8 research outputs found

    Planar Dirac Electron in Coulomb and Magnetic Fields

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    The Dirac equation for an electron in two spatial dimensions in the Coulomb and homogeneous magnetic fields is discussed. For weak magnetic fields, the approximate energy values are obtained by semiclassical method. In the case with strong magnetic fields, we present the exact recursion relations that determine the coefficients of the series expansion of wave functions, the possible energies and the magnetic fields. It is found that analytic solutions are possible for a denumerably infinite set of magnetic field strengths. This system thus furnishes an example of the so-called quasi-exactly solvable models. A distinctive feature in the Dirac case is that, depending on the strength of the Coulomb field, not all total angular momentum quantum number allow exact solutions with wavefunctions in reasonable polynomial forms. Solutions in the nonrelativistic limit with both attractive and repulsive Coulomb fields are briefly discussed by means of the method of factorization.Comment: 18 pages, RevTex, no figure

    Long Cycles in a Perturbed Mean Field Model of a Boson Gas

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    In this paper we give a precise mathematical formulation of the relation between Bose condensation and long cycles and prove its validity for the perturbed mean field model of a Bose gas. We decompose the total density ρ=ρshort+ρlong\rho=\rho_{{\rm short}}+\rho_{{\rm long}} into the number density of particles belonging to cycles of finite length (ρshort\rho_{{\rm short}}) and to infinitely long cycles (ρlong\rho_{{\rm long}}) in the thermodynamic limit. For this model we prove that when there is Bose condensation, ρlong\rho_{{\rm long}} is different from zero and identical to the condensate density. This is achieved through an application of the theory of large deviations. We discuss the possible equivalence of ρlong0\rho_{{\rm long}}\neq 0 with off-diagonal long range order and winding paths that occur in the path integral representation of the Bose gas.Comment: 10 page

    Critical properties of loop percolation models with optimization constraints

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    We study loop percolation models in two and in three space dimensions, in which configurations of occupied bonds are forced to form closed loop. We show that the uncorrelated occupation of elementary plaquettes of the square and the simple cubic lattice by elementary loops leads to a percolation transition that is in the same universality class as the conventional bond percolation. In contrast to this an optimization constraint for the loop configurations, which then have to minimize a particular generic energy function, leads to a percolation transition that constitutes a new universality class, for which we report the critical exponents. Implication for the physics of solid-on-solid and vortex glass models are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Nonequilibrium relaxation in neutral BCS superconductors: Ginzburg-Landau approach with Landau damping in real time

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    We present a field-theoretical method to obtain consistently the equations of motion for small amplitude fluctuations of the order parameter directly in real time for a homogeneous, neutral BCS superconductor. This method allows to study the nonequilibrium relaxation of the order parameter as an initial value problem. We obtain the Ward identities and the effective actions for small phase the amplitude fluctuations to one-loop order. Focusing on the long-wavelength, low-frequency limit near the critical point, we obtain the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau effective action to one-loop order, which is nonlocal as a consequence of Landau damping. The nonequilibrium relaxation of the phase and amplitude fluctuations is studied directly in real time. The long-wavelength phase fluctuation (Bogoliubov-Anderson-Goldstone mode) is overdamped by Landau damping and the relaxation time scale diverges at the critical point, revealing critical slowing down.Comment: 31 pages 14 figs, revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Worms exploring geometrical features of phase transitions

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    AbstractThe loop-gas approach to statistical physics provides an alternative, geometrical description of phase transitions in terms of line-like objects. The resulting statistical random-graph ensemble composed of loops and (open) chains can be e_ciently generated by Monte Carlo simulations using the so-called “worm” update algorithm. Concepts from percolation theory and the theory of self-avoiding random walks are used to derive estimators of physical observables that utilize the nature of the worm algorithm. The fractal structure of random loops and chains as well as their scaling properties encode the critical behavior of the statistical system. The general approach is illustrated for the hightemperature series expansion of the Ising model, or O(1) loop model, on a honeycomb lattice, with its known exact results as valuable benchmarks

    Edge states and distributions of edge currents in semi-infinite graphene

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    The distributions of edge currents in semi-infinite graphene under a uniform perpendicular magnetic field are investigated. We show unambiguously that the edge current is finite at the armchair edge but vanishes at the zigzag edge. It is shown that the current density oscillates with the distance away from the boundary and tends to zero deep inside the graphene. The study shows that the total current is independent of edge configurations. The interplay of the bulk and edge contributions to the total current is presented. The quantized plateaus of Hall conductivity at (4e (2)/h)(n+1/2) provide a direct evidence of the connection between the edge states and topological properties of relativistic fermions in a magnetic field.Physics, Condensed MatterSCI(E)EI0ARTICLE4431-4398