95 research outputs found

    Dual Superconductors and SU(2) Yang-Mills

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    We propose that the SU(2) Yang-Mills theory can be interpreted as a two-band dual superconductor with an interband Josephson coupling. We discuss various consequences of this interpretation including electric flux quantization, confinement of vortices with fractional flux, and the possibility that a closed vortex loop exhibits exotic exchange statistics

    Abelian and Non-Abelian Induced Parity Breaking Terms at Finite Temperature

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    We compute the exact canonically induced parity breaking part of the effective action for 2+1 massive fermions in particular Abelian and non Abelian gauge field backgrounds. The method of computation resorts to the chiral anomaly of the dimensionally reduced theory.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX, no figure

    Bound states of neutral particles in external electric fields

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    Neutral fermions of spin 12\frac 12 with magnetic moment can interact with electromagnetic fields through nonminimal coupling. The Dirac--Pauli equation for such a fermion coupled to a spherically symmetric or central electric field can be reduced to two simultaneous ordinary differential equations by separation of variables in spherical coordinates. For a wide variety of central electric fields, bound-state solutions of critical energy values can be found analytically. The degeneracy of these energy levels turns out to be numerably infinite. This reveals the possibility of condensing infinitely many fermions into a single energy level. For radially constant and radially linear electric fields, the system of ordinary differential equations can be completely solved, and all bound-state solutions are obtained in closed forms. The radially constant field supports scattering solutions as well. For radially linear fields, more energy levels (in addition to the critical one) are infinitely degenerate. The simultaneous presence of central magnetic and electric fields is discussed.Comment: REVTeX, 14 pages, no figur

    Another Look at Privacy Threats in 3G Mobile Telephony

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    Asymptotically Free Yang-Mills Classical Mechanics with Self-Linked Orbits

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    We construct a classical mechanics Hamiltonian which exhibits spontaneous symmetry breaking akin the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism, dimensional transmutation, and asymptotically free self-similarity congruent with the beta-function of four dimensional Yang-Mills theory. Its classical equations of motion support stable periodic orbits and in a three dimensional projection these orbits are self-linked into topologically nontrivial, toroidal knots.Comment: 9 pages incl. 5 fig

    Twisted Vortices in a Gauge Field Theory

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    We inspect a particular gauge field theory model that describes the properties of a variety of physical systems, including a charge neutral two-component plasma, a Gross-Pitaevskii functional of two charged Cooper pair condensates, and a limiting case of the bosonic sector in the Salam-Weinberg model. It has been argued that this field theory model also admits stable knot-like solitons. Here we produce numerical evidence in support for the existence of these solitons, by considering stable axis-symmetric solutions that can be thought of as straight twisted vortex lines clamped at the two ends. We compute the energy of these solutions as a function of the amount of twist per unit length. The result can be described in terms of a energy spectral function. We find that this spectral function acquires a minimum which corresponds to a nontrivial twist per unit length, strongly suggesting that the model indeed supports stable toroidal solitons.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, title changed, minor revisions, and more references adde

    Note on Moufang-Noether currents

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    The derivative Noether currents generated by continuous Moufang tranformations are constructed and their equal-time commutators are found. The corresponding charge algebra turns out to be a birepresentation of the tangent Mal'ltsev algebra of an analytic Moufang loop.Comment: LaTeX2e, 6 pages, no figures, presented on "The XVth International Colloquium on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries, Prague, 15-17 June, 2006

    Topological Mechanism of Superconductivity

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    We outline the basic ideas of the topological mechanisms of superconductivity. A gauged model of correlated electronic system where a topological fluid is formed as a result of a strong interaction is discussed.Comment: 38 pages, latex, no figure

    Real time thermal propagtors for massive gauge bosons

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    We derive Feynman rules for gauge theories exhibiting spontaneous symmetry breaking using the real-time formalism of finite temperature field theory. We also derive the thermal propagators where only the physical degrees of freedom are given thermal boundary conditions. We analyse the abelian Higgs model and find that these new propagators simplify the calculation of the thermal contribution to the self energy.Comment: 7 pages, late

    Derivation of Index Theorems by Localization of Path Integrals

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    We review the derivation of the Atiyah-Singer and Callias index theorems using the recently developed localization method to calculate exactly the relevant supersymmetric path integrals. (Talk given at the III International Conference on Mathematical Physics, String Theory and Quantum Gravity, Alushta, Ukraine, June 13-24, 1993)Comment: 11 pages in LaTeX, HU-TFT-93-3
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