36 research outputs found

    Beam diagnostics challenges for future FELs

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    Designs are being developed to produce diffraction-limited sources based on storage-ring free-electron lasers (FELs) for the VUV and soft x-ray regime and linac-driven FELs in the few {Angstrom} regime. The requirements on the beam quality in transverse emittance (rms, normalized) of 1-2 {pi} mm mrad, bunch length (1 ps to 100 fs), and peak current (1 to 5 kA) result in new demands on the diagnostics. The diagnostics challenges include spatial resolution (1-10 {mu}m), temporal resolution (<100 fs), and single-pulse position measurements ({approximately}1 {mu}m). Examples of recent submicropulse (slice) work are cited as well as concepts based on spontaneous emission radiation (SER). The nonintercepting aspects of some of these diagnostics should also be applicable to high-power FELs

    Initial OTR Measurements of 150 GeV Protons in the Tevatron at FNAL

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    Fermilab has developed standard optical transition radiation (OTR) detectors as part of its Run II upgrade program for measuring intense proton and antiproton beams. These detectors utilize radiation-hardened CID cameras to image the OTR and produce high-resolution two-dimensional beam profiles. One of these detectors has been installed in the Tevatron next to the new ionization profile monitor (IPM). Initial OTR measurements are presented for 150 GeV injected coalesced and uncoalesced proton bunches. OTR images are taken for one-turn and two-turn injections over an intensity range of 1.5e11 to 3.5e11 protons. Preliminary profile measurements give uncoalesced beam size sigmas of 1.0 mm horizontally by 0.7 mm vertically and coalesced beam size sigmas of 1.8 mm horizontally by 0.70 mm vertically. OTR images are also presented for changes in the Tevatron skew quadrupole magnet currents, which produce a rotation to the OTR image, and for changes to the Tevatron RF, which can be used to measure single-turn dispersion. Operational aspects of this detector for beam studies and Tevatron tuneup are also discussed

    Experimental study of coherent synchrotron radiation in the emittance exchange line at the A0-photoinjector

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    Next generation accelerators will require a high current, low emittance beam with a low energy spread. Such accelerators will employ advanced beam conditioning systems such as emittance exchangers to manipulate high brightness beams. One of the goals of the Fermilab A0 photoinjector is to investigate the transverse to longitudinal emittance exchange principle. Coherent synchrotron radiation could limit high current operation of the emittance exchanger. In this paper, we report on the preliminary experimental and simulation study of the coherent synchroton radiation (CSR) in the emittance exchange line at the A0 photoinjector.Comment: 4 pp. 14th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, 13-19 Jun 2010: Annapolis, Marylan