30 research outputs found

    Updates and Subjunctive Queries

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    AbstractA subjunctive query of the form φ > ψ, means "if φ were true in the knowledgebase, would ψ also necessarily be true?" We propose the following semantics for subjunctive queries: φ > ψ, will hold in the current knowledgebase T if ψ holds in the result of updating T with φ. This is known as the Ramsey test in philosophy. We adapt the model checking approach of Halpern and Vardi: A knowledgebase is a finite set of finite sets of positive facts interpreted in a closed world setting. We then use Winslett′s possible models approach to give semantics to knowledgebase updates, and we introduce a query language which is essentially propositional logic, augmented with a subjunctive conditional that has an intensional interpretation in our model. We show that query answering and update can be performed in time polynomial in the size of the knowledgebase. However, query equivalence is shown to be complete in polynomial space, and this is also the complexity of query answering as a function of query size. We give a sound axiomatization of query equivalence and show that the update operator satisfies the postulates for updates adapted by Katsuno and Mendelzon from the Alchourrón-Gärdenfors-Makinson belief revision postulates

    Editor′s Foreword

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    Querying Semantically Tagged Documents on the World-Wide Web

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    Tailoring temporal description logics for reasoning over temporal conceptual models

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    Temporal data models have been used to describe how data can evolve in the context of temporal databases. Both the Extended Entity-Relationship (EER) model and the Unified Modelling Language (UML) have been temporally extended to design temporal databases. To automatically check quality properties of conceptual schemas various encoding to Description Logics (DLs) have been proposed in the literature. On the other hand, reasoning on temporally extended DLs turn out to be too complex for effective reasoning ranging from 2ExpTime up to undecidable languages. We propose here to temporalize the ‘light-weight’ DL-Lite logics obtaining nice computational results while still being able to represent various constraints of temporal conceptual models. In particular, we consider temporal extensions of DL-Lite^N_bool, which was shown to be adequate for capturing non-temporal conceptual models without relationship inclusion, and its fragment DL-Lite^N_core with most primitive concept inclusions, which are nevertheless enough to represent almost all types of atemporal constraints (apart from covering)

    Regular Expressions for Data Words

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    Abstract. In data words, each position carries not only a letter form a finite alphabet, as the usual words do, but also a data value coming from an infinite domain. There has been a renewed interest in them due to applications in querying and reasoning about data models with complex structural properties, notably XML, and more recently, graph databases. Logical formalisms designed for querying such data often require concise and easily understandable presentations of regular languages over data words. Our goal, therefore, is to define and study regular expressions for data words. As the automaton model, we take register automata, which are a natural analog of NFAs for data words. We first equip standard regular expressions with limited memory, and show that they capture the class of data words defined by register automata. The complexity of the main decision problems for these expressions (nonemptiness, membership) also turns out to be the same as for register automata. We then look at a subclass of these regular expressions that can define many properties of interest in applications of data words, and show that the main decision problems can be solved efficiently for it.

    Evolving Objects in Temporal Information Systems

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    This paper presents a semantic foundation of temporal conceptual models used to design temporal information systems. We consider a modelling language able to express both timestamping and evolution constraints. We conduct a deeper investigation of evolution constraints, eventually devising a model-theoretic semantics for a full-fledged model with both timestamping and evolution constraints. The proposed formalization is meant both to clarify the meaning of the various temporal constructors that appeared in the literature and to give a rigorous definition, in the context of temporal information systems, to notions like satisfiability, subsumption and logical implication. Furthermore, we show how to express temporal constraints using a subset of first-order temporal logic, i.e. DLRUS, the description logic DLR extended with the temporal operators Since and Until. We show how DLRUS is able to capture the various modelling constraints in a succinct way and to perform automated reasoning on temporal conceptual models

    Finding regular simple paths in graph databases

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    We consider the following problem: given a labelled directed graph G and a regular expression R, find all pairs of nodes connected by a simple path such that the concatenation of the labels along the path satisfies R. The problem is motivated by the observation that many recursive queries in relational databases can be expressed in this form, and by the implementation of a query language, G+\textbf{G}^{+}, based on this observation. We show that the problem is in general intractable, but present an algorithm than runs in polynomial time in the size of the graph when the regular expression and the graph are free of conflicts. We also present a class of languages whose expressions can always be evaluated in time polynomial in the size of both the graph and the expression, and characterize syntactically the expressions for such languages

    G+: recursive queries without recursion

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    Idempotent single-predicate horn clauses

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    Previous work has addressed the issues of idempotence and boundedness for various restricted classes of Horn-clause queries. In this paper, we consider queries consisting of a single clause containing a single predicate symbol. As such, these queries are a notational variant of the full, untagged tableau queries with recursive semantics. The study of the idempotence and boundedness for single-clause, single-predicate queries has previously been restricted to the typed case. We generalize these results to obtain syntactic, polynomial-time computable characterizations of idempotence for certain classes of untyped queries