5 research outputs found

    The analysis of temperature differencies between the layers made of mineralasphalt mix, in the technological seam zone

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    Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań ustalono, że podczas procesu wbudowywania mieszanek mineralno-asfaltowych (MMA) na etapie rozkładania i ich wstępnego zagęszczania, w przekroju poprzecznym nawierzchni drogowej występują obszary, w których wartość wskaźnika zagęszczenia jest mniejsza od wartości wskaźnika w centralnej strefie warstwy. W celu określenia wartości spadku temperatury w strefie styku wbudowywanych warstw z gorącej MMA, przeprowadzono badania temperatury w warunkach in situ. Aby poznać rozkład temperatury, w strefie styku dwóch warstw asfaltowych, został opracowany program komputerowy pozwalający na symulację i określenie temperatury występującej w tej strefie.Previous research confirmed that during laying process of the mineral-asphalt mix layers, there are areas formed therein the compaction index is smaller than in the central zone of the layer. Those areas are observed in the cross-section of road surface and they are formed at the stage of laying and pre-compaction of asphalt layers. To clarify the temperature drops in the contact zone of the incorporated layers of hot mineral-asphalt mix the in situ research was conducted. To analyze temperature changes in the technological seam zone computer programme was developed. The software allows to simulate and determine temperatures occurring in the area

    Post cryosurgical rehabilitation of ear chondroma. Case from practice.

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    A typical place of localization of chondroma is the cartilaginous tissue of the auricle, which rarely develops and most often in people at a young age. Existing treatment methods are effective and widespread, however, any injury to the tumor accelerates its growth. Therefore, significant development of chondromas is observed after a trial excision or incomplete removal. Cryosurgical treatment refers to gentle, less traumatic methods. Тhe authors describe a case from practice: removal of the chondroma of the outer ear using a СAO-2 cryoapparatus with an individual polyethylene cap, which allows for accelerating and simplifying the process of thawing and re of the instrument. This intervention is outpatient and does not require special preparation. Taking into account the undesirable complications after cryotherapy (swelling, pain due to increased tissue turgor, local deterioration of blood circulation) on the one hand, and taking into account the antitoxic, calming, relaxing, and analgesic effect of magnesium on the body as a whole, the authors used balneotherapy in the form of a course of applications with a natural balneological agent with a high content of magnesium chloride on the zone of cryotherapy, as well as its drinking course consumption. The observation showed that the intervention using a cryoapplicator is a gentle method, slightly damaging the surrounding tissues, minimizing the possibility of intraoperative bleeding, allowing to accelerate the operation process and healing time, and, accordingly, reducing the patient's incapacity for work. Applying the results in clinical practice will significantly reduce the likelihood of deformation of the outer ear and maintain its primary functions

    Delayed manipulation of regeneration within injured peripheral axons

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    While several new translational strategies to enhance regrowth of peripheral axons have been identified, combined approaches with different targets are rare. Moreover, few have been studied after a significant delay when growth programs are already well established and regeneration-related protein expression has waned. Here we study two approaches, Rb1 (Retinoblastoma 1) knockdown that targets overall neuron plasticity, and near nerve insulin acting as a growth factor. Both are validated to boost regrowth only at the outset of regeneration. We show that local delivery of Rb1 siRNA alone, with electroporation to an area of prior sciatic nerve injury generated knockdown of Rb1 mRNA in ipsilateral lumbar dorsal root ganglia. While mice treated with Rb1-targeted siRNA, compared with scrambled control siRNA, starting 2 weeks after the onset of regeneration, had only limited behavioural or electrophysiological benefits, they had enhanced reinnervation of epidermal axons. We next confirmed that intrinsic Rb1 knockdown combined with exogenous insulin had dramatic synergistic impacts on the growth patterns of adult sensory neurons studied in vitro, prompting analysis of a combined approach in vivo. Using an identical delayed post-injury protocol, we noted that added insulin not only augmented epidermal reinnervation rendered by Rb1 knockdown alone but also improved indices of mechanical sensation and motor axon recovery. The findings illustrate that peripheral neurons that are well into attempted regrowth retain their responsiveness to both intrinsic and exogenous approaches that improve their recovery. We also identify a novel local approach to manipulate gene expression and outcome in regrowing axons