22 research outputs found

    Equivocality in Delineating the Borders of a Cluster: The Baltic’s Case

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    Increasing competition between states striving to integrate into the global economic system has created a need for a spatially targeted regional policy as a means of boosting national competitiveness. The regional polarisation approach, which seeks to create new and support the existing nodes of a regional economic system — clusters, technopoles, industrial districts, etc., — has gained wide currency in public administration. The heralds of such forms of spatial networking are various institutional, cultural, organizational, technological, social, and cognitive proximities. Combinations of these proximities create the unique mosaic of a regional milieu. Geographical proximity translates into the boundaries of spatial networks, which rarely follow the existing administrative divisions. Thus, the identification of spatial networks is becoming the focus of regional governance. This article is part of a complex study on equivocality in identifying the boundaries of spatial networking. In this work, we pay particular attention to delineating the boundaries of territorial clusters. This form of spatial networking is both a contemporary tool for targeted regional development and a result of spontaneous functional integration of economic entities. Building on an extensive factual base, we present a complex model of territorial cohesion for delineating the boundaries of a territorial cluster. The model makes it possible to integrate data on geographical, institutional, cultural, organisational, technological, social, and cognitive proximities. The properties of a cluster as a form of networking warrants distinguishing between internal, external, thematic, and absorptive types of boundaries. The feasibility of this approach is tested in the Baltics’ national and regional clusters, with special attention being paid to the Latvian IT-cluster. Committed to economic clustering and glocal cluster interactions beyond national borders, the Baltics are an ideal case study for testing our model. Latvia’s mature IT-cluster is an important national growth point. Regional and industry-specific policies should consider the differences between the cluster’s geographical and non-geographical boundaries

    Исследование протективных свойств рекомбинантного комплекса белка F наружной мембраны и анатоксина Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa induces the complications after burns, injuries, surgical interventions and appears to be one of the main causative agents of nosocomial infections. This pathogen has the high resistance to the antibacterial preparations, therefore the immunoprophylaxis is considered as one of the major approaches to reduce Pseudomonas infection. Objective: The aim of our investigation is to study the protective properties of the recombinant complex of the outer membrane protein F (OprF) and a non-toxic variant of the exotoxin A (toxoid) against Pseudomonas infection. Methods: The recombinant proteins which contained the additional histidine residues were synthesized into Escherichia coli with isopropyl-βD-thyogalactopyranoside (IPTG). The recombinant proteins were purified by affinity chromatography on Ni-Sepharose. The preparations of recombinant proteins were injected intraperitoneally into the mice. Aluminum hydroxide was used as an adjuvant. For an experimental infection in mice, animals were challenged intraperitoneally by a live virulent culture of P. aeruginosa (PA-103 strain). Results: The best protective effect for the complex containing 25 μg OprF and 50 μg toxoid was identified when we used the double immunization of mice (Index of efficiency of the protective properties in this case was 4.0). Indexes of efficiency of separated recombinant proteins which were injected twice in the same doses were 2.0 for OprF и 2.3 for toxoid. The triple immunization of animals was inefficient for separated recombinant proteins in the same doses. The injection of doses which were lowered twice (12.5 μg for OprF and 25 μg for toxoid) resulted in increased survival of mice immunized by individual proteins (indexes of efficiency: 3 for OprF and и 3,5 for toxoid). However when we administered to the complex of proteins with the same doses Index of efficiency was 2.8. Conclusion: It was shown that the maximum protective effect in a short time is achieved by the combination of double immunization and the mixture of the recombinant proteins OprF and the 25 and 50 μg doses of recombinant toxoid . Pseudomonas aeruginosa вызывает осложнения после ожогов, травм и хирургических вмешательств, являясь одной из основных причин нозокомиальных инфекций. Этот патоген обладает высокой резистентностью к большинству антибактериальных средств, поэтому иммунопрофилактика рассматриваться как один из приоритетных подходов для борьбы с синегнойной инфекцией. Цель исследования: Изучить защитные свойства рекомбинантного комплекса белка F наружной мембраны (OprF) и атоксической формы экзотоксина А (анатоксина) от экспериментальной синегнойной инфекции. Методы: Рекомбинантные белки, содержащие дополнительную шести гистидиновую последовательность, синтезировали в клетках Escherichia coli c помощью изопропил-b-d-тиогалактопиранозида (ИПТГ) и очищали методом аффинной хроматографии с использованием Ni-сефарозы. Препаратами рекомбинантных белков внутрибрюшинно иммунизировали мышей. В качестве адъюванта использовали гидроксид алюминия. Экспериментальное заражение осуществляли внутрибрюшинным введением живой вирулентной культуры P. aeruginosa штамма РА103. Результаты: При двукратной иммунизации мышей комплексом, содержащим 25 мкг OprF и 50 мкг анатоксина, выявлен наилучший протективный эффект (индекс эффективности защитных свойств в этом случае составил 4,0). Индексы эффективности для рекомбинантных белков, вводимых двукратно в тех же дозах по отдельности, соответствовали 2,0 для OprF и 2,3 для анатоксина и не увеличивались после трехкратной иммунизации животных. Уменьшенные в два раза доз (12,5 мкг OprF и 25 мкг анатоксина) при трехкратном введении способствовало увеличению выживаемости мышей иммунизированных отдельными белками (индексы эффективности: 3 для OprF и 3,5 для анатоксина), однако при введении комплекса белков в тех же дозах индекс эффективности не увеличивался и составил 2,8. Заключение: Показано, что максимальный протективный эффект формируется в короткие сроки при использовании комплексной иммунизации двумя рекомбинантными белками OprF и анатоксином в дозах 25 и 50 мкг

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of underwater running machine in complex rehabilitation of patients with lumbar dorsalgia to improve local microcirculation

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    The authors describe the method of application of underwater running machine in the treatment of patients with lumbar dorsalgia. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of the inclusion of underwater running machine comprehensive rehabilitation program in patients with lumbar dorsalgia to improve the local microcirculation. Material and Methods: The study included 20 patients with lumbar dorsalgia. Results: Application of course of study on an underwater running machine provides patients with lumbosacral dorsopathy pronounced effect on a vascular component. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that the use of an underwater treadmill in the complex treatment of patients with lumbosacral dorsopathy is highly effective and pathogenetically substantiated method factor in the local microcirculation and normalizes physiological static position of the spine

    Coastal regions as innovation gateways: the new industrialization development trajectory

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    Coastal regions are conceived as innovation gateways. Being open to the world the territories adjacent to marine and ocean coasts absorb latest trends in technologies, techniques, business models, and other advancements. The full spectrum of innovative solutions are transmitted upcountry after being assimilated with respect to regional and national legislation, business culture, available resources, market expectations and other particularities of the territorial community. Exclave position of a region imposes restrictions to the process of knowledge and innovation diffusion, resulting from both its spatial isolation and differences in properties of the regional innovation system from the national innovation system domain. The study focuses on new industrialization of the Kaliningrad region, which by the end of 1991 during perestroika became an isolated part of Russia - the enclave on the Baltic Sea. The paper provides an in-depth case study on regional innovation system dynamics of the Kaliningrad region. The study concludes with policy implications on resetting the innovation gateway role of the regio

    Innovation security of cross-border innovative Milieu

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    Innovative milieu is an elusive networking scheme established within geospatial, socio-economic, institutional, and knowledge types of boundaries that enable the actors involved to excel in particular field(s) of activity. Generally these are high-tech sectors of the economy, the so called smart and creative industries that are highly reliant on human capital, knowledge, and competences. Gradual expansion of interregional and international ties increases the possibility for synergies, fostering network diversification and intra-regional overspecialisation all at the same time. Along with numerous positive externalities, such as avoidance of the cognitive lock-in effect, regional clusters of excellence become dependent on their external counterparts, either within national or international domain. This dependence is caused by utilization of shared science and technology facilities, interdependent production processes, complementary technologies, etc. Unforeseen circumstances, such as temporal economic sanctions and product embargo can affect the sustainability of the innovation activity in the region and create structural holes along the value chain. Regional innovation policy should account for possible threats to the regional as well as national innovation systems. In this paper we examine different scenarios for the development of innovative milieus across borders. The study draws upon cross-border cooperation initiatives of European border regions, featuring brief case study examples for each of the negative development scenarios identified. There are three major types of threats to innovation security of a border region determined: a) disintegration and decay, b) internal asymmetries, c) unilateral integration initiatives. The article concludes with policy recommendations on innovation security strategy for the borderland regions. © 2018 by author(s) and VsI Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center

    Innovation landscape of the baltic region

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    Innovation studies are at the forefront of contemporary applied research with public authorities funding annual evaluation of regional and national innovation performance. Numerous innovation indexes are introduced providing the track of innovation trajectories within multiple dimensions. The current study focuses on the multi-level assessment of territorial innovation system capacity. The research methodology is designed to enable the comparison of national and regional level innovation systems. The evaluation procedure is held across 15 individual indicators structured in five dimensions: Human resources, infrastructure, research, innovative milieu, framework conditions. The indicators selected are available for international comparisons in the context of country-region assessment. The research scope is the Baltic region – one of the most innovative macro-region in the world. The study results confirm the strong polarization of the Baltic region in terms of innovation potential and its development dynamics. Lithuania – one of the least performing national innovation systems in 2012, has considerably improved its potential by 2017. The innovation capacity of the North-Western Federal District of the Russian Federation is a third higher than the national average, making it the growth pole of the national innovation system. Top-performing territorial innovation systems are characterized by a strong convergence of all dimensions analyzed. The policy recommendations drawn from the study argue for the coherent development of all aspects of innovation development, ensuring their synergy and cross-fertilization. © 2019, Bucharest University of Economic Studies Publishing House. All rights reserved

    Features static-and-dynamic performance in athletes of winter sports

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    Objective: analysis of static-dynamic performance of the musculoskeletal system of athletes of winter sports. Materials and Methods. The evaluation of static-dynamic characteristics of the musculoskeletal system. Results. The highest percentage of load-balancing the body while maintaining a static position was observed in the group of athletes of speed and power of the sport and made up, the lowest — in athletes clearing difficult sport. Significant shift in the distribution of body load were detected in athletes clearing difficult sport in the speed and power sport, none of the athletes of the deviations were found. Conclusion. The survey revealed the features of the coordination ability and load balancing body in athletes of different sports: cycling, hard-house and speed-power

    Experience of an integ rated approach to the rehabilitation of athletes with delayed fracture unions of long bones.

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    Aim. The authors have developed a comprehensive rehabilitation program promotes the formation of a full-fledged callus after fractures of the lower limbs. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of inclusion developed a comprehensive program of rehabilitation in patients with delayed consolidation of long bones. Material and Methods: The study included 10 patients with a diagnosis of fracture in the lower extremity with delayed. Results: Under the influence of a rehabilitation program that includes exercise therapy to individually develop a complex, hydrokinesitherapy, practice on robotic biomechanical complex "KonTreks" exercise on a bicycle ergometer, physiotherapy, was marked by the increase of power and functional parameters of joint and muscular legs. Conclusion: The application of the developed program of rehabilitation treatment of patients with a diagnosis of a fracture in the lower extremities with delayed consolidation is highly effective and pathogenetically substantiated by affecting the speed-strength and power performance of muscles of the lower extremities

    Revisiting the application of integrated physiotherapy in degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system

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    Aim. The authors described a comprehensive program of frozen shoulder treatment, including extracorporeal shock wave therapy and pelotherapy. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the inclusion of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and pelotherapy in rehabilitation of patients with degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Materials and Methods: there had been examined 120 patients during the study. Results: The result of the application of complex physiotherapy normalized indicators of metabolic and electrolyte imbalances that are important in the formation of a therapeutic effect. Conclusion: The application of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and in combination with pelotherapy in patients with scapula-humeral periarthritis is the elimination of metabolic and electrolyte imbalance, which is important in degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal syste