4 research outputs found

    Supercoherent States, Super K\"ahler Geometry and Geometric Quantization

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    Generalized coherent states provide a means of connecting square integrable representations of a semi-simple Lie group with the symplectic geometry of some of its homogeneous spaces. In the first part of the present work this point of view is extended to the supersymmetric context, through the study of the OSp(2/2) coherent states. These are explicitly constructed starting from the known abstract typical and atypical representations of osp(2/2). Their underlying geometries turn out to be those of supersymplectic OSp(2/2) homogeneous spaces. Moment maps identifying the latter with coadjoint orbits of OSp(2/2) are exhibited via Berezin's symbols. When considered within Rothstein's general paradigm, these results lead to a natural general definition of a super K\"ahler supermanifold, the supergeometry of which is determined in terms of the usual geometry of holomorphic Hermitian vector bundles over K\"ahler manifolds. In particular, the supergeometry of the above orbits is interpreted in terms of the geometry of Einstein-Hermitian vector bundles. In the second part, an extension of the full geometric quantization procedure is applied to the same coadjoint orbits. Thanks to the super K\"ahler character of the latter, this procedure leads to explicit super unitary irreducible representations of OSp(2/2) in super Hilbert spaces of L2L^2 superholomorphic sections of prequantum bundles of the Kostant type. This work lays the foundations of a program aimed at classifying Lie supergroups' coadjoint orbits and their associated irreducible representations, ultimately leading to harmonic superanalysis. For this purpose a set of consistent conventions is exhibited.Comment: 53 pages, AMS-LaTeX (or LaTeX+AMSfonts

    The Star Product on the Fuzzy Supersphere

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    The fuzzy supersphere SF(2,2)S_F^{(2,2)} is a finite-dimensional matrix approximation to the supersphere S(2,2)S^{(2,2)} incorporating supersymmetry exactly. Here the star-product of functions on SF(2,2)S_F^{(2,2)} is obtained by utilizing the OSp(2,1) coherent states. We check its graded commutative limit to S(2,2)S^{(2,2)} and extend it to fuzzy versions of sections of bundles using the methods of [1]. A brief discussion of the geometric structure of our star-product completes our work.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, new material added, minor errors correcte

    Conformal geometry of the supercotangent and spinor bundles

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    We study the actions of local conformal vector fields X∈conf(M,g) on the spinor bundle of (M,g) and on its classical counterpart: the supercotangent bundle M of (M,g). We first deal with the classical framework and determine the Hamiltonian lift of conf(M,g) to M. We then perform the geometric quantization of the supercotangent bundle of (M,g), which constructs the spinor bundle as the quantum representation space. The Kosmann Lie derivative of spinors is btained by quantization of the comoment map. The quantum and classical actions of conf(M,g) turn, respectively, the space of differential operators acting on spinor densities and the space of their symbols into conf(M,g)-modules. They are filtered and admit a common associated graded module. In the conformally flat case, the latter helps us determine the conformal invariants of both conf(M,g)-modules, in particular the conformally odd powers of the Dirac operator.Peer reviewe