13 research outputs found

    New data on the distribution and host plants of tephritid fies (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Armenia and selected regions of Russia

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    Urophora cuspidata (Meigen, 1826) and Tephritis nozarii Mohamadzade, 2012 are recorded for the frst time for Armenia, and the latter species for the frst time for Transcaucasia. Centaurea pseudoscabiosa glehnii (Trautv.) Wagenitz and Cousinia fedorovii Takhtajan are identifed as new host plants of Urophora cuspidata and Tephritis nozarii, respectively. First records for selected areas of Russia are presented: Urophora cardui (Linnaeus, 1758) for Samara Region and Mordovia, U. cuspidata for North Ossetia, Mordovia and Samara Region, Oxyna favipennis (Loew, 1844) for Nizhny Novgorod Region and Mordovia, O. parietina (Linnaeus, 1758) for Mordovia, Merzomyia westermanni (Meigen, 1826) for Saratov Region

    Some Diptera families from beer traps in the Volga region (Russia)

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    We have studied the material of some Diptera families collected with beer traps from middle part of the Volga River region (central part of European Russia: Nizhny Novgorod and Ulyanovsk regions, and southeastern part of European Russia: Saratov Region). Thirty species from 10 Diptera families are reported: Culicidae (2 spp.), Dryomyzidae (2 spp.), Lauxaniidae (7 spp.), Limoniidae (3 spp.), Pallopteridae (4 spp.), Periscelididae (1 sp.), Platystomatidae (2 spp.), Sciomyzidae (2 spp.), Tabanidae (1 sp.), Ulidiidae (6 spp.). Two species, Peplomyza intermedia Remm, 1979 (Lauxaniidae) and Periscelis annulipes Loew, 1858 (Periscelididae) are recorded from Russia for the first tim

    To the fauna of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of the Republic of Mordovia (Russia)

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    Data on the fauna of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of the Republic of Mordovia (Russia) are presented for the first time. As a result of research in 2009–2013, 11 species of blackflies are recorded for Mordovia: Stegopterna trigonia (Lundström, 1911), Wilhelmia balcanica Enderlein, 1924, Wilhelmia equina (Linnaeus, 1758), Boreosimulium annulus (Lundström, 1911), Byssodon maculatus (Meigen, 1804), Schoenbaueria nigra (Meigen, 1804), Boophthora erythrocephala (De Geer, 1776), Odagmia ornata (Meigen,1818), Odagmia pratora (Friederichs, 1921), Argentisimulium noelleri (Friederichs, 1920), Simulium paramorsitans Rubzov, 1956. The data concerning species distribution, ecology, medical and epidemiological significance are cited. The morphological characteristics of male of rare species Boreosimulium annulus are specifie

    A contribution to the knowledge of Neuroptera and Raphidioptera of Mordovia (Russia)

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    New faunistic data for 19 species of Neuroptera and 3 species of Raphidioptera from Mordovia (Russia) are reported. Seven species of Neuroptera and two species of Raphidioptera are new for this region. Distinct sexual dimorphism in Chrysopa perla (Linnaeus, 1758) is mentioned: the abdominal tergites of all 23 examined females are dark (brown to black) dorsally, varying strongly among specimens in degree of development, whereas the tergites (except the first) of all 47 examined males lack dark coloration and are nearly the same green as other green parts of the body

    New data on Neuroptera and Raphidioptera of Mordovia (Russia)

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    New faunistic data for 30 species of Neuroptera and two species of Raphidioptera from the Republic of Mordovia (Russia) are reported. Eleven species of Neuroptera and one species of Raphidioptera are new for this region: Sisyra terminalis (Sisyridae), Megalomus hirtus, Wesmaelius nervosus, W.  mortoni, Hemerobius marginatus, H.  nitidulus, Sympherobius pygmaeus (Hemerobiidae), Nineta flava, Chrysopa gibeauxi, Ch.  dasyptera, Cunctochrysa albolineata (Chrysopidae), and Xanothostigma xanthostigma (Raphidiidae). Neuroptera collected by fermenting bait traps in canopies of various, mainly deciduous trees at the height of 5–10 m are represented almost exclusively by all known Mordovian chrysopid species of the genera Nineta, Pseudomallada, Chrysoptropia and Chrysoperla. Adults of all these species are phytophagous or glycophagous. Of these, Pseudomallada prasinus, Nineta alpicola and Chrysotropia ciliata were most numerous (Table 1). All 22 specimens of Nothochrysa fulviceps were collected by fermenting bait traps on Quercus robu

    To the knowledge of the fauna of sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) of Mordovia (Russia)

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    An annotated list of 122 species of sawflies belonging to eight families collected in the Republic of Mordovia (Russia) is presented. Dolerus quadrinotatus (Bíró, 1884) is recorded for the fauna of Russia for the first time. Photographs of this rare species are given and differences from D. logaster Thomson, 1871, which has a similar body colour, are discussed. The following species are new for the fauna of Mordovia: Allantus cingulatus (Scopoli, 1763), Empria fletcheri (Cameron, 1878), E. immersa (Klug, 1818), E. pumila (Konow, 1896), Cladardis hartigi Liston, 1995, Aglaostigma gibbosum (Fallén, 1808), Macrophya teutona (Panzer, 1799), Tenthredopsis auriculata (Thomson, 1870) and T. scutellaris (Fabricius, 1804)

    To the fauna of Lepidoptera of Republic of Mordovia. Addition 1

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    To the knowledge of Lepidoptera fauna in the Republic of Mordovia

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    The analysis of faunistic study of Lepidoptera in the Republic of Mordovia is provided, with 397 species from 41 families taken into account from published sources, omitting misidentifications and dubious records. A list of 163 species is given, 148 of which are reported as new for the republic, while others are interesting from faunistic and nature conservation point of view. New synonymy is established in Tortricidae: Philedone gerningana gerninganа ([Denis et Schiffermüller], 1775) = Ph. gerninganа dimitrievi Lastukhin, 2001, syn. n.; Endothenia marginana (Haworth, [1811]) = E. attilana Lastukhin, 2001, syn. n