37 research outputs found

    On the Time and Place of Writing the Continuation of Ötemish-Hajji’s “Qara Tavarikh” (Comments on the Text)

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    Objective: To offer commentary on the information provided by the continuator of Ötemish-Hajji’s “Qara Tavarikh” and to make an attempt to establish the time and place of the text’s composition. Materials: A number of details of the continuation can be verified by comparison with the documents from the archives of the Posolsky order. In addition, the continuation’s structure and its information allow us to delineate a circle of individuals among whom the manuscript circulated and by whom this addition was written. Results and novelty of the research: The author here establishes that the “Qara Tavarikh’s” continuation, most likely, was written in the 1660s to 1680s in Yaroslavl, among the retinue of the widows of the Siberian prince, Altanay b. Kuchum. This was a kind of reaction to the conversion of their children and relatives to Eastern Orthodoxy in the mid-17th century. Therefore, the continuation contains extensive historical and genealogical information and at the same time represents a polemical work. Using the example of the prince, Hansyuer b. Ali, the anonymous continuator creates the image of a true Muslim under the conditions of the onset of Orthodoxy upon Islam in Russia in the middle to second half of the 17th century. We are faced with a collective epitaph of the entire Siberian Shibanid family, which is interrupted with Kuchum’s grandchildren. According to the author or the commissioner of the continuation, the Shibanids could not be Orthodox. Despite some distortions of real events through silence and subjective assessments of certain historical personalities, the source under consideration, on the whole, quite truthfully represents the events of the 17th century connected with the residence of the descendants of the Siberian khan Kuchum in Muscovy

    Structural Changes and the Paradigm Transformation of the Government Policy on Lifelong Professional Education

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    В настоящей концептуальной статье на основе анализа статистических данных об изменении средне-и долгосрочных потребностей и объемов подготовки кадров в различных подсистемах системы непрерывного профессионального образования рассматриваются гипотезы о вероятном развитии системы непрерывного профессионального образования России и концептуальные предложения по обусловленной этими изменениями приоритетов государственной политике в сфере непрерывного профессионального образования. Комплексный анализ тенденций структурных изменений системы непрерывного профессионального образования отечественными исследователями не проводился; данные зарубежной статистики [1] показывают, что аналогичные тенденции проявились в развитых странах раньше, чем в России. Причина написания статьи - привлечение внимания руководителей профессиональных образовательных организаций и органов управления профессиональным образованием к проблеме реструктуризации стратегических целей развития образования; идентификация проблемной области, актуальной для разработки стратегий развития вузов и сферы профессионального образования. Цели статьи достигаются с помощью анализа макроэкономических показателей потребностей в подготовке кадров по профессиональным образовательным программам разного уровня; сопоставления выявленных тенденций с аналогичными тенденциями за рубежом. Результаты проведенного исследования показали, что потребность в подготовке кадров в системе дополнительного профессионального образования значительно превышает потребности подготовки кадров по традиционным образовательным программам профессионального обучения, подготовки специалистов среднего звена и высшего образования. Причиной этого является ускорение технического и технологического прогресса и объективная неспособность традиционных образовательных программ обеспечить оперативное получение специалистами компетенций, соответствующих быстро возникающим потребностям. Следствием этого является необходимость пересмотра на уровне государства и работодателей приоритетов в развитии профессионального образования и механизмов его стимулирования. Ограничениями в этом может быть недостаточно институционализированная система взаимодействия органов управления образованием, работодателей и образовательных организаций.This conceptual article is based on the statistical data analysis of the changes in mid- and long-term needs and in the scope of personnel training within various systems of lifelong professional education. These data are used to hypothesize the potential direction of the development of this educational system in Russia and the conceptual priorities of the state policies in the area of professional education. The trends related to structural changes in lifelong professional education have never been systematically analyzed in Russia. Foreign statistics shows that such trends have first appeared in other developed countries. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to draw government officials’ and heads of professional educational institutions’ attention to the importance of restructuring the strategic goals of the educational system development, to identify the problem domain of working out the strategies for educational institutions and for the development of the professional education sphere. This purpose is achieved through the analysis of the macroeconomic parameters showing the need in personnel trained within professional educational programmes of various levels and through comparing the identified trends to those in other countries. The results show that the need for training personnel through the system of vocational professional education is much higher than that for training within traditional programmes of professional and higher education. The reason is the intensification of the technological progress and the objective incapability of the traditional educational programmes to provide specialists with competences required by the rapidly changing demands. As a result, the government and employers have to reconsider the priorities of professional education development and the ways to stimulate it. Still, there can be some limitations driven by weakly institutionalized system of interaction within the education management system, among employers and educational institutions

    Enhancement of fusion rates due to quantum effects in the particles momentum distribution in nonideal media

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    This study concerns a situation when measurements of the nonresonant cross-section of nuclear reactions appear highly dependent on the environment in which the particles interact. An appealing example discussed in the paper is the interaction of a deuteron beam with a target of deuterated metal Ta. In these experiments, the reaction cross section for d(d,p)t was shown to be orders of magnitude greater than what the conventional model predicts for the low-energy particles. In this paper we take into account the influence of quantum effects due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for particles in a non-ideal medium elastically interacting with the medium particles. In order to calculate the nuclear reaction rate in the non-ideal environment we apply both the Monte Carlo technique and approximate analytical calculation of the Feynman diagram using nonrelativistic kinetic Green's functions in the medium which correspond to the generalized energy and momentum distribution functions of interacting particles. We show a possibility to reduce the 12-fold integral corresponding to this diagram to a fivefold integral. This can significantly speed up the computation and control accuracy. Our calculations show that quantum effects significantly influence reaction rates such as p +7Be, 3He +4He, p +7Li, and 12C +12C. The new reaction rates may be much higher than the classical ones for the interior of the Sun and supernova stars. The possibility to observe the theoretical predictions under laboratory conditions is discussed

    nstitution of Atalyk­ship in the Post-Golden Horde World.

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    Research objective: To study the institution of atalykship in the Crimean, Siberian and Kazan khanates and the Nogai Horde. Research materials: Published and unpublished sources: books of official orders in the Russian state, chronicles, acts, diplomatic documents, archaeological data, etc. Results and novelty of the research: Up to now the institution of atalykship has not been practically studied. The authors attempted to consider this phenomenon on the example of the Crimean, Siberian and Kazan khanates and the Nogai Horde. Evidence of the presence of atalyks in the service of the Chinggisids in Russia was also taken into account. The authors managed to show that atalyks represented a complex and multifaceted tool in the struggle of the khans with the heads of the els (clans) they controlled. The status of atalyk was based solely on the personal loyalty and affection between the educator and educatee. However, this relationship was beneficial to both sides. A Chinggisid received the faithful conductor of his policy, ready to fulfill his most delicate mission. For his part, the tutor automatically raised his social and material status and helped his relatives’ careers. This, in turn, helped the khan to curb the claims of clan elites. The phenomenon under consideration had many regional features throughout the entire Desht-i Kipchak’s space. We consider the emergence and development of the institution of atalykship on the example of the Crimean khanate. However, this example can not be considered standard. It can not be automatically applied to other territories. Over time, new documents will be found. This will substantially supplement information on this phenomenon in other regions

    C2H6Cl2Si Dichlorodimethylsilane

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    Bispectrum of the 1/F noise in diodes on quantum dots and wells

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    The bispectrum of the 1/f noise is investigated in the present work. For the Gaussian noise it equals zero. LEDs on self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots and laser diodes on In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs/InGaP quantum wells made in Russia were tested. The voltage noise was analyzed in a wide interval of currents through the diodes. Estimates of the probability density function and semi-invariants of the noise have not revealed any appreciable deviations from the Gauss law. Noise spectra Sv(f)in the range 1 Hz - 20 kHz were analyzed. In most cases the frequency exponent γs of the spectrum is close to one, the Hooge’s parameter αH has magnitude of the order 10-4. The bispectrum Bv(f1,f2of the noise is a complex function of frequencies f1 and f2. Its absolute value is decreasing while moving from the beginning of the frequency plane Of1f2. The decrease along the bisector (f1 = f2 = f) follows the power law characterized by the frequency exponent γB ≈ 1.5 γs. The dependence of the "height" of |Bv(f,f)| on the current through the diode is qualitatively similar to this one for the spectrum. The power law describes these dependences, however the exponents are essentially different