10 research outputs found

    Synthesis and selectivity of 1-methoxycarbonylmethyl-3-arylamino-7-bromo-5-phenyl-1,2-dihydro-3H-1,4-benzodi- azepin-2-ones binding for CNS benzodiazepine receptors

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    Earlier, the methoxycarbonylmethyl fragment at the 1-position and the nitrophenylamine fragment at the 3-position of the 1,4-benzodiazepine ring, on the base of the QSAR analysis of series of 1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one derivatives [1], have been shown to gave compounds with increased affinity for peripheral benzodiazepine receptors (PBR). The 3-arylamine derivatives of 1-methoxycarbonylmethyl-7-bromo-5-phenyl-1,2-dihydro-3H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one were proposed for the directed synthesis as a promising high selective ligands of PBR. The target compounds were synthesized through the condensation of 1-methoxycarbonylmethyl-3-chloro-7-bromo-5-phenyl-1,2-dihydro-3H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one with substituted anilines. Affinities of synthesized compounds for the CNS benzodiazepine receptors of peripheral (PBR) and central (CBR) types were determined by the radioligand method in vitro. Selective PBR ligand with a high affinity — 1-methoxycarbonylmethyl-3-(2'-nitro)phenylamino-7-bromo-5-phenyl-1,2-dihydro-3H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one, 7 (MX-1785, Ki(PBR)=19.1 nM, Ki(CBR)>10000 nM) was found among the studied compounds.Раніше на підставі результатів QSAR-аналізу ряду похідних 1,4-бенздіазепін-2-ону [1] було показано, що наявність метоксикарбонілметильного фрагменту в положенні 1 і нітрофеніламінного фрагменту в положенні 3 1,4-бенздіазепінового циклу сприяють прояву високого афінітету до периферичних бенздіазепінових рецепторів (ПБДР). Для цілеспрямованого синтезу були запропоновані 3-ариламінопохідні 1-метоксикарбонілметил-7-бром-5-феніл-1,2-дигідро-3Н-1,4-бенздіазепін-2-ону як перспективні високоафінні ліганди ПБДР. Конденсацією 1-метоксикарбонілметил-7-бром-3-хлор-5-феніл-1,2-дигідро-3Н-1,4-бенздіазепін-2-ону із заміщеними анілінами синтезовано цільові сполуки. Методом радіолігандного аналізу в експериментах in vitro вивчено афінітет синтезованих сполук до бенздіазепінових рецепторів ЦНС периферичного (ПБДР) і центрального (ЦБДР) типів. У ряді досліджених сполук виявлено високоафінний і селективний ліганд ПБДР — 1-метоксикарбонілметил-3-(2'-нітро)феніламіно-7-бром-5-феніл-1,2-дигідро-3Н-1,4-бенздіазепін-2-он, 7 (МХ-1785, Ki(ПБДР)=19,1 нМ, Ki(ЦБДР)>10000 нМ

    Is the Luttinger liquid a new state of matter?

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    We are demonstrating that the Luttinger model with short range interaction can be treated as a type of Fermi liquid. In line with the main dogma of Landau's theory one can define a fermion excitation renormalized by interaction and show that in terms of these fermions any excited state of the system is described by free particles. The fermions are a mixture of renormalized right and left electrons. The electric charge and chirality of the Landau quasi-particle is discussed.Comment: paper 10 pages. This version of the paper will be published in Foundations of Physic

    QSAR analysis of the toxicity of nitroaromatics in Tetrahymena pyriformis : structural factors and possible modes of action

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    The Hierarchical Technology for Quantitative Structure - Activity Relationships (HiT QSAR) was applied to 95 diverse nitroaromatic compounds (including some widely known explosives) tested for their toxicity (50% inhibition growth concentration, IGC50) against the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis. The dataset was divided into subsets according to putative mechanisms of toxicity. Classification and Regression Trees (CART) approach implemented within HiT QSAR has been used for prediction of mechanism of toxicity for new compounds. The resulting models were shown to have ~80% accuracy for external datasets indicating that the mechanistic dataset division was sensible. Then, Partial Least Squares (PLS) statistical approach was used for the development of 2D QSAR models. Validated PLS models were explored to (i) elucidate the effects of different substituents in nitroaromatic compounds on toxicity; (ii) differentiate compounds by probable mechanisms of toxicity based on their structural descriptors; (iii) analyze the role of various physical-chemical factors responsible for compounds’ toxicity. Models were interpreted in terms of molecular fragments promoting or interfering with toxicity. It was also shown that mutual influence of substituents in benzene ring plays the determining role in toxicity variation. Although chemical mechanism based models were statistically significant and externally predictive (R2ext=0.64 for the external set of 63 nitroaromatics identified after all calculations have been completed), they were also shown to have limited coverage (57% for modeling and 76% for external set)

    NMR and NQR Fluctuation Effects in Layered Superconductors

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    We study the effect of thermal fluctuations of the s-wave order parameter of a quasi two dimensional superconductor on the nuclear spin relaxation rate near the transition temperature Tc. We consider both the effects of the amplitude fluctuations and the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase fluctuations in weakly coupled layered superconductors. In the treatment of the amplitude fluctuations we employ the Gaussian approximation and evaluate the longitudinal relaxation rate 1/T1 for a clean s-wave superconductor, with and without pair breaking effects, using the static pair fluctuation propagator D. The increase in 1/T1 due to pair breaking in D is overcompensated by the decrease arising from the single particle Green's functions. The result is a strong effect on 1/T1 for even a small amount of pair breaking. The phase fluctuations are described in terms of dynamical BKT excitations in the form of pancake vortex-antivortex (VA) pairs. We calculate the effect of the magnetic field fluctuations caused by the translational motion of VA excitations on 1/T1 and on the transverse relaxation rate 1/T2 on both sides of the BKT transitation temperature T(BKT)<Tc. The results for the NQR relaxation rates depend strongly on the diffusion constant that governs the motion of free and bound vortices as well as the annihilation of VA pairs. We discuss the relaxation rates for real multilayer systems where the diffusion constant can be small and thus increase the lifetime of a VA pair, leading to an enhancement of the rates. We also discuss in some detail the experimental feasibility of observing the effects of amplitude fluctuations in layered s-wave superconductors such as the dichalcogenides and the effects of phase fluctuations in s- or d-wave superconductors such as the layered cuprates.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figure

    Перспективы использования технологий регенеративной медицины в лечении болезни Пейрони

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    Peyronie’s disease is characterized by an inflammatory reaction under the tunica albuginea with the proliferation of fibroblasts and the formation of a thickened fibrous plaque, followed by pain, abnormal penis curvature and erectile dysfunction. The results of conservative methods of treatment do not exceed the placebo, and surgical treatment does not always lead to satisfactory results. It leads to development of new therapeutic methods and technologies including cell and gene therapy. Adipose tissue derived stromal-vascular fraction and platelet-rich plasma are most promising approaches for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease among all methods or regenerative medicine.Болезнь Пейрони характеризуется воспалительной реакцией под белочной оболочкой полового члена с пролиферацией фибробластов и образованием утолщенной волокнистой бляшки, с последующим болевым синдромом, искривлением полового члена и эректильной дисфункцией. В настоящее время идет активное внедрение клеточных и генно-терапевтических технологий в медицинскую практику. Применение стромально-васкулярной фракции и аутоплазмы, обогащенной тромбоцитарными факторами роста, позволит разработать новые подходы к лечению болезни Пейрони. Искривление полового члена, боль при эрекции, сопутствующая эректильная дисфункция приводят к существенному снижению качества жизни мужчин, страдающих болезнью Пейрони. Результаты консервативного лечения болезни Пейрони не превышают эффекта плацебо, а хирургическое лечение не всегда обеспечивает удовлетворительные исходы. Данный обзор литературы демонстрирует эволюцию понимания патогенетических механизмов развития болезни Пейрони и, соответственно, методов лечения этого заболевания


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    In our study the dataset containing 489 pesticides and their active substances of different classes of organic compounds was used for analysis. For compounds of analyzed dataset the values of lipophilicity, water solubility, toxicity, bioavailability and mutagenicity were predicted by developed QSAR models. The most environmentally hazardous substances were identified using prediction of QSAR models for pesticides. The satisfactory coincidence between the experimental values of investigated properties and their predicted values by QSAR models was obtained (coefficient of determination in the range 83-94 %)

    Modern Trends of Organic Chemistry in Russian Universities

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