32 research outputs found

    Large-scale BAO signatures of the smallest galaxies

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    Recent work has shown that at high redshift, the relative velocity between dark matter and baryonic gas is typically supersonic. This relative velocity suppresses the formation of the earliest baryonic structures like minihalos, and the suppression is modulated on large scales. This effect imprints a characteristic shape in the clustering power spectrum of the earliest structures, with significant power on ~ 100 Mpc scales featuring highly pronounced baryon acoustic oscillations. The amplitude of these oscillations is orders of magnitude larger at z ~ 20 than previously expected. This characteristic signature can allow us to distinguish the effects of minihalos on intergalactic gas at times preceding and during reionization. We illustrate this effect with the example of 21 cm emission and absorption from redshifts during and before reionization. This effect can potentially allow us to probe physics on kpc scales using observations on 100 Mpc scales. We present sensitivity forecasts for FAST and Arecibo. Depending on parameters, this enhanced structure may be detectable by Arecibo at z ~ 15‑20, and with appropriate instrumentation FAST could measure the BAO power spectrum with high precision. In principle, this effect could also pose a serious challenge for efforts to constrain dark energy using observations of the BAO feature at low redshift

    Arab West Report 2000, Weeks 01-51: Coptic Affairs, Media Critique, Saad Eddin Ibrahim Controversy, and Palestinian Christianity

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    This dataset contains the Arab-West Report special reports that were published in 2000. At the time the articles were published, Arab-West Report did not exist. Religious News Service from the Arab World, the organization which would ultimately become Arab-West Report, published the following documents. The dataset contains primarily the writings of Cornelis Hulsman (Drs.) reporting on incidents of Muslim-Christian violence or tensions in Egypt. In addition to the reports and journalistic work of Hulsman, the dataset also contains commentary from RSNAW on press conferences and published material from other sources (reviews/critique of articles, books, etc). Of special note, this dataset contains a series of documents on the Saad Eddin Ebrahim controversy, a series of articles on Palestinian Christianity, and recommendations/praise for the work of RNSAW. Authors featured in this dataset include: Cornelis Hulsman, Drs., Rev. Dr. Christiaan van Nispen, Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, Hilmi Girgis, John H. Watson, Dr., Hugh Goddard, Dr., Husam Jawdat, Wael Farouk Ghaly, Munir Bishay John Francis, NaáčŁr កāmid AbĆ« Zayd, Dr., Raed Abusahlia, NirmÄ«n FawzÄ«, and ‘Abd al-Mu‘tÄ« BayyĆ«mÄ«. Institutional authors featured in this dataset include the Vatican, the RNSAW Editorial Board, News from Free_Saadeddin_Ibrahim, European Commission, News from Democracy Egypt, and Pax Christi International

    Current preventive strategies and management of Epstein-Barr virus-related post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease in solid organ transplantation in Europe. Results of the ESGICH Questionnaire-based Cross-sectional Survey

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    There is limited clinical evidence on the utility of the monitoring of Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) DNAemia in the pre-emptive management of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients. We investigated current preventive measures against EBV-related PTLD through a web-based questionnaire sent to 669 SOT programmes in 35 European countries. This study was performed on behalf of the ESGICH study group from the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. A total of 71 SOT programmes from 15 European countries participated in the study. EBV serostatus of the recipient is routinely obtained in 69/71 centres (97%) and 64 (90%) have access to EBV DNAemia assays. EBV monitoring is routinely used in 85.9% of the programmes and 77.4% reported performing pre-emptive treatment for patients with significant EBV DNAemia levels. Pre-emptive treatment for EBV DNAemia included reduction of immunosuppression in 50.9%, switch to mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors in 30.9%, and use of rituximab in 14.5% of programmes. Imaging by whole-body 18-fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) is used in 60.9% of centres to rule out PTLD and complemented computer tomography is used in 50%. In 10.9% of centres, FDG-PET is included in the first-line diagnostic workup in patients with high-risk EBV DNAemia. Despite the lack of definitive evidence, EBV load measurements are frequently used in Europe to guide diagnostic workup and pre-emptive reduction of immunosuppression. We need prospective and controlled studies to define the impact of EBV monitoring in reducing the risk of PTLD in SOT recipients