123 research outputs found

    Extended chiral algebras in the SU(2)_0 WZNW model

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    We investigate the W-algebras generated by the integer dimension chiral primary operators of the SU(2)_0 WZNW model. These have a form almost identical to that found in the c=-2 model but have, in addition, an extended Kac-Moody structure. Moreover on Hamiltonian reduction these SU(2)_0 W-algebras exactly reduce to those found in c=-2. We explicitly find the free field representations for the chiral j=2 and j=3 operators which have respectively a fermionic doublet and bosonic triplet nature. The correlation functions of these operators accounts for the rational solutions of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation that we find. We explicitly compute the full algebra of the j=2 operators and find that the associativity of the algebra is only guaranteed if certain null vectors decouple from the theory. We conjecture that these algebras may produce a quasi-rational conformal field theory.Comment: 18 pages LATEX. Minor corrections. Full j=2 algebra adde

    Critical Temperature of the Deconfining Phase Transition in (2+1)d Georgi-Glashow Model

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    We find the temperature of the phase transition in the (2+1)d Georgi-Glashow model. The critical temperature is shown to depend on the gauge coupling and on the ratio of Higgs and gauge boson masses. In the BPS limit of light Higgs the previous result by Dunne, Kogan, Kovner, and Tekin is reproduced.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX

    Extended multiplet structure in Logarithmic Conformal Field Theories

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    We use the process of quantum hamiltonian reduction of SU(2)_k, at rational level k, to study explicitly the correlators of the h_{1,s} fields in the c_{p,q} models. We find from direct calculation of the correlators that we have the possibility of extra, chiral and non-chiral, multiplet structure in the h_{1,s} operators beyond the `minimal' sector. At the level of the vacuum null vector h_{1,2p-1}=(p-1)(q-1) we find that there can be two extra non-chiral fermionic fields. The extra indicial structure present here permeates throughout the entire theory. In particular we find we have a chiral triplet of fields at h_{1,4p-1}=(2p-1)(2q-1). We conjecture that this triplet algebra may produce a rational extended c_{p,q} model. We also find a doublet of fields at h_{1,3p-1}=(\f{3p}{2}-1)(\f{3q}{2}-1). These are chiral fermionic operators if p and q are not both odd and otherwise parafermionic.Comment: 24 pages LATEX. Minor corrections and extra reference

    Implications of Space-Time foam for Entanglement Correlations of Neutral Kaons

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    The role of CPTCPT invariance and consequences for bipartite entanglement of neutral (K) mesons are discussed. A relaxation of CPTCPT leads to a modification of the entanglement which is known as the ω\omega effect. The relaxation of assumptions required to prove the CPTCPT theorem are examined within the context of models of space-time foam. It is shown that the evasion of the EPR type entanglement implied by CPTCPT (which is connected with spin statistics) is rather elusive. Relaxation of locality (through non-commutative geometry) or the introduction of decoherence by themselves do not lead to a destruction of the entanglement. So far we find only one model which is based on non-critical strings and D-particle capture and recoil that leads to a stochastic contribution to the space-time metric and consequent change in the neutral meson bipartite entanglement. The lack of an omega effect is demonstrated for a class of models based on thermal like baths which are generally considered as generic models of decoherence

    Vanishing of cosmological constant and fully localized gravity in a Brane World with extra time(s)

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    We construct an intersecting brane configuration in six-dimensional space with one extra space-like and one extra time-like dimensions. With a certain additional symmetry imposed on the extra space-time we have found that effective four-dimensional cosmological constant vanishes automatically, providing the static solution with gravity fully localized at the intersection region as there are no propagating massive modes of graviton. In this way, the same symmetry allows us to eliminate tachyonic states of graviton from the spectrum of the effective four-dimensional theory, thus avoiding phenomenological difficulties comming from the matter instability usually induced in theories with extra time-like dimensions.Comment: 15 pages, comments and references added, version accepted in Phys. Lett.

    Thermodynamic behavior of IIA string theory on a pp-wave

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    We obtain the thermal one loop free energy and the Hagedorn temperature of IIA superstring theory on the pp-wave geometry which comes from the circle compactification of the maximally supersymmetric eleven dimensional one. We use both operator and path integral methods and find the complete agreement between them in the free energy expression. In particular, the free energy in the Ό→∞\mu \to \infty limit is shown to be identical with that of IIB string theory on maximally supersymmetric pp-wave, which indicates the universal thermal behavior of strings in the large class of pp-wave backgrounds. We show that the zero point energy and the modular properties of the free energy are naturally incorporated into the path integral formalism.Comment: 25 pages, Latex, JHEP style, v4: revised for clarity without change in main contents, version to appear in JHE

    Unitarity Meets Channel-Duality for Rolling / Decaying D-Branes

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    Investigations for decay of unstable D-brane and rolling of accelerated D-brane dynamics have revealed that various proposed prescriptions give different result for spectral amplitudes and observables. Here, we study them with particular attention to unitarity and open-closed channel duality. From "ab initio" derivation in the open string channel, both in Euclidean and Lorentzian worldsheet approaches, we find heretofore overlooked contribution to the spectral amplitudes and obervables. The contribution is fortuitously absent for decay of unstable D-brane, but is present for rolling of accelerated D-brane. We finally show that the contribution is imperative for ensuring unitarity and optical theorem at each order in string loop expansion.Comment: Latex, 28 pages, 2 figures (colored

    Conformally Invariant Gauge Theory of 3-Branes in 6D and the Cosmological Constant

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    It is shown that the gauge theory of relativistic 3-Branes can be formulated in a conformally invariant way if the embedding space is six-dimensional. The implementation of conformal invariance requires the use of a modified measure, independent of the metric in the action. Brane-world scenarios without the need of a cosmological constant in 6D are constructed. Thus, no ``old'' cosmological constant problem appears at this level.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, no figures; final version accepted for publication in Phys.Rev. D; Sect.II expande

    Minimal Superstrings and Loop Gas Models

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    We reformulate the matrix models of minimal superstrings as loop gas models on random surfaces. In the continuum limit, this leads to the identification of minimal superstrings with certain bosonic string theories, to all orders in the genus expansion. RR vertex operators arise as operators in a Z_2 twisted sector of the matter CFT. We show how the loop gas model implements the sum over spin structures expected from the continuum RNS formulation. Open string boundary conditions are also more transparent in this language.Comment: 36 pages, 3 figure

    Enhancement of the upper critical field by nonmagnetic impurities in dirty two-gap superconductors

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    Quasiclassic Uzadel equations for two-band superconductors in the dirty limit with the account of both intraband and interband scattering by nonmagnetic impurities are derived for any anisotropic Fermi surface. From these equations the Ginzburg-Landau equations, and the critical temperature TcT_c are obtained. An equation for the upper critical field, which determines both the temperature dependence of Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) and the orientational dependence of Hc2(Ξ)H_{c2}(\theta) as a function of the angle Ξ\theta between H{\bf H} and the c-axis is obtained. It is shown that the shape of the Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) curve essentially depends on the ratio of the intraband electron diffusivities D1D_1 and D1D_1, and can be very different from the standard one-gap dirty limit theory. In particular, the value Hc2(0)H_{c2}(0) can considerably exceed 0.7TcdHc2/dTc0.7T_cdH_{c2}/dT_c, which can have important consequences for applications of MgB2MgB_2. A scaling relation is proposed which enables one to obtain the angular dependence of Hc2(Ξ)H_{c2}(\theta) from the equation for Hc2H_{c2} at H∄c{\bf H}\| c. It is shown that, depending on the relation between D1D_1 and D2D_2, the ratio of the upper critical field Hc2∄/Hc2⊄H_{c2}^\|/H_{c2}^\perp for H∄ab{\bf H}\| ab and H⊄ab{\bf H}\perp ab can both increase and decrease as the temperature decreases. Implications of the obtained results for MgB2MgB_2 are discussed
