40 research outputs found

    Variation at storage protein loci in winter common wheat cultivars of the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

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    Genotypes at the gliadin loci Gli-A1, Gli-B1, Gli-D1 and the high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit loci Glu-A1, Glu-B1, Glu-D1 were identified in 77 winter common wheat cultivars developed in the Central Forest Steppe of Ukraine in different periods of time. The highest level of variation was observed at the Gli-A1 locus. Predominant alleles (one or two per locus) were revealed. The comparison of allele frequencies in groups of cultivars developed in different periods of time (before 1996 and in 1996–2007) has demonstrated appearance of new alleles and change of frequencies of existing alleles at the storage protein loci. The high frequency of cultivars with the wheat-rye 1BL/1RS translocation was detected (about 40 %). The wheat rye 1AL/1RS translocation was identified in six cultivars developed in the last decade. Four gliadin alleles, Gli-A1w (a marker for the 1AL/1RS translocation), Gli-A1x, Gli-A1y and Gli-B1x, were proposed for cataloging.Проанализированы генотипы по глиадиновым локусам Gli-A1, Gli-B1, Gli-D1 и локусам высокомолекулярных субъединиц глютенинов Glu-A1, Glu-B1, GluD1 77 сортов озимой мягкой пшеницы Центральной Лесостепи Украины, созданных в разные периоды времени. Наибольшая изменчивость наблюдалась по локусу Gli-A1. Были определены доминирующие аллели (один-два на локус). Сравнение частот аллелей групп сортов, созданных в разные периоды (до 1996 года и в 1996–2007 годах) позволило выявить появление новых алелей и изменения частот существующих аллелей локусов запасных белков. Наблюдается высокая частота сортов с пшенично-ржаной 1BL/1RS транслокацией (около 40 %). Ржаную 1AL/1RS транслокацию имеют шесть сортов, созданных в последнее десятилетие. Предложено внести в каталог четыре глиадиновых аллеля Gli-A1w (маркер 1AL/1RS транслокации), Gli-A1x, Gli-A1y и Gli-B1x.Проаналізовано генотипи за гліадиновими локусами Gli-A1, Gli-B1, Gli-D1 та локусами високомолекулярних субодиниць глютенінів Glu-A1, Glu-B1, GluD1 77 сортів озимої м`якої пшениці Центрального Лісостепу України, створених в різні періоди часу. Найбільша різноманітність спостерігалась за локусом GliA1. Було визначено домінуючі алелі (один-два на локус). Порівняння частот алелів у групах сортів, створених в різні періоди (до 1996 року і в 1996–2007 роках) дозволило виявити появу нових алелів та зміну частот існуючих алелів локусів запасних білків. Спостерігається висока частота сортів з пшенично-житньою 1BL/1RS транслокацією (біля 40 %). Житню 1AL/1RS транслокацію мають шість сортів, створених в останнє десятиліття. Запропоновано внести в каталог чотири гліадинових алелі Gli-A1w (маркер 1AL/1RS транслокації), Gli-A1x, Gli-A1y і Gli-B1x

    Transfer of Simple Task Learning is Different in Approach and Withdrawal Contexts

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    AbstractAcademic achievement, subjective well-being, and effectiveness of training are known to be dependent on motivation. Correspondingly, the utilization of prior knowledge for learning is shown to differ in approach/withdrawal contexts for complex tasks and educational settings. How can this be explained on the level of psychological structures? We assume that approach and withdrawal behaviors are supported by distinct asymmetric domains of individual experience. Hence, we proposed that the transfer-motivation relationship is also valid for simple task learning. Two word discrimination tasks were performed by 58 schoolchildren either to get “reward” or to avoid “punishment” with points. We show that the difference of transfer effect between approach and withdrawal motivational contexts is evident for simple tasks. The implications of these results for an instructional context and normative evaluation are discussed

    Magneto-mechanical cycling and modeling the external stress effect on the magnetic-field-controlled strain response in Ni-Mn-Ga

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    Present publication gives a detailed theoretical concept and also presents the relevant experimental results concerning the effect of the constant external stress on the magnetic-field-controlled strain response during the cycling in magnetic field in Ni-Mn-Ga. We also discuss the physical mechanism of this effect using our latest model developments. Simultaneously we give the most important information about the main structural, magnetic and mechanical properties related to a family of non-stoichiometric Ni-Mn-Ga alloys having three different type of martensite crystal structures

    Magnetic shape memory – Mechanism, modeling principles and their application to Ni-Mn-Ga

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    This article briefly summarizes the mechanism of magnetic shape memory, main modeling principes and most important information about the main structural, magnetic and mechanical properties related to a family of non-stoichiometric Ni-Mn-Ga alloys. Depending on the martensite crystal structure these alloys are able to show a really giant (about 6% or 11%) strain response in a magnetic field less than 1 T

    10% magnetic-field-induced strain in Ni-Mn-Ga seven-layered martensite

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    Magnetic-field-induced strain of approximately 10% is reported in Ni48.8_{48.8}Mn29.7_{29.7}Ga21.5_{21.5} alloy at ambient temperature in a magnetic field of the order of 1 TT. It was confirmed by different experimental methods that the strain is contributed by twin boundary motion. The crystal structure of thermally-induced martensitic phase in this alloy was found to be close to orthorhombic one in temperature range from 245 K to 333 K. The lattice parameters are a=0a=0. 619619 nm, b=0.580b=0.580 nm, c=0.553c=0.553 nm (relating to the cubic parent phase coordinates) at ambient temperature. Detailed x-ray study revealed seven-layer modulation along the (110) [ 11ˉ\bar{1}0] p_{\rm p}, system. The results of mechanical tests and magnetic anisotropy property measurements are also reported. The necessary conditions for the observation of a giant magnetic field-induced strain in non-stoichiometric Ni2_2MnGa alloys based on the new experimental data are discussed

    Stress-induced variant rearrangement in Ni-Mn-Ga single crystals with nonlayered tetragonal martensitic structure

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    Three Ni-Mn-Ga alloys with different chemical compositions and nonmodulated tetragonal martensitic phase (NM) were studied. In two of the alloys, the polydomain nonmodulated tetragonal phase was obtained in cubic-tetragonal martensitic phase transformation at temperatures below and above Curie point, while in the third one, NM-phase is a result of intermartensitic transformation (7M-NM). Magnetic susceptibility and differential scanning calorimetry were used to study these phase transformations. X-ray diffraction, optical polarised microscopy and mechanical testing were used to study variant rearrangement in compression. Twinning strain approximately 19% was observed for all alloys. It was found also that twinning stress is high (approximately 6–18 MPa) and the alloys did not show detectable magnetic field-induced strain. The influence of magnetic field on stress-strain curves and temperature dependencies of twinning stress are presented