8 research outputs found

    Mucoactive therapy in children: A view of a paediatrician and a pharmacologist

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    The article presents current ideas of mucoactive therapy in childhood from the viewpoints of a paediatrician and a pharmacologist. A classification of mucoactive drugs is offered depending on the components of the mucociliary system, on which the drugs act, the mechanisms of action and pharmacological effects . The article gives a detailed characteristic of mucolytic drugs topical from the clinical positions N-acetylcysteine, dornase alfa, hypertonic sodium chloride solution, ambroxol. Indications for administration of certain drugs in children, an algorithm of mucolytic therapy and errors at its prescription are described

    Rational choice of vaginal drug formulation

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    A.S.&nbsp;Dukhanin, O.E.&nbsp;Semioshina Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation This article addresses and supports the criteria for adequate choice of vaginal drug formulation. Comparative pharmaceutical and pharmacological properties of vaginal tablets and vaginal suppositories are reviewed. The effects of the shape and suppository base on vaginal drug formulation choice are discussed. Rational choice of vaginal medications in terms of drug formulation includes: correspondence of drug formulation to treatment goals (transvaginal drug delivery to the blood flow or topical treatment); coordination of pharmaceutical properties of drug formulation base with rapid and complete release of active components; effective combination of antimicrobial agents considering dosing frequency and course duration of the treatment with individual active components of fixed-dose combination; correspondence of drug formulation to the requirements of good adherence to treatment. Case history illustrates that adequate anti-inflammatory therapy before the colposcopy is requ ired. Major indications to broad-spectrum topical combined vaginal medications are addressed. Choice criteria for these medications are specified. Keywords: suppositories, vaginal tablets, adherence to treatment, active ingredients and excipients, complex topical medications, vaginal infections. For citation: Dukhanin A.S., Semioshina O.E. Rational choice of vaginal drug formulation. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2019;2(4):314–320. <br

    Mucoactive therapy in children: A view of a paediatrician and a pharmacologist

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    The article presents current ideas of mucoactive therapy in childhood from the viewpoints of a paediatrician and a pharmacologist. A classification of mucoactive drugs is offered depending on the components of the mucociliary system, on which the drugs act, the mechanisms of action and pharmacological effects . The article gives a detailed characteristic of mucolytic drugs topical from the clinical positions N-acetylcysteine, dornase alfa, hypertonic sodium chloride solution, ambroxol. Indications for administration of certain drugs in children, an algorithm of mucolytic therapy and errors at its prescription are described

    Inositols: pharmacology and findings of clinical trials. Current evidence and prospects

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    Yu.E. Dobrokhotova1, O.A. Gromova2, A.S. Dukhanin1, Z.Kh. Kumykova3, E.V. Sheremetyeva4, G.I. Tabeeva3 1Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation 2Federal Research Center "Informatics and Management" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation 3V.I. Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Moscow, Russian Federation 4National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology, Moscow, Russian Federation Alterations in reproductive functions are associated with metabolic disorders, eating habits and lifestyle. In this context, a growing body of research is currently focused on the use of various vitamins and vitamin-like substances, such as inositol, in female patients with alterations in reproductive functions and metabolic disorders. Co-administration of inositol with pathogenetic therapy can be recommended to women of reproductive age with metabolic syndrome, as an additional option for preserving fertility and activating ovarian functions in young female patients with diminished ovarian reserve. Myoinositol and D-chiroinositol are inositol stereoisomers demonstrating the highest metabolic activity. The beneficial ratio of Myoinositol (MI) to D-chiroinositol (DCI) ensures the healthy state of organs and tissues, while a misbalance or depletion of inositol levels can cause various diseases. Combination of MI and DCI in a 5:1 ratio with manganese and folic acid is an&nbsp; original non-hormonal formula designed to improve functional state of the female reproductive system as well as carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. In addition, this combination should be considered as a promising alternative for the management of metabolic disorders in perimenopausal women. Keywords: reproductive function, metabolism, inositol, myoinositol, D-chiroinositol, polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian reserve, menopause, metabolic syndrome, manganese, folic acid. For citation: Dobrokhotova Yu.E., Gromova O.A., Dukhanin A.S. et al. Inositols: pharmacology and findings of clinical trials. Current evidence and prospects. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2022;5(4):309–319 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2022-5-4-309-319. <br

    The Electron-photon Cascade in Gas. Chapter 2. Collisions Cross Sections

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    Abstract: The analysis of high-energy photons and electrons interaction with nitrogen, oxygen and xenon molecules is represented. The typing of collisions on scattering with small and great momentum transfer is established. The data on cross sections of interactions of low-energy electrons with molecules are represented. The mathematical model of electron-photon cascade transport is represented. Ionizing and elastic scattering, molecular and electron level excitation, electron attachment to oxygen molecules are considered. Sources of data are stated. Data set is oriented on mathematical modeling of electron-photon cascade transport in gaseous medium.Note: Research direction:Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technic