18,600 research outputs found

    Nodeless superconductivity in Ir1−x_{1-x}Ptx_xTe2_2 with strong spin-orbital coupling

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    The thermal conductivity κ\kappa of superconductor Ir1−x_{1-x}Ptx_{x}Te2_2 (xx = 0.05) single crystal with strong spin-orbital coupling was measured down to 50 mK. The residual linear term κ0/T\kappa_0/T is negligible in zero magnetic field. In low magnetic field, κ0/T\kappa_0/T shows a slow field dependence. These results demonstrate that the superconducting gap of Ir1−x_{1-x}Ptx_{x}Te2_2 is nodeless, and the pairing symmetry is likely conventional s-wave, despite the existence of strong spin-orbital coupling and a quantum critical point.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental demonstration of a BDCZ quantum repeater node

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    Quantum communication is a method that offers efficient and secure ways for the exchange of information in a network. Large-scale quantum communication (of the order of 100 km) has been achieved; however, serious problems occur beyond this distance scale, mainly due to inevitable photon loss in the transmission channel. Quantum communication eventually fails when the probability of a dark count in the photon detectors becomes comparable to the probability that a photon is correctly detected. To overcome this problem, Briegel, D\"{u}r, Cirac and Zoller (BDCZ) introduced the concept of quantum repeaters, combining entanglement swapping and quantum memory to efficiently extend the achievable distances. Although entanglement swapping has been experimentally demonstrated, the implementation of BDCZ quantum repeaters has proved challenging owing to the difficulty of integrating a quantum memory. Here we realize entanglement swapping with storage and retrieval of light, a building block of the BDCZ quantum repeater. We follow a scheme that incorporates the strategy of BDCZ with atomic quantum memories. Two atomic ensembles, each originally entangled with a single emitted photon, are projected into an entangled state by performing a joint Bell state measurement on the two single photons after they have passed through a 300-m fibre-based communication channel. The entanglement is stored in the atomic ensembles and later verified by converting the atomic excitations into photons. Our method is intrinsically phase insensitive and establishes the essential element needed to realize quantum repeaters with stationary atomic qubits as quantum memories and flying photonic qubits as quantum messengers.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Covariant - tensor method for quantum groups and applications I: SU(2)qSU(2)_{q}

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    A covariant - tensor method for SU(2)qSU(2)_{q} is described. This tensor method is used to calculate q - deformed Clebsch - Gordan coefficients. The connection with covariant oscillators and irreducible tensor operators is established. This approach can be extended to other quantum groups.Comment: 18 page

    Hybrid cluster state proposal for a quantum game

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    We propose an experimental implementation of a quantum game algorithm in a hybrid scheme combining the quantum circuit approach and the cluster state model. An economical cluster configuration is suggested to embody a quantum version of the Prisoners' Dilemma. Our proposal is shown to be within the experimental state-of-art and can be realized with existing technology. The effects of relevant experimental imperfections are also carefully examined.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX

    Density of states for dirty d-wave superconductors: A unified and dual approach for different types of disorder

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    A two-parameter field theoretical representation is given of a 2-dimensional dirty d-wave superconductor that interpolates between the Gaussian limit of uncorrelated weak disorder and the unitary limit of a dilute concentration of resonant scatterers. It is argued that a duality holds between these two regimes from which follows that a linearly vanishing density of states in the Gaussian limit transforms into a diverging one in the unitary limit arbitrarily close to the Fermi energy

    Teleportation-based realization of an optical quantum two-qubit entangling gate

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    In recent years, there has been heightened interest in quantum teleportation, which allows for the transfer of unknown quantum states over arbitrary distances. Quantum teleportation not only serves as an essential ingredient in long-distance quantum communication, but also provides enabling technologies for practical quantum computation. Of particular interest is the scheme proposed by Gottesman and Chuang [Nature \textbf{402}, 390 (1999)], showing that quantum gates can be implemented by teleporting qubits with the help of some special entangled states. Therefore, the construction of a quantum computer can be simply based on some multi-particle entangled states, Bell state measurements and single-qubit operations. The feasibility of this scheme relaxes experimental constraints on realizing universal quantum computation. Using two different methods we demonstrate the smallest non-trivial module in such a scheme---a teleportation-based quantum entangling gate for two different photonic qubits. One uses a high-fidelity six-photon interferometer to realize controlled-NOT gates and the other uses four-photon hyper-entanglement to realize controlled-Phase gates. The results clearly demonstrate the working principles and the entangling capability of the gates. Our experiment represents an important step towards the realization of practical quantum computers and could lead to many further applications in linear optics quantum information processing.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Quenched bond dilution in two-dimensional Potts models

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    We report a numerical study of the bond-diluted 2-dimensional Potts model using transfer matrix calculations. For different numbers of states per spin, we show that the critical exponents at the random fixed point are the same as in self-dual random-bond cases. In addition, we determine the multifractal spectrum associated with the scaling dimensions of the moments of the spin-spin correlation function in the cylinder geometry. We show that the behaviour is fully compatible with the one observed in the random bond case, confirming the general picture according to which a unique fixed point describes the critical properties of different classes of disorder: dilution, self-dual binary random-bond, self-dual continuous random bond.Comment: LaTeX file with IOP macros, 29 pages, 14 eps figure

    Probabilistic Quantum Logic Operations Using Polarizing Beam Splitters

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    It has previously been shown that probabilistic quantum logic operations can be performed using linear optical elements, additional photons (ancilla), and post-selection based on the output of single-photon detectors. Here we describe the operation of several quantum logic operations of an elementary nature, including a quantum parity check and a quantum encoder, and we show how they can be combined to implement a controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate. All of these gates can be constructed using polarizing beam splitters that completely transmit one state of polarization and totally reflect the orthogonal state of polarization, which allows a simple explanation of each operation. We also describe a polarizing beam splitter implementation of a CNOT gate that is closely analogous to the quantum teleportation technique previously suggested by Gottesman and Chuang [Nature 402, p.390 (1999)]. Finally, our approach has the interesting feature that it makes practical use of a quantum-eraser technique.Comment: 9 pages, RevTex; Submitted to Phys. Rev. A; additional references inlcude

    A Color Mutation Model of Soft Interaction in High Energy Hadronic Collisions

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    A comprehensive model, called ECOMB, is proposed to describe multiparticle production by soft interaction. It incorporates the eikonal formalism, parton model, color mutation, branching and recombination. The physics is conceptually opposite to the dynamics that underlies the fragmentation of a string. The partons are present initially in a hadronic collision; they form a single, large, color-neutral cluster until color mutation of the quarks leads to a fission of the cluster into two color-neutral subclusters. The mutation and branching processes continue until only qqˉq\bar q pairs are left in each small cluster. The model contains self-similar dynamics and exhibits scaling behavior in the factorial moments. It can satisfactorily reproduce the intermittency data that no other model has been able to fit.Comment: 24 pages including 11 figures in revtex epsf styl

    Super congruences and Euler numbers

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    Let p>3p>3 be a prime. We prove that ∑k=0p−1(2kk)/2k=(−1)(p−1)/2−p2Ep−3(modp3),\sum_{k=0}^{p-1}\binom{2k}{k}/2^k=(-1)^{(p-1)/2}-p^2E_{p-3} (mod p^3), ∑k=1(p−1)/2(2kk)/k=(−1)(p+1)/28/3∗pEp−3(modp2),\sum_{k=1}^{(p-1)/2}\binom{2k}{k}/k=(-1)^{(p+1)/2}8/3*pE_{p-3} (mod p^2), ∑k=0(p−1)/2(2kk)2/16k=(−1)(p−1)/2+p2Ep−3(modp3)\sum_{k=0}^{(p-1)/2}\binom{2k}{k}^2/16^k=(-1)^{(p-1)/2}+p^2E_{p-3} (mod p^3), where E_0,E_1,E_2,... are Euler numbers. Our new approach is of combinatorial nature. We also formulate many conjectures concerning super congruences and relate most of them to Euler numbers or Bernoulli numbers. Motivated by our investigation of super congruences, we also raise a conjecture on 7 new series for π2\pi^2, π−2\pi^{-2} and the constant K:=∑k>0(k/3)/k2K:=\sum_{k>0}(k/3)/k^2 (with (-) the Jacobi symbol), two of which are ∑k=1∞(10k−3)8k/(k3(2kk)2(3kk))=π2/2\sum_{k=1}^\infty(10k-3)8^k/(k^3\binom{2k}{k}^2\binom{3k}{k})=\pi^2/2 and \sum_{k>0}(15k-4)(-27)^{k-1}/(k^3\binom{2k}{k}^2\binom{3k}k)=K.$
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