30 research outputs found

    Investigating molecular mechanisms of insecticide resistance in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria vector control in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is plagued by several major challenges, including inadequate infrastructure, lack of access to health care systems and preventative measures, and more recently the widespread emergence of insecticide resistance among Anopheles mosquitoes. Across 26 provinces, insecticide resistance has been reported from multiple sentinel sites. However, to date, investigation of molecular resistance mechanisms among Anopheles vector populations in DRC has been more limited. METHODS: Adult Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) and Anopheles funestus s.l. were collected from two sites in Sud-Kivu province and one site in Haut-Uélé province and PCR-screened for the presence of 11 resistance mutations, to provide additional information on frequency of resistance mechanisms in the eastern DRC, and to critically evaluate the utility of these markers for prospective country-wide resistance monitoring. RESULTS: L1014F-kdr and L1014S-kdr were present in 75.9% and 56.7% of An. gambiae s.l. screened, respectively, with some individuals harbouring both resistant alleles. Across the three study sites, L43F-CYP4J5 allele frequency ranged from 0.42 to 0.52, with evidence for ongoing selection. G119S-ace1 was also identified in all sites but at lower levels. A triple mutant haplotype (comprising the point mutation CYP6P4-I236M, the insertion of a partial Zanzibar-like transposable element and duplication of CYP6AA1) was present at high frequencies. In An. funestus s.l. cis-regulatory polymorphisms in CYP6P9a and CYP6P9b were detected, with allele frequencies ranging from 0.82 to 0.98 and 0.65 to 0.83, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This study screened the most up-to-date panel of DNA-based resistance markers in An. gambiae s.l. and An. funestus s.l. from the eastern DRC, where resistance data is lacking. Several new candidate markers (CYP4J5, G119S-ace1, the triple mutant, CYP6P9a and CYP6P9b) were identified, which are diagnostic of resistance to major insecticide classes, and warrant future, larger-scale monitoring in the DRC to inform vector control decisions by the National Malaria Control Programme

    Detection of insecticide resistance markers in Anopheles funestus from the Democratic Republic of the Congo using a targeted amplicon sequencing panel

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    Vector control strategies have been successful in reducing the number of malaria cases and deaths globally, but the spread of insecticide resistance represents a significant threat to disease control. Insecticide resistance has been reported across Anopheles (An.) vector populations, including species within the An. funestus group. These mosquitoes are responsible for intense malaria transmission across sub-Saharan Africa, including in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), a country contributing > 12% of global malaria infections and mortality events. To support the continuous efficacy of vector control strategies, it is essential to monitor insecticide resistance using molecular surveillance tools. In this study, we developed an amplicon sequencing (“Amp-seq”) approach targeting An. funestus, and using multiplex PCR, dual index barcoding, and next-generation sequencing for high throughput and low-cost applications. Using our Amp-seq approach, we screened 80 An. funestus field isolates from the DRC across a panel of nine genes with mutations linked to insecticide resistance (ace-1, CYP6P4, CYP6P9a, GSTe2, vgsc, and rdl) and mosquito speciation (cox-1, mtND5, and ITS2). Amongst the 18 non-synonymous mutations detected, was N485I, in the ace-1 gene associated with carbamate resistance. Overall, our panel represents an extendable and much-needed method for the molecular surveillance of insecticide resistance in An. funestus populations

    "In starvation, a bone can also be meat": a mixed methods evaluation of factors associated with discarding of long-lasting insecticidal nets in Bagamoyo, Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: Between 2000 and 2019, more than 1.8 billion long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) were distributed in Africa. While the insecticidal durability of LLINs is around 3 years, nets are commonly discarded 2 years post distribution. This study investigated the factors associated with the decision of users to discard LLINs. METHODS: A mixed-method sequential explanatory approach using a structured questionnaire followed by focus group discussions (FGDs) to collect information on experiences, views, reasons, how and when LLINs are discarded. Out of 6,526 households that responded to the questionnaire of LLINs durability trial, 160 households were randomly selected from the households in four villages in Bagamoyo Tanzania for FGDs but only 155 households participated in the FGDs. Five of the household representatives couldn't participate due to unexpected circumstances. A total of sixteen FGDs each comprising of 8-10 adults were conducted; older women (40-60 years), older men (40-60 years), younger women (18-39 years), younger men (18-39 years). During the FGDs, participants visually inspected seven samples of LLINs that were "too-torn" based on Proportionate Hole Index recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines on LLIN testing, the nets were brought to the discussion and participants had to determine if such LLINs were to be kept or discarded. The study assessed responses from the same participants that attended FGD and also responded to the structured questionnaire, 117 participants fulfilled the criteria, thus data from only 117 participants are analysed in this study. RESULTS: In FGDs, integrity of LLIN influenced the decision to discard or keep a net. Those of older age, women, and householders with lower income were more likely to classify a WHO "too-torn" net as "good". The common methods used to discard LLINs were burning and burying. The findings were seen in the quantitative analysis. For every additional hole, the odds of discarding a WHO "too-torn" LLIN increased [OR = 1.05 (95%CI (1.04-1.07)), p < 0.001]. Younger age group [OR = 4.97 (95%CI (3.25-7.32)), p < 0.001], male-headed households [OR = 6.85 (95%CI (4.44 -10.59)), p < 0.001], and wealthy households [OR = 3.88 (95%CI (2.33-6.46)), p < 0.001] were more likely to discard LLINs. CONCLUSION: Integrity of LLIN was the main determinant for discarding or keeping LLINs and the decision to discard the net is associated with socioeconomic status of the household, and the age and gender of respondents. WHO "too torn" nets are encouraged to be used instead of none until replacement, and disposal of nets should be based on recommendation

    Early Diagnosis of HIV Infection in Infants - One Caribbean and Six Sub-Saharan African Countries, 2011-2015.

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    Pediatric human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection remains an important public health issue in resource-limited settings. In 2015, 1.4 million children aged 50% decline. The most common challenges for access to testing for early infant diagnosis included difficulties in specimen transport, long turnaround time between specimen collection and receipt of results, and limitations in supply chain management. Further reductions in HIV mortality in children can be achieved through continued expansion and improvement of services for early infant diagnosis in PEPFAR-supported countries, including initiatives targeted to reach HIV-exposed infants, ensure access to programs for early infant diagnosis of HIV, and facilitate prompt linkage to treatment for children diagnosed with HIV infection