38 research outputs found

    Hosea 12:1 — 14

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    In this article it is shown that Hosea 12:1—14 is a literary unit which comprises four parts ( 1 - 3 , 4 - 7 , 8 -1 0 , 1 2 -1 4 ). The first three units deal with the falseness and fraud of Israel/Efraim against God and men. The last unit states that God speaks by means of similes. Three prophecies in simile-form follow, stating that Israel like Gilead will not be able to avert the impending disaster even if they sacrificed bulls (vs 12), that Israel like Jacob will go into exile (vs 13), and that Israel as in the time of the exodus will be redeemed (vs 14)

    Pentateugtradisies in die boek Hosea

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    Pentateuchal traditions in the book HoseaThis article is concerned with the much debated topic of references to Israel’s historical traditions in the book Hosea. The study is mainly directed at the question of the function of Pentateuchal traditions within the context of the book. The higher occurrence of these traditions from Hosea 9 onwards is also looked at, and a possible explanation of this feature is offered in conclusion

    Die boek Job gelees vanuit ’n Ou-Testamentiese verbondsperspektief

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    The book of Job interpreted from an Old Testament covenant perspectiveIn the last decades studies on the Book of Job have been done on the assumption that it is a book of Wisdom, in which the perspective of wisdom is reflected. The purpose of this study is not to question any previous research. This is fully accepted, but the question that arises is how this book, which was regarded by the Jews as holy scripture, was interpreted by them. Was it from an ancient Near Eastern wisdom perspective, or from another perspective? The hypothesis is that it was from a covenant perspective. This religious frame of reference in post-exilic Judah was not an ancient Near Eastern wisdom perspective, but a Torah-orientated covenant perspective

    Eksegese in die praktyk

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    'n Kort samevatting van die bespreking na die voorafgaande referate

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    Die belydenis in hermeneutiese verband

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    Verbond en verbondstekens in die Ou Testament – 'n terreinverkenning

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    Die tipologie as 'n metode van uitleg van die ou testament

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    Die teksfunksie en boodskap van Jesaja 49:1-6

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    The textual function and message of Isaiah 49:1-6 The purpose of this article is to arrive at legitimate deductions about the textual function and the theological message of Isaiah 49:1-6. This goal is pursued by means of a method consisting of a synchronic analysis, a diachronic analysis, and a reception-critical analysis


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