122 research outputs found

    Poverty and inequality among fishing households and implications for fishery resources management in Kainji Lake, Nigeria

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    Fishing has traditionally been a major source of livelihood for fishing households in Kainji Lake Basin (KLB). It plays a significant role to the rural and national economy in terms of employment, income and source of protein. However, the livelihoods of the primary actors (fishers) are being jeopardized by the depletion of fishery resources, mainly due to over exploitation and poor management. This paper examines poverty among the fishing households in KLB using empirical data. Foster Greer Thorbecke (FGT) Model was adopted for the analysis. The results reveal greater poverty (over 60%) with minimal inequality among fishing households. Finally, the paper advances reasons based on the implications of the study for designing intervention strategies by policy makers and the like

    Fertilization, hatchability, survival and larval biometry in interspecific and intergeneric hybrids of Clariid catfishes

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    Interspecific and intergeneric hybridization studies were carried out in H. longifilis, C. gariepinus and C. anguillaris under controlled hatchery conditions to estimate their aquaculture potential in terms of fertilizability, hatchability and survival. Fertilization rate in all the nine genetic crosses ranges from 60-87.5%, the fertilization rates of the parentals being significantly higher(P<0.05) with highest value of 87.5% obtained in C. gariepinus. The intergeneric hybrids had the lowest rate of fertilization. Hatchability ranges between 75- 88.1 %, with the parental C. anguillaris being slightly significantly higher than the other genetic combinations. C. anguillaris x H. longifilis I had the lowest hatchability and there was no significant difference (P<0.05) in percent hatching among the the interspecific hybrids. The survival of all the nine genetic crosses from hatching up to the end of the two weeks indoor rearing period ranges between 78-89%, which wasn't significantly different among the interspecific and intergeneric hybrids. C. anguillaris and C. gariepinus had the highest percent survival which was significantly different from all the other mating combinations. The intergeneric hybrid larval had significantly greater (P<0.05) length in comparison to the interspecific hybrids. H. longifilis and the hybrids produced from its eggs had greater body weight than that of C. gariepinus and C. anguillari

    Biosorption of Fe (II) and Cd (II) ions from aqueous solution using a low cost adsorbent from orange peels

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    The peels from orange are less expensive biomaterials with excellent adsorption capacities. Orange peels were carbonized at 450 ºC, purified, activated with orthophosphoric acid and modified with citric acid to obtain Modified and Activated carbon which were used as low cost adsorbent to adsorb Cd(II) and Fe(II) metal ions. The effects of initial metal ions concentration; pH; temperature; contact time; and adsorbents dose on the removal of metal ions were investigated. The maximum adsorption occurs at 26 ºC and decreased with increase in temperature while optimum adsorption took place at pH of 6. Both the Fe-MOP and Fe-AOP system attained equilibrium in 60 minutes but Cd-MOP &amp; Cd-AOP attained equilibrium at 45mins. The enthalpy 0f adsorption ranged from 2.48 KJ/mol to 14.418 KJ/mol and the entropy of adsorption ranged from -3.53 KJ/mol to 41.07 KJ/mol for both adsorbents (MOP and AOP). The kinetic studies showed that the adsorption process fitted well for pseudo-second order rate expression. Both MOP and AOP has much affinity for Fe(II) uptake than Cd(II) ion and the adsorption data fitted most into Freundlich but the highest adsorption capacity of 0.895 was obtained from Temkin. The presence of hydroxyl, alkyl, ether and aldehyde groups was confirmed by Infrared while the SEM shows porous surface characteristics suitable for adsorption.Keywords: Modified Orange peel, adsorbent dose, Isotherm, adsorption, Activated Orange pee

    Adoption of improved soybean production technologies in Benue State, Nigeria

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    Lack of appropriate technologies uptake among small scale farmers have always led to low productivity. This study examined the adoption of improved soybean production technologies by farmers in Tarka Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria. Data for the study were collected through the use of structured questionnaires from purposive randomly selected sample of 73 soybeans farmers. Descriptive statistics and Tobit regression model were used to analyze the data. The mean age of soybeans farmers was 41 years with an average farm experience of 17 years; access to credit and extension contact were relatively low. Tobit analysis results shows that household size, education, experience, membership of association, extension contact and output significantly affected farmers’ decision to adopt improved soybean production technologies. The major constraints identified were costly technologies and lack of extension services. It was therefore recommended that farmers should make their cooperative societies more viable, strong and proactive so that their resources could be harnessed and adequately utilized for higher productivity.Keywords: Adoption, productivity, technologies and Tobit mode

    Assessment of public awareness, attitudes toward and acceptance of genetically modified foods in the city of Kaduna, Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria

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    Food is an essential component of daily life, and hence an important topic for many consumers. Genetic modification technology involves the alteration of the genetic machinery of an organism and the application of this technology to food production holds a great promise to overcome global food insufficiency. This study investigates public awareness, knowledge and attitude as well as acceptance of genetically modified foods among consumers in Kaduna City, Northern Nigeria. Questionnaire which was structured to cover three main themes: demographic information, attitudes towards Genetically Modified (GM) foods and knowledge of Genetic technology, was administered to 220 participants. Our findings show that 86% of the respondents in our study are aware of GM foods indicating a high level of awareness; however, the level of knowledge for most of the respondents was rated average. The findings also showed that 70.9% and 81.6% of respondents possessing Bachelors and postgraduate degrees respectively accept that GM technology will improve our standard of living and were more likely to accept GM foods. Awareness, level of education and knowledge of Genetic technology was shown to be important for acceptability of GM foods. In addition most respondents expressed their trust on Scientists and Religious leaders to decide on GM foods and also indicated their source of information on GM foods as the public media, social media and lectures. Therefore it is imperative that those responsible for disseminating scientific knowledge on GM foods and technology at public gatherings or through public media sources be properly educated to enable consumers make informed decision on GM foods.Keywords: Genetic technology, Public awareness, Attitude, GM Foods, Kadun

    Application of holistic approach for sustainable fisheries: a case study of Kainji Lake Basin

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    The sustainability of the resources requires much more than paying attention to a single factor, rather looking at it in a holistic manner. Specifically, other economic infrastructure and resources that form the essential components of the fisheries system and fishers livelihood needs to be considered. This to a greater extend will permit choice and mobility of livelihood portfolios, hence reduction in fishing efforts and sustainability of the sector, which eventually translate into development of the sector. However, provision of these facilities are often capital intensive and often left for the government along to provide

    Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant, antibacterial potentials and chemical composition of methanol extract of Oscillatoria sp.

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    Background: Algae contains some useful phytochemicals and Oscillatoria sp. is a green microalga which has various applicationsObjectives: Phytochemicals, antioxidant, antibacterial potential and chemical composition of methanol extract of Oscillatoria sp. were evaluated.Materials and Methods: Extraction of bioactive compound from Oscillatoria sp., determination of phytochemicals, antioxidant, antibacterial potential and chemical composition of the methanol extract.Results: Saponin, alkaloids and flavonoids were detected in the methanol extract while glycosides and phenols were absent. The scavenging assay for the antioxidant increased in a dose dependent (100 -1000 μg/mL) manner. The DPPH scavenging activity, Total phenolic content, Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power Assay (FRAP) and hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity ranged from 21.8 - 44.9%, 9.09 -21.46%, 0.43 - 42.49% and 19.4 - 74.4% respectively. The methanol extract had inhibitory activity against the test pathogens in which Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 (24.0 mm) had the highest susceptibility. GCMS chromatogram of the methanol extract of Oscillatoria sp. shows fifteen major peaks which indicated the presence of Oleic acid, stearic acid, aracidic acid, methyl laurate, methyl myristate, oxirane and palmitic acid.Conclusion: Oscillatoria sp. methanol extract contain some phytochemicals and some heterocyclic compounds. The extract had good antioxidant capability and appreciable antibacterial activity against the test pathogens.Keywords: Oscillatoria sp.; methanol extract; Phytochemical; Antioxidant; GC-MS; Antibacteria

    Regional lymphatics and lymph nodes of the testis, with reference to the testis as an immunologically privileged site

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    Immunologically privileged sites are those in which tissue allografts survive longer than in convectional sites. Privilege is usually attributed to absence or paucity of lymphatic drainage from these sites, preventing access of alloantigens to the regional node. There is evidence that the testis is a privileged site and this thesis examined certain aspects of its regional lymphatics and lymph nodes. 1. The existence of abundant lymphatics within the parenchyma of the testis was confirmed. 2. In guinea pigs and mice the extrinsic lymphatic trunks draining the testis were found to be uniform in pattern and to be interrupted, on each side, by at least one node, before entering the cisterna chyli. In rats, the pattern of extrinsic testicular lymph trunks was found to be variable. The left testicular trunk was always interuppted by at least one node. The right trunk, in 16 out of 52 rats, was not interuppted by any node but opened directly into the cisterna chyli. While such an arrangement might account for privilege of the right testis as a graft site in some rats, it clearly cannot be involved as an explanation in guinea pig and mouse. 3. In rats, the renal lymph nodes which receive lymph from the testis (and other sites) were found to belong to the category of haemolymph nodes. A detailed re-investigation of the structure of these nodes resolved several controversial issues:- a) haemolymph nodes possess both afferent and efferent lymphatics b) the erythrocytes, which are found in abundance within the nodes, either free in the sinuses or attached as rosettes around sinus macrophages, reach the node by afferent lymphatics and not by extravasation from intra nodal blood vessels. The kidney seemed to be the major source of erythrocytes, but other possible contributors were studied. 4. Lymph nodes regional to the testis show marked histological differences from nodes draining the pinna. They are "inactive" or "quiescent", with poorly developed cortical nodules, absent germinal cantres, inconspicuous thymus dependent cortex, narrow medullary cords and sparse plasma cells. The possibility was discussed that these appearances may be due in part at least to steroids which reach the nodes via the regional lymphatics of the testis and the adrenal gland and thus these steroids may influence the animal's response to an intratesticular allograft. 5, Six weeks after vasectomy the regional testicular lymph nodes of rats showed changes suggesting the genesis of humoral and cell mediated immunity. The nodes were enlarged, germinal centres were conspicuous, thymus dependent cortex was thickened and showed many immunoblasts and the medullary cords were enlarged and packed with plasma cells. Despite these changes, histological study of the testis and epididymus showed no sign of an autoimmune response

    Problems affecting fishers' livelihood and fisheries development in Kainji Lake Basin

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    This paper examines some critical factors related to fishers' livelihood, resource sustainability and development of fisheries sub-sector in Kainji Lake Basin (KLB). Based on empirical study the findings identified some major problems to include, lack of access to finance, deflation of resources, increase in fishers' population, extinction of some important fish species and gross lack of development activities etc. These arrays of problems form the complex nature of artisanal fisheries sub-sector, which impede substantial income generation well-being of the fishers' and development of the sector. The paper made some policy recommendations to serve as guide to relevant authorities in addressing the fishers' problems

    Jejunal linear foreign body obstruction in a three year old female Boerboel

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    A three year old Boerboel bitch was presented to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, FUNAAB with complaint of lethargy and inappetence. Clinical signs observed included abdominal tenderness, watery bloody stool and palpable intestinal mass. Blood sample was obtained for complete blood counts, while transcutaneous abdominal ultrasound and lateral abdominal radiograph were also performed. Result of complete blood count showed severe neutrophilic leukocytosis. Transcutaneous abdominal ultrasound revealed dilated bowel loop containing a hyperechoic structure in the lumen, while radiographic contrast examination of the intestine revealed distended bowel loop and a radiopaque foreign body in the jejunum. Based on the findings, a tentative diagnosis of intestinal obstruction was made and an exploratory laparotomy was scheduled. After pre-anaesthetic medications with 3mg/kg intramuscular injection of 5% tramadol, 0.04mg/kg intramuscular injection of 0.1% atropine and 0.5mg/kg intramuscular injection of 2% Xylazine, anaesthesia was induced with a loading dose of 4mg/kg intravenous injection of 1% propofol and maintained with constant infusion of propofol at the rate of 0.12mg/kg/min. During laparotomy, the obstructed region was identified and enterotomy revealed the foreign body to be an ingested plastic bottle cap. Following removal of the foreign body, moderate inflammation of the segment of the intestine around the obstruction site was observed, necessitating the need for resection of the intestine to be performed and anastomosis using an end to end technique. The dog recovered without any complications after one week of postoperative antibiotic therapy and fluid administration. Prompt diagnosis of intestinal foreign body in dogs followed by appropriate selection of anaesthetic protocol and surgical technique with adequate intensive post-operative follow-up is essential for successful management.Keywords: Dog, Foreign-body, Jejuno-ileal, Intestine, Obstructio
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