9 research outputs found

    Erosion mechanisms and erosion products in tungsten targets exposed to plasma heat loads relevant to ELMS and mitigated disruptions in ITER

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    Tungsten targets were irradiated by intense plasma streams at plasma gun facilities MK-200UG and QSPA-T. The targets were tested by plasma loads relevant to Edge Localised Modes (ELM) and mitigated disruptions in ITER. Material erosion caused by melt motion and by emission of droplets has been studied.Мишени из вольфрама были подвергнуты воздействию интенсивных потоков плазмы на плазменных ускорителях МК-200UG и КСПУ-Т. Испытания проводились при плазменных нагрузках, характерных для ELMов и ослабленных срывов в ITERe. Исследована эрозия материала, обусловленная движением расплава и капельным разбрызгиванием.Мішені з вольфраму були піддані впливу інтенсивних потоків плазми на плазмових прискорювачах МК-200UG і КСПУ-Т. Іспити проводилися при плазмових навантаженнях, характерних для ELMів і ослаблених зривів в ITERі. Досліджено ерозію матеріалу, що обумовлена рухом розплаву і краплинним розбризкуванням.The work is supported by RFBR grant No 09-02-13562

    Investigation of erosion mechanisms and erosion products in divertor armour materials under conditions relevant to ELMs and mitigated disruptions in ITER

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    Carbon fibre composite (CFC) and tungsten were irradiated by intense plasma streams at plasma gun facilities MK-200UG and QSPA-T. The targets were tested by plasma loads relevant to Edge Localised Modes (ELM) and mitigated disruptions in ITER. Onset condition of material erosion and properties of erosion products have been studied.С-С композит і вольфрам були піддані впливові інтенсивних потоків плазми на плазмових прискорювачах МК-200UG і КСПП-Т. Мішені випробувалися при плазмових навантаженнях, характерних для ЭЛМів й ослаблених зривів в ІТЕРі. Були проведені дослідження початкових умов ерозії матеріалів і властивостей продуктів ерозії.С-С композит и вольфрам были подвергнуты воздействию интенсивных потоков плазмы на плазменных ускорителях МК-200UG и КСПУ-Т. Мишени испытывались при плазменных нагрузках, характерных для ЭЛМов и ослабленных срывов в ИТЭРе. Были проведены исследования начальных условий эрозии материалов и свойств продуктов эрозии

    Electrodeless Plasma Thruster with Self-Generated Electric Field

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    Behavior of divertor and first wall armour materials at plasma heat fluxes relevant to ITER ELMs and disruptions

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    The paper presents the main results of numerous experiments carried out over the past 10 years at QSPA-T and QSPA-Be plasma guns in support of ITER. Special targets made of pure W, W-1%La2O3 and two types of Be (TGP-56FW and S65-C) were tested under the series of repeated plasma stream and photonic flux impact. Maximum heat load on the target surface was up to 2.5MJ/m2 in the case of plasma testing and was equal to 0.5MJ/m2 in the case of photonic flux testing. Pulse waveform was rectangular with tpulse= 0.5ms. It was found that the main erosion mechanisms of W and Be under plasma stream impact are the melt layer movement, the ejection of droplets and the cracks formation. As a result of repeated photonic fluxes a regular, “corrugated” structure are eventually formed on the Be target surface. Study of erosion products of W formed under plasma stream impact on the W target has shown that the D/W atomic ratio in the deposited W films during pulsed events may be the same or even higher than that for stationary processes. Keywords: ITER, Tungsten, Beryllium, Transient events, Material erosion, Erosion product

    Comparison of different mathematical and numerical models for cylindrical liner motion and their check

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    Abstract: The cylindrical liner motion at the action of electromagnetic forces is discussed. A set of calculations was carried out for modeling the motion of liner central part (without the influence of the supports). Another series of calculations was carried out for modeling the liner motion near the supports. The comparison of integral characteristics and liner profiles for elasto-plastic model and incompressible liquid model was executed. The influence of deformation curves and values of dynamic viscosity coefficient for liner motion characteristics was investigated. Results of a full-scale experiment on compression of a long thin-walled the liner with a diameter of 90 mm with pulse 6 MA current were shown.Note: Research direction:Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technic