5 research outputs found


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    The most frequent mental changes in children can include increased anxiety, depression, aggression and anger, the existence of which may contribute to the progression of physical illness. Materials and methods. The study involved 49 children aged 7 to 17 years (mean age 12,7 ± 3,1let) with chronic kidney disease. Further assess psychological stress based on the level of anxiety, aggression, anger, and depression. Results. In assessing the level of anxiety, aggression, anger, and depression in all groups of children prevailed with the average of 73,1 ± 7% to 87,8 ± 5,1% of children in the group. At 24,3 ± 7% of children identified elevated levels of aggression, half of whom had congenital abnormalities of the urinary system. Most children 38 (86,3 ± 5,2%) level of depression was within average. Established cases of depression to improve small, moderate and significant among girls 13,5 ± 1,5years, which amounted to 13,6 ± 5,2% of children. Conclusions. The most vulnerable are children, particularly girls with chronic kidney disease on the background of congenital anomalies of the urinary system. All children with chronic kidney disease is necessary to evaluate the level of mental strain for the optimization of measures to prevent recurrence of the disease and improve the quality of life ofchildren


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    The results of the analysis of various pediatric health care systems are presented in the article from the point of view of their structure and funding. It was shown the necessity of multidisciplinary family-centered approach for the effective organization of pediatric care with the obligatory participation of pediatricians and nursery specialists as well as medical practice standardization and coordination under the auspices of the university hospitals with a structured involvement of non governmental organization and volunteers. This structure together with a complex financing leads to the modern technologies implementation and effective education of professionals and patients. The authors have presented a revised scheme of structured national pediatric service for the public discussion.В статье представлены результаты анализа различных систем оказания медицинской помощи детям с точки зрения их структуры и финансирования. Показано, что для эффективной организации медицинской педиатрической помощи населению страны необходимым является практика мультидисциплинарной помощи, ориентированной на семью, с обязательным привлечением педиатров, стандартизацией лечебно-диагностического процесса и его координацией под эгидой университетских клиник с комплексным финансированием, имплементацией современных технологий и специализированным образованием специалистов и пациентов, а также структурированным привлечением негосударственных организаций и волонтеров. Авторы представили для обсуждения схему структурированной системы национального педиатрического сервиса.У статті наведено результати аналізу різних систем надання медичної допомоги дітям з точки зору їх структури та фінансування. Показано, що для ефектив-ної організації медичної педіатричної допомоги населенню країни необхідними є практика мультидисциплінарної допомоги, орієнтованої на родину, з обов’язковим залученням педіатрів, стандартизацією лікувально-діагностичного процесу та його координацією під егідою університетських клінік з комплексним фінансуванням, імплементацією сучасних технологій та спеціалізованою освітою фахівців та пацієнтів, а також структурованим залученням недержавних організацій та волонтерів. Автори представили для обговорення схему структурованої системи національного педіатричного сервісу

    Topical Issues of Child Disability in Terms of Healthcare Reform

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    The article presents an analysis of disability in children from Kharkiv region for 5 years. In the structure of child disability, the dominant is congenital abnormality, second one — diseases of the nervous system, third one — endocrine pathology. We have identified problems and prospects for improving medical care providing for children with disabilities and ways to reduce the disability of the child population

    Arteriohepatic Dysplasia (Alagille Syndrome) in a Child (Clinical Case)

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    The article presents a clinical case of a child with a rare nosology — Alagille syndrome. Among the causes of neonatal cholestasis, Alagille syndrome is ranked second, it occurs with an incidence of 1 per 70,000 of newborns. This syndrome is characterized by an insufficient number or by a small dia­meter of intrahepatic bile ducts, which carry bile from the liver. Alagille syndrome includes a combination of at least three of the five main symptoms: chronic cholestasis, cardiovascular defects, abnormalities of the spine, eye defects, typical craniofacial signs. The only definitive therapy with the formation of liver cirrhosis and without gross defects is liver transplantation

    Neonatal Arrhythmias: Atrial Flutter

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    The paper presents the current data on the diagnosis of neonatal arrhythmias, covers the prevalence, mechanisms of formation, diagnosis and treatment of one type of cardiac arrhythmias — atrial flutter. Clinical observation in terms of the diagnosis and treatment of atrial flutter in a newborn in the early neonatal period is given