29 research outputs found

    Traceability for Mutation Analysis in Model Transformation

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    International audienceModel transformation can't be directly tested using program techniques. Those have to be adapted to model characteristics. In this paper we focus on one test technique: mutation analysis. This technique aims to qualify a test data set by analyzing the execution results of intentionally faulty program versions. If the degree of qualification is not satisfactory, the test data set has to be improved. In the context of model, this step is currently relatively fastidious and manually performed. We propose an approach based on traceability mechanisms in order to ease the test model set improvement in the mutation analysis process. We illustrate with a benchmark the quick automatic identification of the input model to change. A new model is then created in order to raise the quality of the test data set

    Estimating the feasibility of transition paths in extended finite state machines

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    There has been significant interest in automating testing on the basis of an extended finite state machine (EFSM) model of the required behaviour of the implementation under test (IUT). Many test criteria require that certain parts of the EFSM are executed. For example, we may want to execute every transition of the EFSM. In order to find a test suite (set of input sequences) that achieves this we might first derive a set of paths through the EFSM that satisfy the criterion using, for example, algorithms from graph theory. We then attempt to produce input sequences that trigger these paths. Unfortunately, however, the EFSM might have infeasible paths and the problem of determining whether a path is feasible is generally undecidable. This paper describes an approach in which a fitness function is used to estimate how easy it is to find an input sequence to trigger a given path through an EFSM. Such a fitness function could be used in a search-based approach in which we search for a path with good fitness that achieves a test objective, such as executing a particular transition, and then search for an input sequence that triggers the path. If this second search fails then we search for another path with good fitness and repeat the process. We give a computationally inexpensive approach (fitness function) that estimates the feasibility of a path. In order to evaluate this fitness function we compared the fitness of a path with the ease with which an input sequence can be produced using search to trigger the path and we used random sampling in order to estimate this. The empirical evidence suggests that a reasonably good correlation (0.72 and 0.62) exists between the fitness of a path, produced using the proposed fitness function, and an estimate of the ease with which we can randomly generate an input sequence to trigger the path

    Are mutants really natural? A study on how “naturalness” helps mutant selection

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    Background: Code is repetitive and predictable in a way that is similar to the natural language. This means that code is ``natural'' and this ``naturalness'' can be captured by natural language modelling techniques. Such models promise to capture the program semantics and identify source code parts that `smell', i.e., they are strange, badly written and are generally error-prone (likely to be defective). Aims: We investigate the use of natural language modelling techniques in mutation testing (a testing technique that uses artificial faults). We thus, seek to identify how well artificial faults simulate real ones and ultimately understand how natural the artificial faults can be. %We investigate this question in a fault revelation perspective. Our intuition is that natural mutants, i.e., mutants that are predictable (follow the implicit coding norms of developers), are semantically useful and generally valuable (to testers). We also expect that mutants located on unnatural code locations (which are generally linked with error-proneness) to be of higher value than those located on natural code locations. Method: Based on this idea, we propose mutant selection strategies that rank mutants according to a) their naturalness (naturalness of the mutated code), b) the naturalness of their locations (naturalness of the original program statements) and c) their impact on the naturalness of the code that they apply to (naturalness differences between original and mutated statements). We empirically evaluate these issues on a benchmark set of 5 open-source projects, involving more than 100k mutants and 230 real faults. Based on the fault set we estimate the utility (i.e. capability to reveal faults) of mutants selected on the basis of their naturalness, and compare it against the utility of randomly selected mutants. Results: Our analysis shows that there is no link between naturalness and the fault revelation utility of mutants. We also demonstrate that the naturalness-based mutant selection performs similar (slightly worse) to the random mutant selection. Conclusions: Our findings are negative but we consider them interesting as they confute a strong intuition, i.e., fault revelation is independent of the mutants' naturalness

    The Pervasiveness of Global Data in Evolving Software Systems

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    Abstract. In this research, we investigate the role of common coupling in evolving software systems. It can be argued that most software de-velopers understand that the use of global data has many harmful side-effects, and thus should be avoided. We are therefore interested in the answer to the following question: if global data does exist within a soft-ware project, how does global data usage evolve over a software project’s lifetime? Perhaps the constant refactoring and perfective maintenance eliminates global data usage, or conversely, perhaps the constant addi-tion of features and rapid development introduce an increasing reliance on global data? We are also interested in identifying if global data usage patterns are useful as a software metric that is indicative of an interesting or significant event in the software’s lifetime. The focus of this research is twofold: first to develop an effective and automatic technique for studying global data usage over the lifetime of large software systems and secondly, to leverage this technique in a case-study of global data usage for several large and evolving software systems in an effort to reach answers to these questions.

    An empirical evaluation of weak mutation

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    Model-Based Higher-Order Mutation Analysis

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    International Conference on Advanced Software Engineering and Its Applications, ASEA 2010; Jeju Island; South Korea; 13 December 2010 through 15 December 2010Mutation analysis is widely used as an implementation-oriented method for software testing and test adequacy assessment. It is based on creating different versions of the software by seeding faults into its source code and constructing test cases to reveal these changes. However, in case that source code of software is not available, mutation analysis is not applicable. In such cases, the approach introduced in this paper suggests the alternative use of a model of the software under test. The objectives of this approach are (i) introduction of a new technique for first-order and higher-order mutation analysis using two basic mutation operators on graph-based models, (ii) comparison of the fault detection ability of first-order and higher-order mutants, and (iii) validity assessment of the coupling effect. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    A generic approach to run mutation analysis

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    Estimating the quality of test suites is an important and difficult task. Mutation analysis is one approach to measure test quality by injecting faults in a correct version of the system under test and measuring the percentage of faulty systems that are detected by the tests. There are several automatic mutation analysis tools. Each of them, however, is restricted to a comparatively small range of execution environments. In this paper, we introduce a generic approach to run mutation analysis and present a corresponding prototype implementation