636 research outputs found

    A high-flux source of polarization-entangled photons from a periodically-poled KTP parametric downconverter

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    We have demonstrated a high-flux source of polarization-entangled photons using a type-II phase-matched periodically-poled KTP parametric downconverter in a collinearly propagating configuration. We have observed quantum interference between the single-beam downconverted photons with a visibility of 99% and a measured coincidence flux of 300/s/mW of pump. The Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt version of Bell's inequality was violated with a value of 2.711 +/- 0.017.Comment: 7 pages submitted to Physical Review

    Matter-induced vertices for photon splitting in a weakly magnetized plasma

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    We evaluate the three-photon vertex functions at order BB and B2B^{2} in a weak constant magnetic field at finite temperature and density with on shell external lines. Their application to the study of the photon splitting process leads to consider high energy photons whose dispersion relations are not changed significantly by the plasma effects. The absorption coefficient is computed and compared with the perturbative vacuum result. For the values of temperature and density of some astrophysical objects with a weak magnetic field, the matter effects are negligible.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in PR

    Dynamics of an anisotropic Haldane antiferromagnet in strong magnetic field

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    We report the results of elastic and inelastic neutron scattering experiments on the Haldane gap quantum antiferromagnet Ni(C5D14N2)2N3(PF6) performed at mK temperatures in a wide range of magnetic field applied parallel to the S = 1 spin chains. Even though this geometry is closest to an ideal axially symmetric configuration, the Haldane gap closes at the critical field Hc~4T, but reopens again at higher fields. The field dependence of the two lowest magnon modes is experimentally studied and the results are compared with the predictions of several theoretical models. We conclude that of several existing theories, only the recently proposed model [Zheludev et al., cond-mat/0301424 ] is able to reproduce all the features observed experimentally for different field orientations.Comment: 11 pages 8 figures submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Preparation of facilities for fundamental research with ultracold neutrons at PNPI

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    The WWR-M reactor of PNPI offers a unique opportunity to prepare a source for ultracold neutrons (UCN) in an environment of high neutron flux (about 3*10^12 n/cm^2/s) at still acceptable radiation heat release (about 4*10^-3 W/g). It can be realized within the reactor thermal column situated close to the reactor core. With its large diameter of 1 m, this channel allows to install a 15 cm thick bismuth shielding, a graphite premoderator (300 dm^3 at 20 K), and a superfluid helium converter (35 dm^3). At a temperature of 1.2 K it is possible to remove the heat release power of about 20 W. Using the 4pi flux of cold neutrons within the reactor column can bring more than a factor 100 of cold neutron flux incident on the superfluid helium with respect to the present cold neutron beam conditions at the ILL reactor. The storage lifetime for UCN in superfluid He at 1.2 K is about 30 s, which is sufficient when feeding experiments requiring a similar filling time. The calculated density of UCN with energy between 50 neV and 250 neV in an experimental volume of 40 liters is about 10^4 n/cm^3. Technical solutions for realization of the project are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, more detail

    Massive triplet excitations in a magnetized anisotropic Haldane spin chain

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    Inelastic neutron scattering experiments on the Haldane-gap quantum antiferromagnet \nd are performed at mK temperatures in magnetic fields of almost twice the critical field HcH_c applied perpendicular to the spin cahins. Above HcH_c a re-opening of the spin gap is clearly observed. In the high-field N\'eel-ordered state the spectrum is dominated by three distinct long-lived excitation branches. Several field-theoretical models are tested in a quantitative comparison with the experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Purity of Gaussian states: measurement schemes and time-evolution in noisy channels

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    We present a systematic study of the purity for Gaussian states of single-mode continuous variable systems. We prove the connection of purity to observable quantities for these states, and show that the joint measurement of two conjugate quadratures is necessary and sufficient to determine the purity at any time. The statistical reliability and the range of applicability of the proposed measurement scheme is tested by means of Monte Carlo simulated experiments. We then consider the dynamics of purity in noisy channels. We derive an evolution equation for the purity of general Gaussian states both in thermal and squeezed thermal baths. We show that purity is maximized at any given time for an initial coherent state evolving in a thermal bath, or for an initial squeezed state evolving in a squeezed thermal bath whose asymptotic squeezing is orthogonal to that of the input state.Comment: 9 Pages, 6 Figures; minor errors correcte

    Knowledge discOvery And daTa minINg inteGrated (KOATING) Moderators for collaborative projects

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    This article was published in the serial, International Journal of Production Research [© Taylor and Francis]. The definitive version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2010.532166A major issue in any multidiscipline collaborative project is how to best share and simultaneously exploit different types of expertise, without duplicating efforts or inadvertently causing conflicts or loss of efficiency through misunderstanding of individual or shared goals. Moderators are knowledge based systems designed to support collaborative teams by raising awareness of potential problems or conflicts. However, the functioning of a Moderator is limited by the knowledge it has about the team members. Knowledge acquisition, learning and updating of knowledge are the major challenges for a Moderator's implementation. To address these challenges a Knowledge discOvery And daTa minINg inteGrated (KOATING) framework is presented for Moderators to enable them to continuously learn from the operational databases of the company and semi-automatically update their knowledge about team members. This enables the reuse of discovered knowledge from operational databases within collaborative projects. The integration of knowledge discovery in database (KDD) techniques into the existing Knowledge Acquisition Module of a moderator enables hidden data dependencies and relationships to be utilised to facilitate the moderation process. The architecture for the Universal Knowledge Moderator (UKM) shows how Moderators can be extended to incorporate a learning element which enables them to provide better support for virtual enterprises. Unified Modelling Language diagrams were used to specify the ways to design and develop the proposed system. The functioning of a UKM is presented using an illustrative example

    Magnetic Braking in Differentially Rotating, Relativistic Stars

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    We study the magnetic braking and viscous damping of differential rotation in incompressible, uniform density stars in general relativity. Differentially rotating stars can support significantly more mass in equilibrium than nonrotating or uniformly rotating stars. The remnant of a binary neutron star merger or supernova core collapse may produce such a "hypermassive" neutron star. Although a hypermassive neutron star may be stable on a dynamical timescale, magnetic braking and viscous damping of differential rotation will ultimately alter the equilibrium structure, possibly leading to delayed catastrophic collapse. Here we consider the slow-rotation, weak-magnetic field limit in which E_rot << E_mag << W, where E_rot is the rotational kinetic energy, E_mag is the magnetic energy, and W is the gravitational binding energy of the star. We assume the system to be axisymmetric and solve the MHD equations in both Newtonian gravitation and general relativity. Toroidal magnetic fields are generated whenever the angular velocity varies along the initial poloidal field lines. We find that the toroidal fields and angular velocities oscillate independently along each poloidal field line, which enables us to transform the original 2+1 equations into 1+1 form and solve them along each field line independently. The incoherent oscillations on different field lines stir up turbulent-like motion in tens of Alfven timescales ("phase mixing"). In the presence of viscosity, the stars eventually are driven to uniform rotation, with the energy contained in the initial differential rotation going into heat. Our evolution calculations serve as qualitative guides and benchmarks for future, more realistic MHD simulations in full 3+1 general relativity.Comment: 26 pages, 27 graphs, 1 table, accepted for publication by Phys. Rev.

    Magnetism in Dense Quark Matter

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    We review the mechanisms via which an external magnetic field can affect the ground state of cold and dense quark matter. In the absence of a magnetic field, at asymptotically high densities, cold quark matter is in the Color-Flavor-Locked (CFL) phase of color superconductivity characterized by three scales: the superconducting gap, the gluon Meissner mass, and the baryonic chemical potential. When an applied magnetic field becomes comparable with each of these scales, new phases and/or condensates may emerge. They include the magnetic CFL (MCFL) phase that becomes relevant for fields of the order of the gap scale; the paramagnetic CFL, important when the field is of the order of the Meissner mass, and a spin-one condensate associated to the magnetic moment of the Cooper pairs, significant at fields of the order of the chemical potential. We discuss the equation of state (EoS) of MCFL matter for a large range of field values and consider possible applications of the magnetic effects on dense quark matter to the astrophysics of compact stars.Comment: To appear in Lect. Notes Phys. "Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields" (Springer), edited by D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Ye
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