многолетними злаковыми травами на антропогенно-преобразованной торфяной почве. Установлено, что при содержании в пахотном слое почвы Р2О5 737 мг/кг и К2О 598 мг/кг применение в период весеннего отрастания трав Р90К90 снижает содержание 137Cs в сене первого укоса в 1,3-1,4 раза. Вторая калийная подкормка дозой К30 обеспечивает уменьшение 137Cs в сене второго укоса в среднем на 45%. При внесении K60 под второй укос не наблюдается дальнейшего существенного снижения поступления радионуклида в растения