24 research outputs found

    Structure of pair winds from compact objects with application to emission from bare strange stars

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    We present the results of numerical simulations of stationary, spherically outflowing, electron-positron pair winds, with total luminosities in the range 10^{34}- 10^{42} ergs/s. In the concrete example described here, the wind injection source is a hot, bare, strange star, predicted to be a powerful source of electron-positron pairs created by the Coulomb barrier at the quark surface. We find that photons dominate in the emerging emission, and the emerging photon spectrum is rather hard and differs substantially from the thermal spectrum expected from a neutron star with the same luminosity. This might help distinguish the putative bare strange stars from neutron stars.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, added references, to appear in the proceedings of the conference "Isolated Neutron Stars: from the Surface to the Interior", London, UK, 24-28 April 200

    Alloying and modification of stainless steels by powerful plasma streams

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    The stainless steel surfaces coated of tungsten have been alloyed and modified with powerful QSPA Kh-50 plasma streams. The plasma streams exposures result in modification of steel-based materials and formation of resolidified layers. The changes of substrate texture were also registered. Phase characterized by body-centered cubic lattice appeared due to recrystallization of affected material. Thus, the favorable conditions were created for penetration of tungsten into the stainless steel bulk. Growth of lattice parameter was observed as result of plasma irradiation of coated samples. It's indication of tungsten penetration into the depth of substrates.Поверхности из нержавеющей стали с покрытием из вольфрама были легированы и модифицированы мощными плазменными потоками в КСПУ Х-50. Облучение потоком плазмы приводит к модификации материалов на основе сталей и формирование повторно затвердевшего слоя. Изменения текстуры подложки были также зарегистрированы. Фаза, которая характеризуется объёмно центрированной кубической решёткой, появилась вследствие рекристаллизации облучённого материала. Таким образом, были созданы необходимые условия для проникновения вольфрама в нержавеющую сталь. Рост параметра решётки наблюдался в результате плазменного облучения образцов с покрытием. Это указывает на проникновение вольфрама в глубину субстратов.Поверхні з нержавіючої сталі з покриттям з вольфраму були леговані і модифіковані потужними плазмовими потоками в КСПП Х-50. Опромінення потоком плазми призводить до модифікації матеріалів на основі сталей і формування повторно затверділого шару. Зміни текстури підкладки були також зареєстровані. Фаза, яка характеризується об'ємно центрованою кубічною решіткою, з'явилася внаслідок рекристалізації опроміненого матеріалу. Таким чином, були створені необхідні умови для проникнення вольфраму в нержавіючу сталь. Зростання параметра решітки спостерігався в результаті плазмового опромінення зразків з покриттям. Це вказує на проникнення вольфраму в глибину субстратів

    Deuterium targets and the MDMT code

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    To assess the effectiveness of remote clinical quality management of endovascular Aim care. The system of clinical quality management of medical care in myocardial infarction (MI) including the quality of remote control of endovascular care was developed and introduced into the health care system of the Moscow Region as a part of the comprehensive study in 2008–2020. The number of people under the study was 8375. The ground for assessing the effectiveness of remote clinical management in 2019–2020 was the health care system of megapolis. Based on the analysis of 2966 endovascular procedures protocols, the treatment tactics effectiveness of intraoperative decisions was studied after an emergency coronary angiography (ECA) had been performed by interventional cardiologists. The Methods system of remote clinical quality management of endovascular care included a complex of audiovisual communications, computer system processes, mentoring and the algorithm for making an intraoperative decision. The effectiveness of remote clinical quality management of endovascular care was investigated on the number of percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) in MI, mortality of patients with MI in the Regional vascular center in 2019–2020. The T-criteria was used to assess the reliability. The material statistical processing was carried out in the Statistica 6.0 package calculating adequate statistical indicators and their reliability at p≤0.005. Ratio PCI/ECA in 2019, January-March 2020 counted up to 48.95%. In April-December 2020 it increased up to 71.6% (p<0.001). The frequency of performing Results PCI increased by 1.46 times (p<0.001). Hospital mortality from MI decreased during the following period 2019, April-December 2020 from 9.7% to 8.2% (p = 0.005). Remote clinical management based on telemedicine and mentoring process Conclusion technologies contributes to improving the quality of endovascular care in MI. © 2021 Angles. All rights reserved