3 research outputs found

    Strategies for Effective Adoption of Electronic Banking In Nigeria

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    A major trend in modern industrial and commercial systems is the integration of electronic services into different levels ofbusiness operations. This has resulted into an explosion in the global exchange of monetary value of products and serviceselectronically. The continued upward trend in this electronic revolution is dependents on a number of factors. The aim of thisresearch is to investigate the factors which influence the adoption of e-banking in Nigeria. The research is particularly timelyand urgent considering the new cashless regime of the Nigeria Apex Bank. Key factors impacting e-banking adoptions areidentified from the literature review. The research is structured into research survey using questionnaire, online responsesfrom social websites and face-to-face interviews. The research results provide a foundation for the need for an enhancedadoption of e-banking strategy and for the practical development of e-banking products.Keywords: E-Commerce, Adoption factors, E-payment systems, E-banking, Driver

    A proposed distributed anti-phishing framework for mitigating cyber-attacks in smart environments

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    Smart environments are currently gaining adoption worldwide for driving most indoor and outdoor services. From smart devices such as TV to smart homes, da-ta are generated from digital-based activities and communication in the environment. However, the incidence of phishing is gradually becoming a key concern in such an environment where sensitive data from such smart spaces are being fraudulently obtained for malicious purpose. This concern is huge as most users are still naive of this smart technology. The proposed approach in this paper provides a lightweight minimal URL-based anti-phishing scheme. The proposed framework is executed as a distributed module within a typical IoT architectural model to prevent single point of a failure. Besides, the scheme uses elliptic curve digital signature for privacy-preserving attributes of the entities in the communication chain. Hence, the approach meets the basic requirements for efficient se-cure framework in smart environment where consideration for core functionality must be preserved within the constrained communication channel and energy consumption

    Phishing the cyberspace: a taxonomic review of a decade-long cyber-pandemic

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    Phishing attacks is one of the severest cyber-attacks in which both experienced and naYve online users experienced every time It is one attack that open doors for other attacks such as ransomware where critical online assets can come under serious threats. To mitigate the adverse effects of phishing, various countermeasures have been provided by security communities and research institutions. How-ever, the situation has led to an arms race between the phishers and the security solutions thereby necessitating a constant review of existing solutions in the face of newer attack. In this paper, a review of different anti-phishing solutions is dis-cussed from different taxonomy of anti-phishing solutions. The review also provides for open issues that need attention from security communities to reduce the vulnerable gap available for phishers to exploit in current solutions