16 research outputs found
Corner Flows in Free Liquid Films
A lubrication-flow model for a free film in a corner is presented. The model, written in the hyperbolic coordinate system ξ = x² – y², η = 2xy, applies to films that are thin in the η direction. The lubrication approximation yields two coupled evolution equations for the film thickness and the velocity field which, to lowest order, describes plug flow in the hyperbolic coordinates. A free film in a corner evolving under surface tension and gravity is investigated. The rate of thinning of a free film is compared to that of a film evolving over a solid substrate. Viscous shear and normal stresses are both captured in the model and are computed for the entire flow domain. It is shown that normal stress dominates over shear stress in the far field, while shear stress dominates close to the corner
Peeling, healing and bursting in a lubricated elastic sheet
We consider the dynamics of an elastic sheet lubricated by the flow of a thin layer of fluid that separates it from a rigid wall. By considering long wavelength deformations of the sheet, we derive an evolution equation for its motion, accounting for the effects of elastic bending, viscous lubrication and body forces. We then analyze various steady and unsteady problems for the sheet such as peeling, healing, levitating and bursting using a combination of numerical simulation and dimensional analysis. On the macro-scale, we corroborate our theory with a simple experiment, and on the micro-scale, we analyze an oscillatory valve that can transform a continuous stream of fluid into a series of discrete pulses.NS
Shock Dynamics in Particle-Laden Thin Films
PRL 94(11) March 25, 2005 117803We present theory and experiments for thin film particle-laden flow on an incline. At higher particle concentration and inclination angle, a new phenomenon is observed in which a large particle-rich ridge forms at the contact line. We derive a lubrication theory for this system which is qualitatively compared to preliminary experimental data. The ridge formation arises from the creation of two shocks due to the differential transport rates of fluid and particles. This parallels recent findings of double shocks in thermal-gravity driven flow [A. L. Bertozzi et. al., PRL, 81, 5169 (1998), J. Sur et. al., PRL 90, 126105 (2003), A. M¨unch, PRL 91, 016105 (2003)]. However, here the emergence of the shocks arises from a new mechanism involving the settling rates of the species.NS
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Shape optimization of a sheet swimming over a thin liquid layer
Motivated by the propulsion mechanisms adopted by gastropods, annelids and other invertebrates, we consider shape optimization of a flexible sheet that moves by propagating deformation waves along its body. The self-propelled sheet is separated from a rigid substrate by a thin layer of viscous Newtonian fluid. We use a lubrication approximation to model the dynamics and derive the relevant Euler-Lagrange equations to simultaneously optimize swimming speed, efficiency and fluid loss. We find that as the parameters controlling these quantities approach critical values, the optimal solutions become singular in a self-similar fashion and sometimes leave the realm of validity of the lubrication model. We explore these singular limits by computing higher order corrections to the zeroth order theory and find that wave profiles that develop cusp-like singularities are appropriately penalized, yielding non-singular optimal solutions. These corrections are themselves validated by comparison with finite element solutions of the full Stokes equations, and, to the extent possible, using recent rigorous a-priori error bounds
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Shape Optimization of Swimming Sheets
The swimming behavior of a flexible sheet which moves by propagating deformation waves along its body was first studied by G. I. Taylor in 1951. In addition to being of theoretical interest, this problem serves as a useful model of the locomotion of gastropods and various micro-organisms. Although the mechanics of swimming via wave propagation has been studied extensively, relatively little work has been done to define or describe optimal swimming by this mechanism.We carry out this objective for a sheet that is separated from a rigid substrate by a thin film of viscous Newtonian fluid. Using a lubrication approximation to model the dynamics, we derive the relevant Euler-Lagrange equations to optimize swimming speed and efficiency. The optimization equations are solved numerically using two different schemes: a limited memory BFGS method that uses cubic splines to represent the wave profile, and a multi-shooting Runge-Kutta approach that uses the Levenberg-Marquardt method to vary the parameters of the equations until the constraints are satisfied. The former approach is less efficient but generalizes nicely to the non-lubrication setting. For each optimization problem we obtain a one parameter family of solutions that becomes singular in a self-similar fashion as the parameter approaches a critical value. We explore the validity of the lubrication approximation near this singular limit by monitoring higher order corrections to the zeroth order theory and by comparing the results with finite element solutions of the full Stokes equations
Two-Dimensional Self-Assembly in Diblock Copolymers
Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.Diblock copolymers confined to a two-dimensional surface may produce uniform features of macromolecular dimensions (10 â 100 nm). We present a mathematical model for nanoscale pattern
formation in such polymers which captures the dynamic evolution of a solution of poly(styrene)-
b-poly(ethylene oxide), PS-b-PEO, in solvent at an air-water interface. The model has no fitting
parameters and incorporates the effects of surface tension gradients, entanglement or vitrification,
and diffusion. The resultant morphologies are quantitatively compared with experimental data.NS
Dynamics of digging in wet soil
Numerous animals live in, and locomote through, subsea soils. To move in a
medium dominated by frictional interactions, many of these animals have adopted
unique burrowing strategies. This paper presents a burrowing model inspired by
the Atlantic razor clam ({\it Ensis directus}), which uses deformations of its
body to cyclically loosen and re-pack the surrounding soil in order to locally
manipulate burrowing drag. The model reveals how an anisotropic body --
composed of a cylinder and sphere varying sinusoidally in size and relative
displacement -- achieves unidirectional motion through a medium with variable
frictional properties. This net displacement is attained even though the body
kinematics are reciprocal and inertia of both the model organism and the
surrounding medium are negligible. Our results indicate that body aspect ratio
has a strong effect on burrowing velocity and efficiency, with a well-defined
maximum for given kinematics and soil material properties
Body scan processing, generative design, and multiobjective evaluation of sports bras
Sports bras are critical to the comfort and performance of female athletes, yet mechanical models of sports bras are generally not used to guide their design. Typically, assessing any sports bra’s performance requires time-consuming and expensive biomechanical testing, which limits the number of designs considered. To more broadly advance knowledge on how different design properties of sports bras affect their performance, this paper presents a new design framework to explore and evaluate the sports bra design space. The framework incorporates methods for body scan analysis, fast simulation, design generation, and performance evaluation. Using these methods together enables the rapid exploration of hundreds, or thousands, of designs--each one having been evaluated on key metrics related to sports bra performance, namely, range of motion and average pressure. With this framework, designers can potentially discover a diverse set of new, high-performing sports bra concepts, as well as gain insights into how design decisions affect performance
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Confinement-induced stabilization of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability and transition to the unconfined limit
The prevention of hydrodynamic instabilities can lead to important insights for understanding the instabilities' underlying dynamics. The Rayleigh-Taylor instability that arises when a dense fluid sinks into and displaces a lighter one is particularly difficult to arrest. By preparing a density inversion between two miscible fluids inside the thin gap separating two flat plates, we create a clean initial stationary interface. Under these conditions, we find that the instability is suppressed below a critical plate spacing. With increasing spacing, the system transitions from the limit of stability where mass diffusion dominates over buoyant forces, through a regime where the gap sets the wavelength of the instability, to the unconfined regime governed by the competition between buoyancy and momentum diffusion. Our study, including experiment, simulation, and linear stability analysis, characterizes all three regimes of confinement and opens new routes for controlling mixing processes