6 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurship: A Vehicle for Sustainable Food Production in Nigeria

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    Agriculture has been with mankind since the creation of the entire world and is as old as man himself. The developed countries have made great improvements in its practices, whereby few farmers conveniently feed their nations unlike in Nigeria where commercial farming is still at its infancy. One of the goals of the millennium development goals (MDGs) is to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger using agricultural machinery and rural transformation. Adequate and sustainable food will enhance better income through commercialisation of agriculture and agricultural entrepreneurship. Agricultural enterprise accommodates over 70% of labour in Nigeria, contributing to GDP after petroleum. The ecological diversity, teeming population and production potential of various agro–ecologies offer the best platform for entrepreneurship in agriculture for sustainable food production and agro- raw materials. This paper focuses on harnessing agricultural potential of Nigeria for sustainable food production and food security for economic well-being of an average Nigerian. The methodology adopted in this paper which is a review include: the narrative – textual case study (NTCS), a social science research methods that relies on, and sources the needed information from empirical data of relevant authors. Our findings among others include list of different agricultural entrepreneurship that can bring good income, attitude require for desirable result and rural transformation needed that can promote agricultural enterprises in Nigeria.  The paper posits that when an agricultural practice in Nigeria is approached from entrepreneurial angle, it would help solve the problems of unemployment, food scarcity and malnutrition, and poverty among the rural dwellers in Nigeria. This will consequently increase per capita income, and standard of living of people in Nigeria and her sub-region. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Vehicle, Sustainable, Food Productio

    Awareness of Selected Information and Communication Technologies for Extension Training on Improved Agricultural Practices Among Extension Agents of Ogun and Oyo States, Nigeria

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    Over several decades agricultural production in Nigeria has improved through the extension services, coupled with the invention of ICTs in recent time. The application of any ICT gadget would be determined by its awareness and its appropriateness for the intended purpose desired to serve by the user. This study, therefore, assesses awareness of selected ICTs for disseminating agricultural information to farmers by the Extension Agents (EAs) of Ogun and Oyo States, Nigeria. Multistage sampling method was employed to obtain data from 287 EAs with interview schedule and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Using both descriptive and inferential statistical tools, the paper analyses personal characteristics of the EAs in both States; agricultural crop information disseminated through the selected ICTs and level of awareness of the selected ICTs among the EAs. It was deduced in the study that the EAs and extension agency used different ICTs in disseminating agricultural information to farmers in the areas, though the EAs have different level of awareness on the usage of selected ICTs for such purpose, with GSM-phones ranked 1st (wms=4.76), radio (wms=4.63=2nd), extension bulletins/posters/newsmagazine ranked 3rd (wms=3.74) respectively. The PPMC analysis revealed that age (0.117*), educational level (0.145*) and years of working experience (0.176**) of EAs recorded a significant relationship with awareness level of selected ICTs at both 1% and 5%. The T-test analysis further revealed that a significant difference existed in the awareness level of the selected ICTs among the EAs of Ogun and Oyo States. The study, therefore, recommends the need to encourage the use of other ICT gadgets apart from GSM-phonesthrough adequate awareness on the use and appropriateness of ICTs for disseminating agricultural information to users and also socioeconomic characteristics of the applicants for extension service should be given consideration during recruitment exercise. Keywords: Awareness, ICT, Agriculture, Extension Agent DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-10-02 Publication date:May 31st 202


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    Tsunamigenic earthquakes have been known for their near and far field catastrophic impacts on coastal areas near oceanic ridges and trenches, as well as near tectonic faults in closed and semi-enclosed seas. Not all regions of oceanic ridges and trenches are tsunamigenic earthquake zones, but knowledge of the weighted sum of released earthquake energy and of the Gutenberg-Richter relation of the „a‟ and „b‟ parameters are needed to better identify them as to their potential for tsunami generation. The present analysis was undertaken in order to better identify tsunamigenic zones near oceanic ridges and trenches in the Mid-Atlantic, in the Pacific, in Chile, in Japan, near the Aleutians and along the Peru-Chile trench. The weighted sum of earthquake energy released and of the Gutenberg-Richter relation parameters were evaluated to identify tsunamigenic earthquake zones along these locations. The present analysis of the Gutenberg-Richter relation of the „a‟ and „b‟ parameters indicates that tsunamigenic earthquakes do not occur frequently along the Aleutian Trench, although the historic record supports that destructive tsunamis have occurred along this region in the past. Of the oceanic ridges, the results of the present analysis indicate that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is the most active tsunamigenic zone, while of all the oceanic trenches, the Japan Trench is the most active

    Assessment of Preference of Information and Communication Technologies in Training and Communicating Crop Farmers by Village Extension Agents of Ogun and Oyo States, Nigeria

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    The use of ICTs among the agricultural stakeholders is a prevalent phenomenon across the globe, which has significantly encouraged the information sharing on improved agricultural production. ICTs bridges the communication gap between the rural farmers and VEAs at least cost and lesser time. The study therefore assessed the ICTs preference in training and communicating crop farmers by VEAs. The study described the socio-economic characteristics of the VEAs in both States; identified and determined the frequency of use of the ICTs in training and communicating to farmers by the VEAs; and level of preference of ICTs for training and communicating farmers by the VEAs. The study revealed that more than half (57.5%) of the EAs in the selected States were between age of 31-40years and majority (90.6%) were males and literate with different educational qualifications and years of working experience in extension service. The study further revealed GSM-phone (=2.78 -1st), CD/DVD player (=2.35 – 2nd) and CD-ROM (=2.33 – 3rd) as ICTs that had highest mean values on basis of frequency of use; GSM-phone (=1.98 – 1st) and radio (=1.68 – 2nd) were also ranked first and second on the basis of most preferred ICTs in training and communicating farmers; age (0.514**), sex (0.432**), educational qualification (0.403**) and years of working experience (0.426**) of the EAs exhibited a significant relationship with their preference for ICTs in training and communicating farmers. The study therefore recommends the need to encourage the utilization of different ICTs that are considered to be appropriate for extension training and communication among the VEAs and the need for logistic support in form of acquisition of these ICT tools and provision of training on the application of different ICTs for extension services among the VEAs of the selected States

    Perceived Roles of Selected Information and Communication Technologies in Agricultural Extension/Farmers Training in Oyo and Ekiti Southwestern States of Nigeria

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    Perception plays a serious role in individual’s disposition and making rightful judgement of any event. Farmers’ interest, knowledge and experience over time in crop production may influence their attitude and participation in extension training activities. This study therefore determined perceived role of ICTs in agricultural extension/farmers training in Oyo and Ekiti States of Southwester Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was used to select Two-Hundred and Thirty-Five (235) crop farmers. Data for the study was collected through structured interview schedule and analyzed with frequency counts, percentage, mean and ranking as main descriptive statistical tools, while Ordered probit inferential tool was employed to make inference between the variables. The mean age of the crop farmers was 49years, both male (61.3%) and female (38.7%) constituted the sampled population, majority (82.5%) of the crop farmers are literate with different educational background with 26years of farming experience. GSM-Phone (100.0%), Digital Camera/Video (100.0%each), Posters and Extension Bulletins (100.0%) are part of ICTs that are available and used for agricultural extension/farmers training. The crop farmers had different perception towards agricultural extension/farmers training. Some of the selected socio-economic variables (age- 3.41***, p sex- 1.72*, pmarital status- 5.17***, p; years spent in school- 1.77*, p and years of farming experience- 2.12, p exhited significant relationship with farmers perception on roles of ICTs in agricultural extension/farmers training

    Primary caregivers of the mentally ill experience more burden: A comparative study of mental versus physical illness

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    Background: Caring for patients with chronic illnesses whether mental or physical imposes a burden on caregivers. Schizophrenia and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) are both chronic illnesses which require long term care, though they differ in pathophysiologic concepts. Planning strategies for improving the quality of life of caregivers of these patients will require that clinicians answer the pertinent question of who experiences more burden.Objective: This study assessed and compared the burden of care in caregivers of patients with schizophrenia and Type 2 DM, determined caregiver and patient characteristics that predict burden in both groups.Design: Cross-sectional study.Setting: Endocrinology and Psychiatry outpatient clinics of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria.Participants: One hundred patients with schizophrenia and 100 patients with Type 2 DM, along with their primary caregivers.Outcome measures: Caregiver burden was assessed using the ZBI. Results: Caregivers of schizophrenia patients experienced significantly higher burden than caregivers of Type 2 DM (p=0.025). Predictors of burden in schizophrenia patients’ caregivers were caregiver age (OR=2.088), being a lone caregiver (OR=1.39), perceiving caregiving as problematic (OR=6.194), GHQ-12 scores of caregiver (OR=7.46) as well as the presence of psychopathology (OR=2.61). The predictors of burden in Type 2 DM patients’ caregivers were caregiver gender (OR=4.049) presence of physical complications (OR=1.547). Conclusion: Caregivers of patients with schizophrenia were found to experience significantly higher levels of burden and psychological distress and this is important in planning care strategies for this group of patients