1,266 research outputs found

    Dynamical Systems Gradient method for solving nonlinear equations with monotone operators

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    A version of the Dynamical Systems Gradient Method for solving ill-posed nonlinear monotone operator equations is studied in this paper. A discrepancy principle is proposed and justified. A numerical experiment was carried out with the new stopping rule. Numerical experiments show that the proposed stopping rule is efficient. Equations with monotone operators are of interest in many applications.Comment: 2 figure

    One-Pion Charm Baryon Transitions in a Relativistic Three-Quark Model

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    We study one-pion transitions between charm baryon states in the framework of a relativistic three-quark model. We calculate the charm baryon-pion coupling factors that govern the S-wave, P-wave and D-wave one-pion transitions from the s-wave and the lowest lying p-wave charm baryon states down to the s-wave charm baryon states. For these we obtain: g_{\Sigma_c\Lambda_c\pi}=8.88 GeV^{-1}, f_{\Lambda_{c1}\Sigma_c\pi}=0.52 and f_{\Lambda_{c1}^*\Sigma_c\pi}=21.5 GeV^{-2}. We compare our rate predictions for the one-pion transitions with experimental results.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX-fil

    Государственное регулирование внешней трудовой миграции: опыт ЕС, Франции, Германии, США

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    The given article is devoted to the actual problem of the state regulation of external labor migration. It's based on examples of developed western countries. The author makes a conclusion about the importance of the state regulation of migration processes, warning that narrow understanding of migration policy as restriction of external migration flows is insufficient nowadays.Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме государственного регулирования внешней трудовой миграции на примере опыта развитых стран. Автор делает вывод о важности государственного управления процессами миграции, предостерегая от однобокого понимания миграционной политики как исключительно ограничения миграционных потоков извне

    Corrections to the generalized vector dominance due to diffractive rho_3 production

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    The idea of the vector dominance is still in use in various analyses of experimental data of photon-hadron reactions. It makes sense, therefore, to recast results of microscopic calculations of such reactions in this language. Here we present the diffractive DIS ρ3\rho_3 production as a specific correction to the generalized vector dominance. We perform a coupled channel analysis of spin-orbital excitations in diffractive photoproduction and reiterate the point that rho_3 in diffractive DIS will be sensitive to a novel aspect of diffraction.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Подвывих и вывих бедра у детей с последствиями спинномозговых грыж (обзор литературы)

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    Subluxation or dislocation of the hip joint develops in 30-50% children with spina bifida during the first 2-3 years of life. These problems results from force disbalance between muscle group and other structural changes of the hip and pelvis components of the joint. The goal of treatment subluxation and dislocation of the hip joint in children with spina bifida is to make comfortable daily functions, eliminate the pain, provide the mobility and social independent. Management of subluxation and dislocation in children with spina bifida had changed in the last years because of the analysis long-term results. Indications for surgical treatment were determined more clearly, what made the results of treatment better.У 30-50% детей с последствиями спинномозговых грыж развивается подвывих или вывих в тазобедренном суставе в течение первых 2-3 лет жизни. Эти проблемы являются результатом дисбаланса сил между мышечными группами и другими ассоциированными структуральными изменениями бедренного и тазового компонентов сустава. Целью лечения подвывиха и вывиха бедра у пациентов с последствиями спинномозговой грыжи являются создание им удобства осуществления функций, ликвидация болевого синдрома, обеспечение мобильности и социальной независимости. Тактика лечения подвывиха и вывиха бедра у таких детей значительно изменилась в последние годы в связи проведенным анализом отдаленных результатов. Показания к оперативному лечению были определены более четко, что улучшило результаты

    Long-range attraction between particles in dusty plasma and partial surface tension of dusty phase boundary

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    Effective potential of a charged dusty particle moving in homogeneous plasma has a negative part that provides attraction between similarly charged dusty particles. A depth of this potential well is great enough to ensure both stability of crystal structure of dusty plasma and sizable value of surface tension of a boundary surface of dusty region. The latter depends on the orientation of the surface relative to the counter-ion flow, namely, it is maximal and positive for the surface normal to the flow and minimal and negative for the surface along the flow. For the most cases of dusty plasma in a gas discharge, a value of the first of them is more than sufficient to ensure stability of lenticular dusty phase void oriented across the counter-ion flow.Comment: LATEX, REVTEX4, 7 pages, 6 figure

    Close encounters of a rotating star with planets in parabolic orbits of varying inclination and the formation of Hot Jupiters

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    (abbreviated) We extend the theory of close encounters of a planet on a parabolic orbit with a star to include the effects of tides induced on the central rotating star. Orbits with arbitrary inclination to the stellar rotation axis are considered. We obtain results both from an analytic treatment and numerical one that are in satisfactory agreement. These results are applied to the initial phase of the tidal circularisation problem. We find that both tides induced in the star and planet can lead to a significant decrease of the orbital semi-major axis for orbits having periastron distances smaller than 5-6 stellar radii (corresponding to periods 45\sim 4-5 days after the circularisation has been completed) with tides in the star being much stronger for retrograde orbits compared to prograde orbits. We use the simple Skumanich law for the stellar rotation with its rotational period equal to one month at the age of 5Gyr. The strength of tidal interactions is characterised by circularisation time scale, tevt_{ev} defined as a time scale of evolution of the planet's semi-major axis due to tides considered as a function of orbital period PobsP_{obs} after the process of tidal circularisation has been completed. We find that the ratio of the initial circularisation time scales corresponding to prograde and retrograde orbits is of order 1.5-2 for a planet of one Jupiter mass and PobsP_{obs}\sim four days. It grows with the mass of the planet, being of order five for a five Jupiter mass planet with the same PorbP_{orb}. Thus, the effect of stellar rotation may provide a bias in the formation of planetary systems having planets on close orbits around their host stars, as a consequence of planet-planet scattering, favouring systems with retrograde orbits. The results may also be applied to the problem of tidal capture of stars in young stellar clusters.Comment: to be published in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom

    R-matrices of U_qOSP(1,2) for highest weight representations of U_qOSP(1,2) for general q and q is an odd root of unity

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    We obtain the formula for intertwining operator(R-matrix) of quantum universal enveloping superalgebra U_qOSP(1,2) for U_qOSP(1,2)-Verma modules. By its restriction we obtain the R-matrix for two semiperiodic(semicyclic), two spin-j and spin-j and semiperiodic representationsComment: 9 pages, Yerevan preprint 1993, LATE