15 research outputs found


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    Досліджено рідиннофазне окиснення 4-амінотолуену озоноповітряною сумішшю в оцтовому ангідриді в присутності сульфатної кислоти і манган(ІІ) ацетату. Показано, що в умовах каталізу вдається підвищити селективність окиснення за відповідним спиртом до 65,5%. Розглянуто вплив температури та концентрації каталізатора на селективність і глибину окиснення 4- амінотолуену за метильною групою. Визначено оптимальні умови процесу, в яких проходить екологічно чистий синтез 4-амінобензилового спирту. Запропоновано схему окиснювально-відновного каталізу, яка пояснює отримані експериментальні дані.Исследовано жидкофазное окисление 4-аминотолуола озоновоздушной смесью в уксусном ангидриде в присутствии серной кислоты и ацетата марганца (II). Показано, что в условиях катализа удается повысить селективность окисления по соответствующему спирту до 65,5%. Рассмотрено влияние температуры и концентрации катализатора на селективность и глубину окисления 4-аминотолуола по метильной группе. Определены оптимальные условия процесса, в которых проходит экологически чистый синтез 4-аминобензилового спирта. Предложена схема окислительно-восстановительного катализа, которая объясняет полученные экспериментальные данные.Studied of oxidation of 4-aminotoluene ozone in acetic anhydride in the liquid phase in the presence of sulfuric acid and manganese acetate (II). It is shown that under conditions of catalysis is possible to increase the selectivity of the oxidation of the corresponding alcohol to 65.5%. The effects of temperature and concentration catalyst on the selectivity and depth oxidation of 4-aminotoluene of the methyl group. The optimal process conditions in which runs an environmentally friendly synthesis of 4-aminobenzyl alcohol. A scheme of redox catalysis, which explains the experimental data

    The system of soil protection and general balance of main nutrient elements in perennial plantations of semi-desert natural soil zone of Armenia

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    Received: March 27th, 2022 ; Accepted: June 3rd, 2022 ; Published: July 5th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] aim of the research is to study the biological removal of the main nutrient elements from the most common technical grape varieties, as well as from apricot and peach plantations in the farms, situated on semi-desert natural soils of Armenia, to identify the extent of their input and losses due to natural factors and to calculate the balance associated with the soil conservation system in the absence of comprehensive fertilization. In the inter-row spaces of all fruit plantations and even vineyards of the republic, grass cover of productive significance has been established (4.5–6.5 t ha-1 yield of air-dry grass), through which the removal of nutrient elements is 2–3 times higher than the biological removal through trees and vines. The research was conducted in 2015–2020, in the grape, apricot and peach plantations of the semi-desert natural zone of Armenia (Armavir region), where the irrigation norm is 5,000 m3 ha-1 , and the atmospheric precipitation is 256 mm, through which 40 kg ha-1 N, 2 kg ha-1 P2O5, and 44 kg ha-1 K2O enter the soil. The losses due to erosion and washing away are N - 12 kg ha-1 , P2O5 - 7 kg ha-1 , K2O - 75 kg ha-1 . The balance of nutrient elements in all plantations is negative, nitrogen in plantations with industrial grass cover is 154, P2O5 - 52, K2O - 311, and in the system of black fallow - 15, 16 and 85 kg ha-1 , respectively. The negative balance of nitrogen in apricot and peach plantations is 121, P2O5 - 44, K2O - 296 kg ha-1

    The ozonolysis 4-nitroetylbenzene in the acetic acid

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    Досліджено реакцію озонолізу 4-нітроетилбензену в оцтовій кислоті. Показано, що окиснення озоном перебігає переважно за бічними ланцюгом з утворенням 4-нітроацетофенону з виходом 78.0%. Серед проміжних продуктів реакції ідентифіковано 4-нітрометилфеніл- карбінол 11.5% та до 5% продуктів озонолізу ароматичного кільця Визначені константи швидкості реакції озону з 4-нітроетилбензеном при різних температурах. Запропоновано механізм реакції, який пояснює отримані експериментальні даніуксусной кислоте. Показано, что окисление озоном протекает преимущественно по боковой цепи с образованием 4-нитроацетофенона с выходом 78.0%. Среди промежуточных продуктов реакции идентифицировано 4-нитрометилфенилкарбинол 11.5% и до 5% продуктов озонолиза ароматического кольца Определены константы скорости реакции озона с 4- нитроэтилбензолом при различных температурах. Предложен механизм реакции, который объясняет полученные экспериментальные данныеThe research of the reaction of the ozonolysis 4- nitroetylbenzene in the acetic acid. It is shown that oxidation by ozone takes place mainly at the side chain to form a 4- nitroacetophenone with a yield of 78.0%. Additional reaction intermediates identified 4-nitrometylphenilkarbinol 11,5% and to 5% of the ozonolysis products. Determined the rate constants of ozone reaction with 4-nitroetylbenzene at different temperatures. It studied the reaction mechanism that explains the experimental dat


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    Until present no data was available inArmeniain respect of incidence of low energy fractures that are typical of osteoporotic locations which consequently did not allow to evaluate the scope of this problem across the country.Purpose of the study – to identify the incidence of low energy fractures in proximal femur, in distal forearm, in proximal humerus and in distal tibia across population ofArmenia aged 50 years and older.Materials and methods. An observing population study was performed in two regions of Armenia during 2011-2013 where the frequency of selected locations in cases of moderate trauma was identified. During 2011-2012 the information was collected based on traumatology service records adding in 2013 other sources including primary level of healthcare due to observed infrequent applications for medical help in cases of trauma. Results. In 2013 the incidence of proximal femur fractures in men was reported as 136 cases per 100 000 of population aged 50 years and older, in women – 201 cases per 100 000. At the same time only 57.7% of patients with proximal femur fractures were admitted to hospital. Distal forearm fractures incidence in men and women was observed correspondingly 56/100 000 and 176/100 000 cases, proximal humerus fractures – 39/100 000 and 86/100 000 cases and distal tibia fractures – 39/100 000 and 86/100 000 cases. The predicted annual number of proximal femur fracture in Armenia amounts to 2067 cases, distal forearm fractures – 1205, proximal humerus fractures – 640.Conclusion. Epidemiological data that was collected for the first time on low energy fractures incidence confirmed the acute osteoporosis issue inArmenia and revealed the problems in organization of medical care for the group of senior patients with injuries.До настоящего времени в Армении отсутствовали данные о частоте низкоэнергетических переломов, что не позволяло оценить масштабы проблемы остеопороза.Целью исследования было определение инцидентности низкоэнергетических (остеопорозных) переломов проксимального отдела бедренной кости (ППОБК), переломов дистального отдела предплечья, плечевой кости, а также дистальных отделов голени у лиц 50 лет и старше. Методы. В 2011–2013 гг. в двух регионах страны было проведено обсервационное популяционное исследование количества переломов, произошедших при небольшой травме. В 2011–2012 гг. сбор информации проводился на основе данных травматологической службы, а в2013 г. к ним добавили другие источники, включая первичное звено здравоохранения.Результаты. Инцидентность ППОБК среди лиц 50 лет и старше составила 136 и 201 на 100 тыс. у мужчин и женщин соответственно. При этом было госпитализировано только 57,7% пациентов. Инцидентность переломов дистального отдела предплечья у мужчин и женщин составила соответственно 56 и 176 на 100 тыс., переломов проксимального отдела плечевой кости – 39 и 86 на 100 тыс., костей дистального отдела голени – 39 и 86 на 100 тыс. Прогнозируемое ежегодное число ППОБК составляет 2067 случаев, переломов дистального отдела предплечья – 1205, переломов проксимального отдела плечевой кости – 640.Выводы. Проведенное исследование выявило низкий уровень оказания специализированной травматологической помощи пожилым пациентам с низкоэнергетическими переломами. Республика Армения остро нуждается в программах, направленных на профилактику, раннее выявление и лечение остеопороза

    Dimensional Crossover of Localisation and Delocalisation in a Quantum Hall Bar

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    The 2-- to 1--dimensional crossover of the localisation length of electrons confined to a disordered quantum wire of finite width LyL_y is studied in a model of electrons moving in the potential of uncorrelated impurities. An analytical formula for the localisation length is derived, describing the dimensional crossover as function of width LyL_y, conductance gg and perpendicular magnetic field BB . On the basis of these results, the scaling analysis of the quantum Hall effect in high Landau levels, and the delocalisation transition in a quantum Hall wire are reconsidered.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure


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    The mathematical model of immersion of insoluble spherical particle with smooth surface under absolute statics (incl. assumption – its spontaneous formation on the surface) at the particle density ranging from 1.05 to 1.75 kg/m3 and contact angle of moistening from 0º to 180º was created for development of theoretical and practical backgrounds of the reconstitution process. This model was used as the base of model of immersion in water and drowning of cubic grid of spherical insoluble particles under full static condition. Regularities of layers’ drawning were established and an algorithm for calculating the missing force for full grid immersion was developed. It is possible to determine the coefficient of correlation between the calculated and actual data, taking into account the heat and mass transfer processes occurring during the dissolution of the dry products that will bring model to real systems and, in such a way, unify the process

    Effects of storage conditions on milk powder properties

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    ABSTRACT: Studies on the storage stability of milk powder are currently fragmented and mainly affect only the area of above-zero temperatures. At the same time, there are no studies that consider the load factor when milk powder is stored in bags on a pallet. The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of various factors of industrial storage (temperature, height or layer number, and time) on the change in quality and technological properties of powdered dairy products. We placed skim milk powder (SMP) and whole milk powder (WMP) in 10 × 14 × 2 cm resealable plastic bags on a model stand simulating an industrial layout on pallets. The samples were stored for 18 mo at temperatures −30 ± 1°C, 6 ± 1°C, and 25 ± 3°C and 40 to 80% relative humidity. Samples from the control (0), 5, and 10 (lower) layers of pallets were selected for analysis on 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 mo of storage for each of the temperatures. As a result, we did not detect any changes in the storage process for water activity and mass fraction of moisture. The particle size distribution of all the SMP and WMP samples changed over time. The greatest changes were observed in the WMP samples placed on the 10th layer of pallets at 25 ± 3°C, from 0 to 18 mo of storage, the mean particle size (D[4,3]) increased from 120 to 258 μm (90% of all sample particle sizes ranging from 209 to 559 μm). We found significant clumping in the WMP samples (lumps up to 5 cm), correlating with the layer and storage time. The contact angle of the samples increased from 17° (SMP) and 53° (WMP) to 40° and 71°, respectively. The insolubility index and titratable acidity did not change only in the SMP samples stored with no load applied at −30 ± 1°C and 6 ± 1°C. The heat stability of all samples stored at 25 ± 3°C showed the lowest values. The data obtained allowed us to rank the factors as “layer – time – temperature.” Only the temperature of 25 ± 3°C caused critical changes in the product properties. Thus, the possibility of industrial storage of the product for up to 15 mo over the entire temperature range is confirmed


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    The main indicators of the quality and safety of dairy canned food in the range of low, intermediate and high humidity related to their distribution in Russia and abroad are considered. A comparative analysis of the quality parameters of traditional canned milk produced by the interstate standards in force in Russia, including obligatory conditions of compliance with technological requirements and sanitary and hygienic norms for production, when compared to similar products manufactured according to international standards, demonstrates competitive indicators of quality and safety. The basic technological approaches are investigated and a number of additional evaluation criteria for the utilization of various technologies and assessments of the quality of finished products are considered. Data on alternative raw ingredients, food additives and technological aspects that contribute to improving the quality of products, including storage stability, are reviewed. Separately presented are the integral criteria which, excludes the presence of falsified products. The principles of creating technologies for canned dairy products of functional purpose, including gero-dietetics, are described. Thus, based on a modern regulatory and technical base and using existing production capacities for the production of high-quality dairy canned food, the only necessary element for solving the problem of complete import substitution of canned dairy products in Russia is to increase the volume of raw material production

    Endovascular embolization of pseudotumors in hemophilia patients

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    The pseudotumors are the serious complication in patients with hemophilia A and B. Surgical excision of hemophilic pseudotumor is frequently accompanied by a massive intraoperative blood loss. The endovascular embolization of the feeding arteries prior to surgery helps to minimize the blood loss and to reduce the size of pseudotumor. We performed endovascular embolization with microcoils in six hemophilia patients with pseudotumors, and describe here three of those cases. © 2018 Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved