45 research outputs found

    Preoccupa la diffusione del deperimento da fitoplasmi

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    Vengono riportate le principali caratteristiche di un deperimento dell'albicocco associato alla presenza di fitoplasmi, in progressivo aumento negli ultimi anni nella regione Emilia-Romagna, nonch\ue8 alcuni consigli pratici per limitare i danni della fitoplasmosi

    Valutazione della sensibilità di alcuni portinnesti del susino al fitoplasma del "giallume europeo"

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    La ricerca ha individuato sei differenti portinnesti di susino con lo scopo di valutare la loro sensibilità d il loro comportamento rispetto all'infezione con il fitoplasma del giallume europeo delle drupacee (ESFYP). A tale proposito i sei portinnesti sono stati innestati con la cv. Friar ed inoculati mediante inserzioni di tessuto (chip-budding) con materiale proveniente da piante di susino infette da ESFYP. I risultati ottenuti dopo 5 anni confermano la sensibilità di portinnesti derivati da P. persicae (Cadaman-Avimag), mentre interessante sembra la tolleranza all'infezione del Mirocal e del Mirabolano 29C; in particolare quest'ultimo portinnesto ha manifestato negli anni in prova (5) buona capacità vegetativa, e produttiva nonostante la presenza di sintomi della malattia, confermando così le caratteristiche di tolleranza già conosciute dei genotipi di P. cerasifera nei confronti di questa malattia

    Deperimento dell'albicocco, attenzione ai fitoplasmi.

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    Vengono riportate le principali caratteristiche di un deperimento dell'albicocco associato alla presenza di fitoplasmi, in progressivo aumento negli ultimi anni nella regione Emilia Romagna, nonch\ue8 alcuni consigli per limitare i danni della fitoplasmosi

    First report of cherry leaf roll virus in pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) plants.

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    Pomegranate is an important fruit crop, especially in the middle East, with an increasing production for fresh consumption, juice production, pharmacological and therapeutic purposes. Various insect pests, bacterial and fungal diseases are well known and have the potential to cause economic losses; however infection by virus and phytoplasmas have not been cleary investigated, so far, in this species. During summer 2013 and spring 2014, plants of pomegranate of several cvs. exhibiting virus-like symptoms were observed in public gardens in Bologna and Ferrara towns and in two orchards, established in 2012, in the Ravenna province (Emilia-Romagna). Symptoms including chlorotic rings, yellowing and several malformations (curling, dwarfing, shoestring) were observed on the leaves of almost 5% of the plants. Serological and molecular analysis were performed on leaf extracts from 50 symptomatic and 20 symptomless pomegranate trees in order to detect the presence of phytoplasmas and viruses as: alfa alfa mosaic virus (AMV), arabis mosaic virus (ArMV), cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV), cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), prune dwarf virus (PDV), prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) and strawberry latent ringspot virus (SLRV). A significant presence of CLRV was detected in ornamental plants (almost 10% of analysed samples), of which only two expressing leaf deformation symptoms. The virus is present in Italy especially on edelberry, olive and walnut but, to our knowledge, this is the first report of CLRV in pomegranate. Further studies are required to better investigate the viral etiology of virus-like symptoms observed in this species

    Identification and phylogenetic analysis of viruses infecting stone fruits and strawberry in Egypt.

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    Selected commercial and/or local vineyards and nurseries in 3 different governorates of Egypt (Alexandria, El Beheira and El Menofia), were surveyed for diagnostic symptoms of grapevine viruses. Grapevine leafroll associated viruses (GLRaV-1,GLRaV-2,GLRaV-3), Grapevine viruses A and B (GVA,GVB), Grapevine rupestris stem pitting virus (GRSPaV), Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) and Grapevine fleck virus(GFKV) were tested for in red-fruited and white fruited Vitis vinefera cultivars from early April to late October,2010. Incidence of these viruses were assessed by both DAS-ELISA and RT-PCR in 60 different sample. While GVA was the most wide spread (30%), GLRaV-1, GVB, GFLV and GFKV were not detected during the survey. However, GVA, GLRaV-2, GLRaV-3 and GRSPaV were detected in the form of single infection or in mixed infections between 2 or up to 4 viruses. Phylogenetic analysis was performed to all Egyptian isolates GLRaV-1 (4), GLRaV-3 (7), GVA (3) and GRSPaV (6). Such analysis illustrates the evolutionary relationship between the reported Egyptian isolates and other previously reported isolates