24,732 research outputs found

    The effect of intravenous vitamin C on the phosphorus level reduction in hemodialysis patients: A double blind randomized clinical trial

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    Aim The majority of hemodialysis patients are hyperphosphate-mic. Hyperphosphatemia in these patients can lead to renal oste-odystrophy, vascular calcifcation, cardiovascular events, and is independently associated with mortality risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of intravenous vitamin C on phosphorus level in hemodialysis patients. Methods Using a double blind randomized clinical trial, a total of 60 qualified hemodialysis patients were randomly allocated in two intervention and control groups and serum phosphorus, CRP, calcium, albumin and PTH levels were measured. At the end of each hemodialysis session, intervention group received vitamin C vial (500mg/5cc) intravenously three times a week for 8 weeks and control group received normal saline in the same way. Data were collected before and after two months of treatment. Data were analyzed using independent t-test, paired t-test and chi-square test. Results Vitamin C treated group had a significant decrease in phosphorus (p=0.01), CRP level (p=0.01) and Ca�P product (p=0.03). In contrast, there was no significant difference in phosphorous (p= 0.5) and CRP levels (p= 0.6) and Ca�P product (p=0.7) in the control group. In addition, there was no statistically significant change in calcium (p=0.1), PTH (p=0.4) and albumin (p=0.4) levels in both groups. Conclusion Intravenous vitamin C can significantly decrease phosphorus level in hemodialysis patients

    Effect of nose ringing and stocking rate of pregnant and lactating outdoor sows on exploratory behavior, grass cover and nutrient loss potential

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    Nose ringing of outdoor sows is practiced to reduce grass sward damage for environmental reasons but conflicts with natural behaviour considerations. We investigated effects of ringing pregnant and lactating outdoor sows on foraging and explorative behaviour, grass cover and nutrient deposition. The experiment included both ringed and unringed sows. For unringed sows the paddocks were either used continuously throughout the experiment or divided into two and sows were moved half way through the experimental period leaving the first used paddock for regrowth. Ringing did not prevent the sow’s rooting, but rooting was less pronounced, when sows were ringed. On average, ringing increased grass cover from 14 to 38% and from 64 to 81% in paddocks with pregnant and lactating sows, respectively. In paddocks with unringed sows kept at a double density and followed by a resting period, the grass cover in autumn was restored to a high degree in paddocks with pregnant sows. In lactating sow paddocks the level of inorganic N was high but with no significant relation to extent of grass cover. In pregnant sow paddocks the soil inorganic N content was significantly reduced by increased grass cover and at 60% grass cover soil inorganic N content was at a low level. From the experiment it was evident that although ringing did have a positive environmental effect, it was not the main factor influencing potential losses. Management choices in terms of feeding, animal density and nutrient distribution are considered to be at least as important

    Properties of Flares-Generated Seismic Waves on the Sun

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    The solar seismic waves excited by solar flares (``sunquakes'') are observed as circular expanding waves on the Sun's surface. The first sunquake was observed for a flare of July 9, 1996, from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) space mission. However, when the new solar cycle started in 1997, the observations of solar flares from SOHO did not show the seismic waves, similar to the 1996 event, even for large X-class flares during the solar maximum in 2000-2002. The first evidence of the seismic flare signal in this solar cycle was obtained for the 2003 ``Halloween'' events, through acoustic ``egression power'' by Donea and Lindsey. After these several other strong sunquakes have been observed. Here, I present a detailed analysis of the basic properties of the helioseismic waves generated by three solar flares in 2003-2005. For two of these flares, X17 flare of October 28, 2003, and X1.2 flare of January 15, 2005, the helioseismology observations are compared with simultaneous observations of flare X-ray fluxes measured from the RHESSI satellite. These observations show a close association between the flare seismic waves and the hard X-ray source, indicating that high-energy electrons accelerated during the flare impulsive phase produced strong compression waves in the photosphere, causing the sunquake. The results also reveal new physical properties such as strong anisotropy of the seismic waves, the amplitude of which varies significantly with the direction of propagation. The waves travel through surrounding sunspot regions to large distances, up to 120 Mm, without significant decay. These observations open new perspectives for helioseismic diagnostics of flaring active regions on the Sun and for understanding the mechanisms of the energy release and transport in solar flares.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Ap

    On the extrapolation to ITER of discharges in present tokamaks

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    An expression for the extrapolated fusion gain G = Pfusion /5 Pheat (Pfusion being the total fusion power and Pheat the total heating power) of ITER in terms of the confinement improvement factor (H) and the normalised beta (betaN) is derived in this paper. It is shown that an increase in normalised beta can be expected to have a negative or neutral influence on G depending on the chosen confinement scaling law. Figures of merit like H betaN / q95^2 should be used with care, since large values of this quantity do not guarantee high values of G, and might not be attainable with the heating power installed on ITER.Comment: 6 Pages, 3 figures, Submitted to Nuclear Fusion on the 29th of November 200

    The multi-stream flows and the dynamics of the cosmic web

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    A new numerical technique to identify the cosmic web is proposed. It is based on locating multi-stream flows, i.e. the places where the velocity field is multi-valued. The method is local in Eulerian space, simple and computaionally efficient. This technique uses the velocities of particles and thus takes into account the dynamical information. This is in contrast with the majority of standard methods that use the coordinates of particles only. Two quantities are computed in every mesh cell: the mean and variance of the velocity field. In the cells where the velocity is single-valued the variance must be equal to zero exactly, therefore the cells with non-zero variance are identified as multi-stream flows. The technique has been tested in a N-body simulation of the \L CDM model. The preliminary analysis has shown that numerical noise does not pose a significant problem. The web identified by the new method has been compared with the web identified by the standard technique using only the particle coordinates. The comparison has shown overall similarity of two webs as expected, however they by no means are identical. For example, the isocontours of the corresponding fields have significantly different shapes and some density peaks of similar heights exhibit significant differences in the velocity variance and vice versa. This suggest that the density and velocity variance have a significant degree of independence. The shape of the two-dimensional pdf of density and velocity variance confirms this proposition. Thus, we conclude that the dynamical information probed by this technique introduces an additional dimension into analysis of the web.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Nomenclature of the hydrotalcite supergroup: Natural layered double hydroxides

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    Layered double hydroxide (LDH) compounds are characterized by structures in which layers with a brucite-like structure carry a net positive charge, usually due to the partial substitution of trivalent octahedrally coordinated cations for divalent cations, giving a general layer formula [( M 2+ 1-x M 3+ x )(OH)2] x +. This positive charge is balanced by anions which are intercalated between the layers. Intercalated molecular water typically provides hydrogen bonding between the brucite layers. In addition to synthetic compounds, some of which have significant industrial applications, more than 40 mineral species conform to this description. Hydrotalcite, Mg6Al2(OH) 16[CO3]•4H2O, as the longest-known example, is the archetype of this supergroup of minerals. We review the history, chemistry, crystal structure, polytypic variation and status of all hydrotalcite-supergroup species reported to date. The dominant divalent cations, M 2+, that have been reported in hydrotalcite supergroup minerals are Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu and Zn; the dominant trivalent cations, M 3+, are Al, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni. The most common intercalated anions are (CO3)2-, (SO4)2- and Cl -; and OH-, S2- and [Sb(OH)6] - have also been reported. Some species contain intercalated cationic or neutral complexes such as [Na(H2O)6]+ or [MgSO4]0. We define eight groups within the supergroup on the basis of a combination of criteria. These are (1) the hydrotalcite group, with M 2+:M 3+ = 3:1 (layer spacing ∼7.8 Å); (2) the quintinite group, with M 2+:M 3+ = 2:1 (layer spacing ∼7.8 Å); (3) the fougèrite group, with M 2+ = Fe2+, M 3+ = Fe3+ in a range of ratios, and with O2- replacing OH- in the brucite module to maintain charge balance (layer spacing ∼7.8 Å); (4) the woodwardite group, with variable M 2+:M 3+ and interlayer [SO4] 2-, leading to an expanded layer spacing of ∼8.9 Å; (5) the cualstibite group, with interlayer [Sb(OH)6]- and a layer spacing of ∼9.7 Å; (6) the glaucocerinite group, with interlayer [SO4]2- as in the woodwardite group, and with additional interlayer H2O molecules that further expand the layer spacing to ∼11 Å; (7) the wermlandite group, with a layer spacing of ∼11 Å, in which cationic complexes occur with anions between the brucite-like layers; and (8) the hydrocalumite group, with M 2+ = Ca2+ and M 3+ = Al, which contains brucite-like layers in which the Ca:Al ratio is 2:1 and the large cation, Ca2+, is coordinated to a seventh ligand of 'interlayer' water. The principal mineral status changes are as follows. (1) The names manasseite, sjögrenite and barbertonite are discredited; these minerals are the 2H polytypes of hydrotalcite, pyroaurite and stichtite, respectively. Cyanophyllite is discredited as it is the 1M polytype of cualstibite. (2) The mineral formerly described as fougèrite has been found to be an intimate intergrowth of two phases with distinct Fe 2+:Fe3+ ratios. The phase with Fe2+:Fe 3+ = 2:1 retains the name fougèrite; that with Fe 2+:Fe3+ = 1:2 is defined as the new species trébeurdenite. (3) The new minerals omsite (IMA2012-025), Ni 2Fe3+(OH)6[Sb(OH)6], and mössbauerite (IMA2012-049), Fe3+ 6O 4(OH)8[CO3]•3H2O, which are both in the hydrotalcite supergroup are included in the discussion. (4) Jamborite, carrboydite, zincaluminite, motukoreaite, natroglaucocerinite, brugnatellite and muskoxite are identified as questionable species which need further investigation in order to verify their structure and composition. (5) The ranges of compositions currently ascribed to motukoreaite and muskoxite may each represent more than one species. The same applies to the approved species hydrowoodwardite and hydrocalumite. (6) Several unnamed minerals have been reported which are likely to represent additional species within the supergroup. This report has been approved by the Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC) of the International Mineralogical Association, voting proposal 12-B. We also propose a compact notation for identifying synthetic LDH phases, for use by chemists as a preferred alternative to the current widespread misuse of mineral names. © 2012 Mineralogical Society.Fil: Mills, S.J.. Museum Victoria; AustraliaFil: Christy, A.G.. Australian National University. Centre for Advanced Microscopy; AustraliaFil: Génin, J. M. R.. CNRS-Université de Lorraine; FranciaFil: Kameda, T.. Tohoku University. Graduate School of Environmental Studies; JapónFil: Colombo, Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; Argentin

    Charged Higgs bosons in the Next-to MSSM (NMSSM)

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    The charged Higgs boson decays H±W±A1H^\pm\to W^\pm A_1 and H±W±hiH^\pm\to W^\pm h_i are studied in the framework of the next-to Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM). It is found that the decay rate for H±W±A1H^\pm\to W^\pm A_1 can exceed the rates for the τ±ν\tau^\pm\nu and tbtb channels both below and above the top-bottom threshold. The dominance of H±W±A1H^\pm\to W^\pm A_1 is most readily achieved when A1A_1 has a large doublet component and small mass. We also study the production process ppH±A1pp\to H^\pm A_1 at the LHC followed by the decay H±W±A1H^\pm\to W^\pm A_1 which leads to the signature W±A1A1W^\pm A_1 A_1. We suggest that ppH±A1p p\to H^\pm A_1 is a promising discovery channel for a light charged Higgs boson in the NMSSM with small or moderate tanβ\tan\beta and dominant decay mode H±W±A1H^\pm \to W^\pm A_1. This W±A1A1W^\pm A_1 A_1 signature can also arise from the Higgsstrahlung process ppW±h1pp\to W^\pm h_1 followed by the decay h1A1A1h_1\to A_1 A_1. It is shown that there exist regions of parameter space where these processes can have comparable cross sections and we suggest that their respective signals can be distinguished at the LHC by using appropriate reconstruction methods.Comment: 20 pages, 22 eps figures, more reference adde

    A canonical Frobenius structure

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    We show that it makes sense to speak of THE Frobenius manifold attached to a convenient and nondegenerate Laurent polynomialComment: 24 page

    A middleware for a large array of cameras

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    Large arrays of cameras are increasingly being employed for producing high quality image sequences needed for motion analysis research. This leads to the logistical problem with coordination and control of a large number of cameras. In this paper, we used a lightweight multi-agent system for coordinating such camera arrays. The agent framework provides more than a remote sensor access API. It allows reconfigurable and transparent access to cameras, as well as software agents capable of intelligent processing. Furthermore, it eases maintenance by encouraging code reuse. Additionally, our agent system includes an automatic discovery mechanism at startup, and multiple language bindings. Performance tests showed the lightweight nature of the framework while validating its correctness and scalability. Two different camera agents were implemented to provide access to a large array of distributed cameras. Correct operation of these camera agents was confirmed via several image processing agents